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IELTS Preparation Tips

IELTS Preparation Tips
(To be free from lethargy and procrastination, read these lines. A few words are highlighted, for you to imbibe and reflect.)
(“I certainly believe in luck; the harder I work, the luckier I become”. – Sam Shoen)
Times have changed for the better for job aspirants in the new world economic scenario. As opportunities are aplenty around the world for the smart and industrious job seekers, all that is needed is to equip you with the required skills. Getting a good score in IELTS itself is the right move to be successful in studies, to get a lucrative job and to migrate to your dreamland. When proficiency in English, the language royals, gives you the cutting edge, passing this test is only a short-term goal, in the march towards success in your life. Set your goal, strive for it and your goal lies within your reach.
Thanks to advancements in technology, you can now spread your wings to alien lands and embrace success. Racial prejudice, dogmatic beliefs and narrow national sentiments have little relevance today. A new world order is emerging, transcending national frontiers and uniting people of the world. It is wise to act and to venture rather than to live in the past or be nostalgic. Let us be proactive and futuristic, as success embraces but the diligent.
Although Shakespeare, Edison, Winston Churchill and Tagore were ill-educated, they could transcend mediocrity. They read voraciously and that made them wise, creative and successful. As such, start reading right now. Shakespeare stated, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”. As we belong to the second category, we have to strive, to transcend mediocrity and to succeed.
If you plan well and prioritise your studies, avoiding unwanted things, you can do well in your test. To emerge victorious in these simple tests is easy, since they assess only your proficiency in English and not your specialist knowledge in any subject. The severity of the test is less, since you have to write only an essay of 250 words and describe a graph or write a letter of only 150 words. If you allocate enough time to practice the different modules of the test and learn the sub-skills of writing, you can excel in the test. Remember, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.
If you are self-motivated and have an urge to succeed, you can excel. To achieve it, you must set a score as your goal. If you are blessed with common sense and a bit of intuition, you can perform well in the exam. Don’t be haunted by your past mistakes or by criticisms. Your latent abilities will help you succeed, if you are focused and proactive.
Incorporate these tips into your practice, and move forward in a positive, successful style.
You can’t practice something you don’t know how to do. That’s simply impossible! Learn the building blocks of IELTS skills and strategies before doing any IELTS practice tests. If you do them too soon, you’ll lose confidence in yourself and it can be difficult to bounce back quickly.
You must be interested in the material, or you won’t learn as much. In fact, if you are bored, you may learn nothing at all! When choosing resources to improve your overall English, spend time with those, which engage you.
Keeping a daily journal of the positive ways you are using your time is a confidence builder. This reminds you that you are working hard and doing your best.
You can also use this reflection time to get out of your anxiety. Besides all of those benefits, you’ll practice writing!
There’s too much to study and learn for high IELTS scores to not have a plan. You need a study plan that covers 2-3 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. One or two months are often enough for students of an intermediate level or higher.
Your plan must be balanced between IELTS strategies/practice and improving your overall English.