Mistake in IELTS Reading and how to avoid them?
As it is normally said “To err is human” and we make lot of mistakes especially in exams and this is common in IELTS too. I think the mistakes are committed as the aspirants are in tremendous pressure as this is the life changing exam for them. The foundation of studying abroad is laid on this exam and if they lacked by one or half band their dream of going abroad can scatter.
Every aspirant work too hard to score good bands as they take classes for whole day long and even the exam is also quite lengthy. So it can sometimes be difficult to cope up with the situation and student loses concentration and does some silly mistakes. Today we will discuss what are the mistakes commonly done in the reading test and their remedies.
Not reading the instructions carefully.
Most of the test takers get their scores deducted because they don’t read the instructions carefully in order to save some time. Reading instructions is very important as according to one have to give answers. For instant if it is guided NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS then the answers should not exceed the limit. Here the students lose marks as they write more than two words so it is necessary to read the instructions and follow them.
Not writing the answers on answer sheets
In reading no extra time is given to copy the answers but still many test takers write on question paper and then waste time to copy them. It is strictly recommended to write the answers on the answer sheet directly.
Leaving answer unanswered
Don’t leave any answer unanswered as there is no negative marking in IELTS so you can go with an educated guess. Sometimes the guess work also works and you can get a score.
Getting stuck on unknown vocabulary
There are many words in the reading test of which you don’t know the meaning dot get adhered to know their meaning just ignore them or assume their meanings by the sense of the sentence. Getting stuck on a single word can waste your time.
Copying incorrectly answers
It is another think which impact the scores, many aspirants don’t copy the words exactly and commit either spelling mistakes or sometimes grammatically. Another thing is that students don’t understand when to write in capital letters and get their scored deducted so you are advised to write whole word in capital letters.
Reading whole passage
In reading test there can be 4-5 lengthy passages in the test and if you start reading all of them most of your time will be consumed in it. So the best tool to tackle this problem is skimming the text. In this method you just go through the passage and underline the important information from it.
Another thing is don’t panic and stay calm in every situation. If you get panic you will not be able to focus on the matter and your answers will go wrong. So just remain calm and focus on the passages.
Hope all these tips will help you but remember if you think by reading this article you are ready for the exam that’s not the right approach as all these things need practice. So practice on daily basis to be a master.