• Read the first question (the statement that isn’t full) and note the keywords. It is best to scan the options simultaneously and identify keywords from them if the question phrase is not sufficiently detailed.
• Next, navigate to the necessary passage and use keywords to find the location.
• Carefully read this section and consider each option one at a time.
• The Process of Elimination frequently aids in determining the right response. The erroneous options, which can be partially true or contradictory, merely contain the keywords and do not convey the same meaning as the passage. Get rid of these choices.
•Instead of matching the words, get the correct answer by matching the meaning.
• Proceed in the same manner with the next query. Although the options under a question are not always in sequence, the questions are presented in a progressive manner.
• Occasionally, the final multiple-choice question will focus on the reader’s comprehension of the material as a whole or on its main topic.
• Pay close attention when reading. Go through the passage in great detail. In contrast to other question types, this one requires details.
Additionally, underlining keywords is a wise strategy. Find the passage that contains the keywords and read it in relation to its surroundings. It aids in selecting the right response.
• Occasionally, the final multiple-choice question will focus on the reader’s comprehension of the material as a whole or on its main topic.
• Pay close attention when reading. Go through the passage in great detail. In contrast to other question types, this one requires details.
Additionally, underlining keywords is a wise strategy. Find the passage that contains the keywords and read it in relation to its surroundings. It aids in selecting the right response.
• Respond to every query. Guess the right answer even if you are unsure of it. There’s a chance the answer that was guessed might be accurate. The examiner will mark your answer incorrectly if you left it blank without providing an answer.
• Verify that you have selected the necessary amount of responses. There are situations where there are multiple choices in a question.
WE hope these techniques and suggestions for IELTS Academic Reading Multiple Choice Questions will enable you to get a score of 7+ bands.
Problems with responding to MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
• There are instances where the options in the list have comparable meanings. The pupils might be tricked into selecting the incorrect response.
• It is insufficient to skim this type of question. Text must be studied carefully and in detail.
• Students who only have a cursory knowledge of the book may select this option.
Skills needed to answer MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
• Capacity to read the text and identify key information;
• Capacity to pay attention when responding to inquiries;
Answer questions 1-5 which are based on the reading passage below.
A Complex Relationship Reading Passage
Ants and aphids are known to have a complex relationship. Aphids provide ants with a food source the – sugar-rich honeydew they excrete when eating plants – and, in return, the ants protect the aphids from ladybirds and other insects that prey on them.
To ensure a constant supply of honeydew, some ant species cultivate large numbers of aphids and prevent them from straying too far from the colony by biting and damaging, or even completely removing, their wings. The ants also secrete a chemical from their mandibles which inhibits wing development in juvenile aphids.
Ants communicate with each other using a large repertoire of chemical signals, which are actively secreted onto surfaces from exocrine glands on the legs. These signals can recruit nestmates to food sources and are also used to mark a colony’s territory. Ants secrete chemicals passively too. As an ant moves, hydrocarbons are shed from the cuticle (the waterproof outer lining of the exoskeleton), leaving a chemical trail.
Ants use behavioural signals called semiochemicals to manipulate aphids’ nervous systems. Ant’s own behaviour can be manipulated too, by parasitic fungi. Earlier work has shown that the presence of ants can somehow tranquilize aphids and limit their motor functions, but
whether or not this required direct contact between the ants and aphids is unclear.
Using digital video cameras to measure the walking speeds of aphids, Tom Oliver of Imperial College London and colleagues from Royal Holloway and the University of Reading have shown that aphids move much more slowly on paper that has previously been walked on by
ants. They believe that the chemicals laid down in the ants’ footprints are used to maintain an aphid farm near the ant colony.
Maintaining a populous aphid farm in a small area is obviously beneficial to the ants, as it would provide them with large quantities of honeydew. However, the relationship between the two species is complex, and it seems that the ants’ manipulation of the aphids behaviour is exploitative.
Normally, aphids wander off to new locations when conditions become crowded, to establish new populations nearby. And although ant-attended aphid populations are bigger and live longer than those not attended by ants, the ants prevent the aphid dispersal that is necessary to maintain a stable meta-population and makes the aphids more vulnerable to parasites.
Questions 1-5
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C OR D.
1. Honeydew is naturally produced by
A. Ants.
B. Plants.
C. Aphids.
D. Ladybirds.
2. How do ants ensure they have regular supplies of honeydew?
A. They provide food to aphids.
B. They maintain a large population of aphids.
C. They force aphids to secrete a chemical.
D. They find more juvenile aphids.
3. Studies have shown that the nervous system of aphids is affected by
A. The behaviour of ants.
B. Using parasitic fungi.
C. Direct contact with ants.
D. Chemicals secreted by ants.
4. According to the writer, the relationship between ant and aphids
A. Beneficial for both.
B. Easy to explain.
C. Natural.
D. Not beneficial to aphids.
5. What do aphids do if the area becomes overpopulated?
A. Start a new colony
B. Start a stable meta-population
C. They grow bigger
D. They live longer than ants
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A