IELTS Writing Dos and Donts
IELTS is a challenging test and it’s quite difficult to crack it and one have to work too hard to get desired bands in the exam. This thinking is partly true; IELTS is a reputed test and is recognized worldwide so to crack an exam of this level you have to work hard. Anyhow, you can get your desired scores by following some simple tips and tricks. In IELTS the module which is considered as the toughest is Writing and students are scared of it. It can also be easily achieved by following some steps and today we will discuss IELTS Academic Writing: Do’s and Don’ts.
Do’s in IELTS writing test
1. In the task 1, paraphrase while explaining the graphs and charts is the best way.
2. Analyzing and understanding the graphs or charts properly are must in the task 1. Use correct and accurate words while explaining.
3. Before starting writing task 2, you must plan and outline the essay. It hardly takes 4-5 minutes to plan but it will make your essay well structured and organized.
4. Prepare an idea in your mind and then start writing and remember that you should stick to same idea till the end. You should not frequently change them. Every topic has different perspectives that can be discussed and you should discuss them but there should be one single idea flowing through them. If you will continuously jump from one aspect to another without organizing them properly the examiner will get confused and will not be able to understand your message.
5. Take your time to understand the question properly as if you misunderstood the question your answer will become irrelevant.
6. Break your essay in three parts: introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.
7. Make sure you write an impressive introduction and the content used in it should match with the entire content. If both introduction and body gets different from each other the examiner may get confused.
8. Pay attention to every detail you put on paper.
9. Be careful of spellings and punctuations that you choose to use.
10. Try to write small sentences as it can reduce the chances of mistakes. While writing complex words look if it can be broken down to simpler words and phrases. If it can be done you should do it.
11. The conclusion should be as simple as possible and make sure that you should not add any new point about which you have not discussed in the essay.
12. Proofreading is must. After finishing the test you should check your task for spelling and grammar mistakes and if you find any try to correct it.
Don’ts in IELTS writing test
1. Don’t write much more than the given word limit. You should know the ideal word limit.
2. Writing task demands formal language style so you should not use informal style.
3. Keep an eye on the watch but remember that you should not keep looking at the watch.
4. Don’t go off the track and write only the relevant and related content.
5. Don’t write the same words as in questions instead; try using synonyms which can make your answer more impressive.
6. Don’t get nervous.
7. Task 2 carries more marks so you should focus more on it.
8. In IELTS writing you should use formal language and using slangs or abbreviations can cut your score so it is advised that you should not use any slang or abbreviations.
9. Never try using too many idioms. If something can be explained using everyday words and phrases, why blame the idioms!