The procedure of IELTS Test Security
There are numerous security measures in place to support genuine test takers and protect the interests of the organizations who rely on the integrity of IELTS results.
In IELTS Test a strict set of protocols is in place to safeguard every aspect of the test. This includes the followings:
– Test papers are surrounded by tight regulations
– Biometric test taker registration and verification systems
– Trained Staff which helps identify imposters, detect fraudulent behavior and prevent cheating
– Strict terms and test conditions
– Routine scrutiny of test results before release.
This multi-layered approach to test security also includes helps maintaining fairness and accurate results and strict protocols surrounding test centre operations and audits.
The IELTS Partners also work closely with relevant authorities worldwide, including migration and law enforcement agencies, to detect, prevent, and, where appropriate, prosecute any cheating or fraud attempt in accordance with local legislation.
Warning to all the test takers
Do not waste your money or risk your future by attempting to cheat. Do not trust anyone trying to sell IELTS results.
How to report IELTS test scams
If you have concerns relating to the security of IELTS (e.g. you have heard about suspected scams or suspected fraudulent activities), you can report them to us using this online report form.
It is important that all candidates are familiar with the rules and regulations surrounding the IELTS test.
You must:
– Provide proof of your identity using a valid passport or National ID card in the morning at registration and prior to your speaking Exam. Your passport and National ID must contain a passport number, a signature, a date of birth and a photograph.
– Only have on your desk your identification, pencil/pen (provided by the exam Centre), an eraser (provided by the test center), and your passport or national ID card.
– Ensure cell phone, pagers and any other electronic device is switched off and placed with personal belongings outside the room (or preferably left at home or in your car). Any candidate who does not switch off their phone/pager, or who retains one in their possession will be immediately disqualified and asked to leave the test.
– Notify the Invigilator or test supervisor immediately if test day conditions in any way impede your performance.
You must NEVER DO:
– Impersonate another person or have another person impersonate you.
– Attempt to cheat, copy the work of another candidate or disrupt the test.
– Use, or attempt to use, a dictionary, pager, spell-checker, electronic recorder or cell phone for the duration of the test. Any candidate doing so will be disqualified and asked to leave.
– Talk to or disturb other candidates once the examination has started.
– Smoke or eat in the examination room.
– Reproduce any part of the test in any format/medium. Any candidate doing so will have their test results disqualified and be liable to prosecution.
– Remove any materials used during the examination. This includes, but is not limited to, examination papers, speaking task cards, answer papers or working papers.
Thank You 🙂