As you know that the IELTS general training task 1 demands to write either a formal or an informal letter on a particular topic. In the task rubric you will get three bullet points to address in the letter. You need to complete your task within 20 minutes by using 150 words.
The examiner wants to access your functional writing skills. The main motive of this writing task is to examine whether you are able to write various kind of letters such as to complain, suggest, provide information, apologize or ask for information in an appropriate structure and language, using an appropriate tone. Here are some tips for General Training Writing Task 1 by which you can easily write your task.
Before start writing, just read the statement carefully, analyzes the type of letter that you want to write. To address the task in a better way try to address all the bullets points in your writing along with an appropriate format and language.
Here is a simple formula that would help you to plan and write your letter. It’s an ODAC formula that stands for opening, details, actions and closing. Use of these four elements would definitely help you to a higher IELTS band score for task 1.
Let’s have a detail look on ODAC formula
Firstly try to read the question with full of concentration so that you can wisely indentify the type ,purpose and context of the letter .in case you have been asked to write to a friend or a family member It’s a informal letter and if you write to your manager or your professor then it’s a formal letter.
After this try to find the purpose of writing the letter. Analyze the function that you need to perform in the writing. Ask yourself is it a letter of invitation, complaint, invitation or it asking you to give some specific information?
The purpose of studying formal letter can be signposted by using such ways, ” I wish to raise the issue of….”,/”I am writing to apologies…”,/”I would like to conduct a workshop…” In an informal letter the purpose could be a little more casual like “I just want to thank you for….”/,”I want to share some exciting news with you ..”. The purpose of the paragraph must be placed in the opening paragraph of the letter.
You have to choose the tone of the letter according to the type of letter. To achieve higher band score in writing it is really important to get a right tone and maintain it throughout the letter for instance if you write a letter to your manager for taking a leave by writing, “hi , Monica. I want to take two days off next week to plan my son’s birthday party “,it’s not a appropriate tone for formal letters. Consequently, the language you used is basically conveyed the tone of your writing so use it wisely.
As you all know that in a letter there bullet points in the prompt. Read each bullet point very carefully and address them all in your writing. Two main things are required to write a single bullet point .for example sometimes the bullet point could be “describe the course and why do you think the course is right for him/her” .you need to answer both the questions in your writing like about the course as well as why you are recommending this course to a friend.
Moreover look out for plurals like “describe the problems that you had on your work place.”If you only mention one problem it may affect your band score. A separate paragraph is needed for a single bullet point. Try to use one central topic for each bullet point and mention that in your first sentence of the paragraph .after that support your idea by adding two or three sentences. You can also add specific examples to substantiate your main ideas. Try to write a transition sentence at last to provide a link to the next paragraph
Generally the last bullet point of the statement is an action oriented one. It always needs to address suggestions, directions or take some action. In the last paragraph you had to a state clear that what you want the reader to do.
In a formal letter the action points should be framed as “Therefore, I would like to suggest…” “I would like you to ensure that…”, Please let me know whether…”, “I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter…” For an informal letter, the tone could be slightly more casual like “do let me know if…”, “make sure that you follow my directions”, “let’s see if we can”, “I really would like you to…”, “do get back to me for further details…”, “I really hope you can make it…..”.
After these kind of statements tries to give a reference to future contact. For formal letters you can write “I look forward to meeting you in person”, “I look forward to hearing from you on this at the earliest”, “We hope that we may continue our association” “I look forward to working with you in the future”….. In an informal letter, the reference to a future contact would be like this “let’s meet up soon”, “enjoy your event”, “really looking forward to our trip”, “I hope to hear from you soon”, “give my regards to”. However keep one thing in mind avoid using SMS language or abbreviations in any informal letter that may lower your score in writing.
The opening and closing of any letter must be in according to the type of letter whether it is formal or informal
Conventions of letter writing see the table below:
Salutation Complimentary Close Usage
Dear Sir/Dear Madam Yours faithfully Formal
Dear Mr. Verma/Dear Ms. Gupta Yours sincerely Formal
Dear Ranbir/Dear Nisha Warm regards, Best regards Informal
Don’t do the common mistakes of writing in the IELTS General Training writing test like – Dear Mr. Ranbir i.e. using the title and the first name. You will be ended up with lower scores if you don’t follow the appropriate conventions and salutations.
Closing is considered to be the extremely important part of the letter it is quite necessary to achieve desired band score in writing. A mere “thinking you “is not a perfect closing unless it’s followed by a “your faithfully “or “your sincerely”.
Lastly I would suggest don’t forget to use our ODAC formula that will definitely help you to structure your letter. Keep practicing after writing try to review it.