Improve listening skills
Know the Test
First thing is to know about the listening exam, it is similar for both Academic and General. It’s of thirty minutes and ten minutes are given to transfer your answers to the answers sheet. The most important thing is that the audio clip is not repeated and you can listen only once. So you should prepare accordingly.
Audio Scripts
It is recommended to choose the practice tests with scripts. Now what is Audio Script? It is a word to word written text of the audio. There are many benefits of audio script. First one is that in the initial stage you may not understand what the narrator has said as the native speakers pronounce the word differently this will help you to know and understand the words.
How to practice with script
First listen the audio and make note than compare them with the script. Check for accuracy spelling and misunderstanding. Then again listen the audio with the script in hand and try to catch words which you have misunderstood.
How to prepare
Now when you get some command over the audio clip it’s time to start with the question paper. In the exam you are given some time to look at the question of a part in this time you should read the questions and underline the keywords. Keywords are the words that you think are important or can relate to you with the answer. Now when the clip starts listen it with full concentration and focus on the keywords underlined by you. This practice will help you to identify the answers with ease. Here I would like to add another thing is don’t think you will get the answers in the same wording as many synonyms are used in it so be alert for them also.
Practice Material
For practicing don’t only rely on the practice tests listen to the radio, English programmes on TV and try to converse in English with friends and teachers. All these activities will enhance your knowledge and listening skills.
Avoid Shortcuts
Many people say that there are some tricks that can help you to sore high bands in listening. Unfortunately there is nothing like this it’s just the wastage of time only practice and proper knowledge can give you fruitful results.
– Waste your preparation time given before every part in looking here and there.
– Get distracted while listening the audio.
– Forget to underline the keywords.
– Just stick to the practice tests.
– Get panic if you don’t get scores in the initial stage.