IELTS Vocabulary

climate change – changes in the Earth’s weather patterns;
Sentence- Climate change is making a fundamental difference.

acid rain – rain that contains dangerous chemicals because of smoke from cars and factories;
Sentence- Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .

industrial waste – damaged, defective, or superfluous material produced by undustry;
Sentence- Domestic and industrial waste, discharged oil and millions of gallons of raw sewage are flushed into the sea every day.

urbanization – the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central areas;
Sentence- The key to judge the urbanization level is the index of living conditions, way of life, and life quality.

biodegradable – capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down into very small parts by natural processes, bacteria, etc.
Sentence- Starch – based biodegradable plastics is a kind of important degradable polymer material.

environmentalist / environmental activist – a person who works to protect the natural world from pollution and other threats;
Sentence- He is an environmentalist with a passion of the biology and geography of the region.

natural disaster – a sudden and terrible event in nature (such as a hurricane, tornado, or flood) that usually results in serious damage and many deaths;
Sentence- May be with foreign war or natural disaster and epidemic disease caused by the pandemic.

hybrid cars – cars in which two or more distinct types of power, such as internal combustion engine+electric motor are used;
Sentence- If hybrid cars are any indication, many consumers will baulk at electric cars’high initial price.

fertilizers – a substance (such as manure or a special chemical) that is added to soil to help the growth of plants;
Sentence- Fertilizers are short-term exploiters, a reflection of man’s mind, his greed for financial profit.

rainforest – a tropical forest that receives a lot of rain and that has very tall trees;
Sentence- Vast areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed.

chemicals – substances obtained by a chemical process or producing a chemical effect;
Sentence- Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.

sustainable agriculture – is the act of farming based on an understanding of ecosystem services, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment;
Sentence- The basic challenge for sustainable agriculture is to maximise the use of locally-available and renewable resources.

adverse environmental effects – abnormal, harmful, or undesirable impact on environment;
Sentence- Fertilizers have adverse environmental effects.

climate change mitigation – consists of actions to limit the magnitude or rate of long-term climate change (Wikipedia).
Sentence- A Copenhagen Green Climate Fund will be established to support activities in developing countries related to climate change mitigation.

emissions – substances discharged into the air (as by a smokestack or an automobile engine)
Sentence- Emissions are well below the levels set by the World Health Authority.

exhaust fumes – gases ejected from an engine as waste products;
Sentence- The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes.

to conserve energy – use energy carefully in order to prevent loss or waste;
Sentence- The republic’s factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy.

toxic – containing poisonous substances;
Sentence- Clouds of toxic fumes escaped from the chemical plant.

to recycle – t o send (used newspapers, bottles, cans, etc.) to a place where they are made into something new;
Sentence- Even so, the need to recycle water and other materials is obvious.

Global warming- a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere.
Sentence- The probable result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels.
IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary