Most common 4 Mistakes done in IELTS Listening and Reading Section
There are some common mistakes that students do and as a result their scores get deducted. These mistakes can be cured with simple remedies so today we will discuss Most common 4 Mistakes done in IELTS Listening and Reading Section.
1. IELTS Listening Section Mistakes
“Transferring” answers: In the IELTS Listening test 10 minutes is provided in the end of the test to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. This means that you should write the answers on the question paper to avoid distraction.
Now the problem occurs when students rush to copy answers to the answer sheet. In order to finish the work fast they often make Spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes and sometimes they even shuffle the answers as a result they lose points.
– During your practice time you should write and practice English spelling every day. Memorize some of the most common and difficult English words to spell.
– Practice copying your answer accurately on the sheet in 10 minutes as this is the time limit given in the exam. This way, you will not feel rushed and can easily copy your answers. Follow some tips for preparation to get high score.
Violating word limit rule
In the IELTS listening, you can be given a question type in which you have to fill the missing information. You have to listen the audio and based on it you have to write the required information.
In this question type a word limit is given like “no more than two words.” To know the word limit you have to read the instructions if you violate the word limit and wrote more than it you will be penalized.
Grammatically wrong answers:
While filling in missing words you can give the answers that are grammatically wrong.
When you hear the right information, check your answer to know that it really makes sense in the phrase or not. Make sure to use the right part of speech (noun, adjective, verb, etc.).
Missing answers:
Some of the time you don’t understand the recording and you miss the answer. In this situation what will you do? Will you just skip the question?
No! You should write something, especially for questions with multiple choice options. That way, you have a chance of getting some points.
2. IELTS Reading Section Mistakes
Searching for your answer for too long:
In Reading test you get 60 minutes to solve 40 questions which means that you have only 1.5 minute to solve each question. This is a very short time so do not spend too much time on a difficult question. If you don’t find any answer just leave it and move on to the next question. If at the end of the exam you have some time in your hand go back to the question ad try to solve it.
You cannot afford to take extra time for difficult questions. As if you got stuck on a single question than you will lose precious time that you can spent on simpler ones.
Matching headings to paragraphs blindly:
In match the heading question type where you have to match a heading to the section of the text it is referring to. This type is pretty difficult and it is hard to complete this text while reading. However, it can be easier if you first read the text completely, and then choose the headings.
It is nearly impossible to identify the right heading without reading the whole passage as without reading it you cannot know what the whole text is about—you will just get confused. In the options there are some heading that cannot be used at all as they are irrelevant the first step you should take is to get rid of them after reading the passage.
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