Tips for IELTS listening
IELTS Listening is the module in which you can easily score 9 bands because in this test you don’t have to create your own ideas or narrate the things. The only thing that you have to do is to listen the things locate the answers and write them down. It’s a fact that locating and writing the answers are not an easy task as in IELTS listening you have to Read the given questions, listen to the clip and write the answers all side by side which is very hard to do at the same time. Students usually lose their score in this module as they mismanage the things so today in this article we will discuss some Tips for IELTS listening.
1. Listen read listen
For this you need to find the short audio in English about 4 or 5 minutes and it’s transcript in the written text. So first of all you listen to the recording once or twice and try to understand as much as you can then take the transcript and listen to the recording again with the transcript in your hand and read the content while listening if the certain moment is difficult for you that you cannot understand then you can pause the recording rewind it Listen to it again. When you come across any new word from the context which you can’t guess the meaning of you can check it up in the dictionary once you have done that listen to the recording again without the transcript and only use it if you encounter a moment where you still don’t understand what’s said. It will help you in understanding the accent as well as to increase your vocabulary.
2. Improve your vocabulary
The audios that will be played in the listening section will be on different concepts and factors. You must improve your vocabulary to understand this section in a better way. Read a few words every single day and use them in your conversations every day or you can follow some other techniques that can help you to increase your vocabulary.
3. Don’t lose attention
Remember, you will only hear the audio only once and neither it can be paused nor rewind in the test. So if you didn’t hear some words and passed over some questions, don’t worry! Or lose your valuable time thinking of the question left it’s better to leave them blank and focus on the actual part. Mark the left questions so that you remember them to review them again at the end of the section. If you stuck on single question then you will only miss more questions and tangle in the recording. You will need to read, write and listen all at the same time.
4. Check for silly mistakes
After each part you have 30 seconds to check your answers. It is important to check spelling, plurals and word forms. Remember that only correctly written answers will gain points.
5. Utilize your minute properly
Between every part some time is given to read the question you should utilize this time to read the question and underlining the keywords. Don’t bother for other things in this given time or you will miss the chance to get familiar with the upcoming part.
6. Write answers on the question paper
You should not write the answers on the answer sheet directly as this will distract you and the chances of leaving the answers enhance so you should copy the answers at the end on the test. In IELTS listening module only you will be given 10 minutes extra at the end of the exam to transfer your answers on the answer sheet.
Thank you:-