Common mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 2

mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 2
mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 2

Common mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 2

Some students find it difficult to get the desired band scores in IELTS writing exam as they make some common mistakes in IELTS writing task 2. Some common mistakes that a number of students make are discussed below:

Using wrong words

What numerous students do is that they cram a plethora of words for the writing module of IELTS. They do not learn the usage of those words, instead they only learn the words and use them in their task. But they use them incorrectly because of not knowing that where to use those words. Hence, you should always use only those words with whose meaning you are clear with and you know the proper usage of the word.

It is certainly right to say that if you want to achieve high band scores then you must use a high range of vocabulary but do not use it forcefully. If you use it forcefully then you might use it inappropriately and hence loose points.

Instead what you can do is try to go through some common task 2 topics and down the vocabulary or some uncommon words and then try to find the context in which you can use those words. You can even read some newspapers, magazines as well. If you are sure with the usage of the word then only use it. You should learn everything about a particular word before using.

Grammar Errors

One major reason of not getting even 6 bands is making grammatical mistakes. If your grammar is good but still you make some minor errors in almost each and every sentence then it might be difficult for you to score even 6 bands in IELTS writing section.

You should write an essay and get it evaluated by a teacher, who is good at it. By doing this you might come to know about the common errors that you make. Some of the common mistakes by most of you includes articles, countable and uncountable nouns as well as subject-verb agreement. By identifying your errors and overcoming them you can increase your points.

Moreover, you should always have 3-4 minutes left at the end of your writing, for proof reading. Proof reading means reading the essay after writing it so that you can find your own mistakes and edits them.

Usage of cohesive devices

Cohesive devices are those words which tell the reader that what you are going to mention in your sentence or paragraph. Some cohesive devices are for instance, to conclude, in addition. There is a common myth that if you will use these words a lot then you will get high band scores. But this is not the truth. As you can see the essays of high band achievers, you can see that these devices are merely used. Hence, you should use these words only then when they are required.

If you want to make your writing more cohesive and coherent, then you should use such Cohesive devices only 2-3 times per paragraph. Avoid to begin each and every paragraph with a cohesive device.

Answer of both the parts of question

 A number of task 2 topics contain those statements which have 2 questions. These two questions are separate from each other. Some examples of such questions types are discuss both the views, advantages and disadvantages or discuss the problems and solutions of a particular topic. In such case you should cover both the questions in your task and that also equally. Don’t mention 3 ideas for question 1 and only 1 idea for question 2.

Writing ideas and reasons for the topic and not for the question

Some students loose points because of the fact that they understand the topic and start writing about it without even thinking about the question. They are supposed to give ideas about the question that they have been asked and not about the topic. Therefore, you should never make such mistake and always answer the question that is asked.

Incapable of generating ideas

You get 40 minutes to write task 2 of IELTS writing. The first 5 minutes of this time should be spent by you on preparing a blueprint of the essay. You should think of as many as ideas you can think and then choose the best from them. In this way you will not waste time on thinking about the ideas while writing.


mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 2


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

mistakes in IELTS Writing Task 2

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