Pen or Pencil for IELTS Exam?

Pen or Pencil for IELTS Exam?

Pen or Pencil in IELTS Exam?
Pen or Pencil in IELTS Exam?

Pen or Pencil for IELTS Exam?

One of the most common questions that come in the mind of IELTS test takers is that whether they have to attempt the test with pen or pencil? Let us discuss the answer for this most frequently asked question.

IELTS Writing

You can use either a pen or pencil in the IELTS Writing Task 1 or Writing Task 2 paper.

It makes no difference to your score or the marking process. The most important thing is that your handwriting is easy to read.

Therefore, the best one to choose is the one you feel most comfortable using.

If you make a mistake using a pen, you can either:

– Cross it out and continue; or

– Cross it out and write the correction in smaller letters above the mistake.

The examiner will understand that a crossed-out word is to be ignored, so don’t waste time trying to make your answer sheet look perfect.

IELTS Listening and Reading

All of your answers must be written in pencil for the Listening and Reading tests.

It is important that you do not use a pen.

There are essential tips that you should keep in mind:

– If you are using a pen in the IELTS exam, it is okay to cross out mistakes. Just make sure the examiner can read everything.

– Also, check with your IELTS test center to see whether they are supplying stationary. However, you should bring your stationery to be sure.

– DO NOT put a single thin line through mistakes. Instead, put many lines through mistakes to delete the word. It will make it easier for the examiner to see which word were mistakes and which are not.

– Make sure the pencil is not too light in color.

– If you do think you may need to do quite a few corrections, then a pencil for IELTS is probably better.

– Either way, whether using a pen or pencil in IELTS, make sure you write as clearly as you can.

– There is not a penalty for poor handwriting, but the fact is that if the examiner simply cannot read some of what you have written, how can they be sure of what standard it is?

– If they have to guess they are unlikely to give you benefit of the doubt and assume it’s all high level.

– So practice and make sure your handwriting it clear. If you are unsure, get a friend read a sample of your writing and they can tell you if there are any problems.

Does handwriting affects the score?

Handwriting does not directly impact your score; however, it cannot be denied that it might influence your score if it is not clearly understandable for the examiner. In writing module, your handwriting will affect your score only if it is not legible for the examiner. If the examiner would be able to read what you have written, then definitely it will affect your score.

For the reading and listening tests, answers are either correct or incorrect. Handwriting is not of utmost importance in these two modules. However, your answers should be easily understandable hence you should write these in capital letters.

So here are few tips on how to avert losing marks due to bad handwriting:

1. Maintain a good readable handwriting for the examiner to read correctly.

2. Provide proper space between the words and paragraphs.

3. careful with Y’s and G’s if you have a cursive writing.

4. Make sure your pencil is sharpened.

5. When you erase a word, erase it completely and write a new word.

6. Daily practice will enhance your writing skills and speed.

7. Try not to go over the lines in the answer sheet.

8. Time yourself in writing so that you are able to write correctly and neatly even under pressure.


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