Time required for IELTS Preparation:
It is advised by experts to begin your preparation 6-7weeks prior to your test. But there is no fixed time limit to prepare for your IELTS exam as it also depends upon on your level of English language. So, therefore depending upon your level you can begin your preparation one year in advance or do a last-minute preparation.
Build your vocabulary (Speaking Skills):
The key to learn any language is to expose yourself to different forms of that language. In initial phases of learning English language read small articles and newspaper. Latter watch recommended English movies and TV serials with subtitles and Listen to English songs and try to sing and learn the lyrics. At the end of the day, write all the new words in a notebook along with their meanings. Practice framing sentences using those words. Use them when talking to people as it will help to increase your confidence and your comfort level. Work on these IELTS exam tips and you will see a huge difference in your English Language skill overall.
How to prepare for IELTS at home?
Think in English:
IELTS preparation can be done at home. Yes, train your mind to think in English. Usually we think in our native language and then translate it into English. So, by doing that our thinking time increases and we put unnecessary burden on our brain. Over the period of time you will start improving and no longer you will hesitate to speak in English. You can practice this technique by:
– Paste some words in English, that you often use in your native language so,when you enter the room and look around, these words will get registered in your mind. After a while, you will begin to utter these words, effortlessly.
– Start talking to people in English, it will help you to get into flow and you won’t feel awkward.
Learn the art of reading, so that you read a topic in less time. When you come across a difficult word, add it to your word bank. More things to work on are:’
– To achieve good score in reading module, learn the art of Skimming and Scanning. You can get material from outside or from IELTS institute to understand it better.
– It is very important to learn to derive the central idea of a particular passage quickly. As there is a time limit in the exam so, you need to be quick in reading the passage and understanding the context.
– Take help if needed tounderstand how the particular passage or topic is structured. As you can than structure your paragraphs in the right manner, seamlessly.
For improving your writing skills:
Writing can be tricky for some students. Learn how to frame your introduction, organize the body paragraphs and conclusion. This will add volume to the content and will improve speed. You can write 250 words in no time. Learn how to paraphrase and do practice writing mock test which will improve your overall band and you will know which area you need to work on.
Enhance your Listening skills
It is important to note that the recording will be played only once. So, it is important to concentrate on your listening skills. Also, some effort is required, to understand the native speaker’s accent. Familiarize yourself with the various slangs and dialects of the English language by watching movies, debates and songs. As I always say practice tests are a boon and it will help you figure out in which area you need help. If you cannot understand particular audio, play it once again and try to understand each and everything. Practice them as in the actual exam. This will improve your hold on Listening skill and concentration as-well.
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