Take part: participate (in something)
Sentence: I used to take part in annual athletic meet every year in my school time.

To be at death’s door: (informal) to be very ill indeed.
Sentence- Johnson was at death’s door but after surgery he recovered rapidly.

Heavily fine –to charge someone a lot of money since he/she has violated a law or regulation.
Sentence- He was heavily fined for rash driving.

To make the most of something- to exploit something as much as possible.
Sentence – Business man always try to make the most of something.

Adjustment- a small change to make something better.
Sentence- For better results the HR department has done some adjustments in the marketing section of the company.

Comply with- follow/abide by.
Sentence- He failed to comply with the rules and regulations of the company.

A check-up: a physical examination by a doctor.
Sentence– Doctors recommend a regular check-up after every six months

Hiking: the activity of going on long walks in the countryside, usually for pleasure or exercise.
Sentence: Hiking is a good exercise and also gives the opportunity to spend some time with nature.