Special arrangements for IELTS EXAM

Special arrangements for IELTS EXAM
Special arrangements for IELTS EXAM

Special arrangements for IELTS EXAM

IELTS test is a fair test and every aspirant has the right to appear in the exam and keeping in mind the authorities of IELTS have made special arrangements for the Specially abled persons. Today in this article we will discuss about what are the special arrangements for them and how it can be availed.

Evidence of disability 

To avail the facility one have to submit some documentary proof of the disability which should be as following- 

– The evidence should be an original document on headed paper, and bearing the name, relevant qualification/s and signature of a recognised, qualified professional. 

– The evidence should give a clear statement of the candidate’s disability. 

– The evidence should make it clear how the disability justifies Special Arrangements.

– The evidence needs to be provided in English. In case of a medical report in other regional language, a summary in English is required. There’s no need for a certified translation.

– The evidence must be in the form of a letter or report prepared when the candidate was aged 13 or older. 

– The evidence must include details of the degree of disability. 

– The letter or report must include an assurance that the evidence of specific difficulties was obtained through the results of appropriate and recognized tests and the tests used must be stated. 

– The evidence must be provided by a fully qualified educational, clinical or chartered psychologist, or other appropriately-qualified specialist assessor. 

For the Listening test:

Hearing difficulty

If a person have difficulty in hearing whether partial or full deafness here are the facilities which can be given to the candidate.

– If you suffer from partial hearing loss and can hear with the help of headphones or special amplification equipment, you may ask for permission to use this type of equipment. But the use of Walkman, MP3 Player or similar personal stereo is prohibited.

– If the above said equipments don’t help you than you can ask for a lip-reading version of the Listening test. In this a supervisor will be allotted to you who will speak the text twice and you will be given enough time to read the questions and write answers in every part.

Visual difficulty

Like hearing if a person is facing visual problem for this also there are some facilities which is given to attend the exam.

Extra time

– If you are suffering from some visual problems you can ask for some extra time to complete your exam it may be 25%, 50% or 100% of the normal time. In addition, you will also be given some breaks in the paper.

– If you are partially sighted you may use the following equipment: magnifying glass, hand-held scanning apparatus, etc.

– You may ask for a ‘reader’ to read and re-read questions to you

– Braille question papers – Braille versions can normally be made available. For this you have to tell the authorities at least 3 months in advance whether you need your papers in contracted or uncontracted Braille

– Enlarged question paper

– You can be provided a reader and an amanuensis. A reader is a person who will read the questions for you and amanuensis is a person who will write the answers for you but you are not suppose to discuss anything with them.

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Special arrangements for IELTS EXAM


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