Revamp the English Learning by Self-learning
This Article is for those who prefer to do independent study, following are the handy tips which assist them to get better at Listening.
Study a little bit at a time .
You have only few minutes to study per day ?? Perfect .. Believe it or not, that’s even much better than having a lot of time to study.
To exemplify this, there are so many scientific studies that prove that learning 15-30 minutes everyday is more better than trying to memorize hundreds of new words and grammar rules in just one day .
Listen to the same English podcast every day for a week.
Find a podcast that you find interesting or entertaining and choose one episode. Listen to that episode every day for a week-while you’re driving, riding the bus, washing dishes etc. Pick out words or phrases that are hard to understand and look them up on first an second days . Don’t forget to hit “pause” and listen again .
After a couple of days, you should be able to listen out for these words and Understand them . It may also help to memorize parts of the podcast and practice speaking them out loud.
Revamp the English Learning by Self-learning
Listen for the difference between yourself and the speaker.
By the last day, you’ll find that you can understand much more than on the first day. As your ear adjust to head this English podcast episode, it’ll be easier to listen to new audio in English.
Revamp the English Learning by Self-learning
Overhear an English Conversation
If you’re living somewhere, where English is spoken, take an afternoon to hunt for an English conversation.
When you start to hear English, slow down and listen. At first, you won’t know what they’re talking about since you’ll probably start listening in the middle of the conversation. This will make it even more challenging to understand, but also more fun .
Hearing English in use is one of the best method to learn the language. It will help you to build your understanding of how to actually use vocabulary concepts and even commonly used slang.
Take the advantage of ‘White Noise’
White noise can mean different things, and it’s dictionary definition is quite complicated even for native speakers.
When it comes to “Normal people”, I would define white noise as some kind of sound, normally continuous, that goes on in the background while you do something else.
One of the things about white noise is that we generally don’t have to pay attention to it. The music you’re listening or the TV ‘talking to itself’ while you clean the bathroom is just there. You don’t have to be Listening to and focusing on them ( active listening).
Revamp the English Learning by Self-learning
Read and listen at the same time
Another way to ameliorate your listening skills is to use two sources of information at the same time. This simply means that you must be not only listening, but also getting your English from another place at the same time.
Experiment with different accents
Are American movies easier for you to understand than British movies? Or may be the opposite is true?
You might have trouble Understanding some English accents the first few times you listen to them. This is normal! Even native English speakers can have understanding different English accents .
Revamp the English Learning by Self-learning
Listen as you sleep
No, I haven’t gone crazy. It’s actually possible to practice your English while you sleep.
Join a Conversation group.
After all this practice independently, you’re ready to start actually using your new listening skills. But how?
One superior way is to join a group of English learners who host a conversation table.
Conversation groups often meet regularly, but it’s not a class.
This will be a great way to listen to a distinct range of English accents and voices. If you get nervousness about speaking English, remind yourself that you’re going to listen- and this is totally okay. You can tell even the other speakers this if you want to, if you think it’ll be weird to sit quietly. You could say something like:
Hi , I’m Rebecca. I’m going to focus on Listening tonight,so I might not say very much !
Besides listening and speaking practice, joining a conversation group can also be a fantastic way to make new words.
Revamp the English Learning by Self-learning

Revamp the English Learning by Self-learning