IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips

IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips
IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips

IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips

In IELTS Speaking test is the most interesting section where you get an opportunity to interact with an examiner because it is a one-on-one live interaction session with an invigilator. This test is designed to judge your proficiency of speaking English for a long time. The duration of this test is between 11 and 14 minutes. Many students are afraid of it because of the human interaction but this is the module in which you can score the maximum the only thing is that you should be well prepared for the test. So, today we will discuss about some IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips.

The test is divided into three parts.

First part: In the first part, the examiner asks some general questions to the test taker about their personal interests, academic background, family, etc. Here are the tips to crack this section:

1. Valuable replies: It is good to be specific with the responses but candidates can always add some interesting facts in their reply. For ex: If asked, ‘where are you from? ‘ Besides answering the usual they can add some details about the place you are from as well.

2. Must be responsive: Candidates must respond promptly. They should be quick and responsive throughout the Speaking section.

Second part: In this part, test takers are given a topic and asked to speak uninterrupted on the topic for at least two minutes. The examiner tests both speaking skills and knowledge of the examinee.

1. Think before Speaking: Though it is important to be responsive, still it is ideal to take at least a minute before one start speaking. It brings clarity about to the points which candidates are going to make and most importantly the manner they would begin the speech.

2. Knowledge: Examinees should ensure that they have knowledge about what they are going speaking about. They should be able to communicate the key points of the topic to the invigilator.

Third part: This part is important as here the examiner asks questions about the topic from the second part. The examiner can put forward some arguments which is taken from candidate’s speech or he/she might ask to elaborate on a specific point of view the candidate had previously shared.

1. Arguments to be remembered: Arguments from the previous test part should be kept in mind. Test takers should not look surprised or taken off guard when asked a question.

2. No room for confusion: The answers should not reflect confusion. It is important to be confidence and willingness to respond.

Additional IELTS Preparation tips for Speaking section

• This is the section where one can enjoy speaking English. Thus, it is imperative to sound confident, fluent, and don’t get nervous if the candidate is nervous, then don’t show it to the examiner. In order to remove it, always keep smile on face which is productive to acquire higher band scores.

• Candidates can practice by recording their responses on tape at home and listen to it. It will be easier to focus on individual mistakes, long pauses and pronunciation.

  • It is advisable not to prepare the answers, as the examiner may spot the same so make speaking natural.
  • Remember: use connectors and phrase to make it interesting.

• The best way to respond is to present one’s opinion, as that will help them assess his/her English communication skills.

• Candidates should remember that there is nothing called a single answer and there is no right or wrong answer. However, test takers should ensure that their ideas and opinions are conveyed in a proper manner.

• Examinees should avoid using fillers while responding as it reflects hesitation. Filler words in English ‘are’ ‘um’, ‘uh’, ‘r’, ‘ah’, ‘like’, ‘okay’, ‘right’, and ‘you know’.

Thank You

IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking Preparation Tips

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