Learn How to Manage Time in IELTS Reading for 2021 exam

Manage Time in IELTS Reading
Manage Time in IELTS Reading

Learn how to manage time in IELTS reading for 2021 exam

As we all know that there is only 60 minutes for the entire Reading test and you have to answer 40 questionsso, managing time is very important in IELTS Reading exam. There are three passages in IELTS Reading exam and it is recommended to spend only 20 minutes on each passage part.Incase you find the first passage easy, you may finish it in a short time this will allow you to give  more time to answer questions in the next two passages. The passages get harder as you move through the test that is first one is considered to be the easiest and last one is the toughest so, make sure you keep some extra time for the third passage.

1: Have a look at the questions first:

Before start reading the passage it’s advisable to go through the questions first as it will give you an idea about the passage as when you are reading, your brain is working hard to create a picture of what the passage is all about so youby reading the questions first you can save your brain from that trouble. Know when you already have an idea about the topic by reading the questions quickly this will allow you to read the passage more quickly as you will know what to expect.Don’t spend more than 5 minutes on this exercise.

2: How to read the passage:

Start on the passage immediately after previewing the questions. The best way to approach the passage is to follow the specific order: firstly the introduction than the conclusion after that the body. As discussed above that by reading the conclusion you already know what to expect and it’s concentrate on the story than.

3: Don’t read every sentence:

In this paragraph we will discuss about skimming. Skimming is when you read a text quickly in order to get the general idea. One technique is advisable that is always keep your eyes moving forward and avoid ‘back skipping’when you find a word you don’t know. One more technique is to look for main ideas, which you will near the beginning of each new paragraph. Once you’ve found this idea, you don’t need to read all of the supporting sentences. Give quick glance at the final sentence as that can help you confirm if that main idea was the correct one.

4: Underline specific information:

Next tip we will discuss is related to scanning, which means quick glancing for a particular word but it’s something you can do while reading and before you start answering the questions. If you find some important piece of information such as the name of a person, place or organization, underline it as latter you will be searching for them because these names will almost certainly appear in the questions.

5: Spend no more than one minute per question

As you already know that the time is very crucial in IELTS Reading exam so it’s not advisable to spend more than 1 minute on each question. The logic is very simple as in both sections, 30 out of 40 correct answers are enough to get Band 7, which indeed is a good score. You should try answering all the questions but investing more than 1 minute for 1 question is not advisable. As all questions hold same marks. If you find a question tough leave it and come back latter if you have time.

Thank you 😊


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