Top 10 Tips for IELTS Preparation

IELTS Preparation
IELTS Preparation

Top 10 Tips for IELTS Preparation

Below mentioned are 10 tips that you need to follow if you are preparing for your IELTS Exam. Read the article before you start your preparations.

Prepare a proper time-table

Following a strict routine is a very crucial step when preparing for IELTS exam. Whenever you are planning to study for any exam, following a fixed routine and hanging on to it is extremely important. As there are four modules i.e. listening, reading, writing, and speaking for your IELTS exam, divide your time accordingly. Allocate your time in such way that the sections you need more help and need to give more attention can be allotted more time. Plan it well and in a balanced way before you start your preparation.

Online videos or websites are pool of knowledge:

There are so many free videos and websites available online through which you can get sufficient material and exercises to study for IELTS exam 2021.Watch and learn videos available to improve your vocabulary and pronunciation. There are lots of material available online which can clear you doubts regarding grammar concept and provide you specific material to practice your modules.

Have a Conversation in English:

Practice is the best way to learn any language. The more you will speak the better you will become and will gain public speaking confidence. So, practice your English by spending at least a few minutes executing what you have practiced till date. When you implement what you have learned inside the classroom you discover more. Try to have Conversation in English with others which will boost your confidence and will instinctively help you learn more. Go extra mile and try to talk with your parents, siblings, relatives, or friends in English. Overall with help of this tip you will polish up your speaking ability.

Reading Articles, Newspaper etc.

There is no better way to improve your English than to read articles, newspaper, magazines etc. When you are working on enhancing your English proficiency, make a habit of reading regularly. Through regular reading you will see noticeable difference in your language skill. Reading magazines, newspapers, and journals will help you improve your vocabulary and you can form your own structure of sentences. These IELTS preparation tips i.e. to learn what you read will help you in other competitive exams as well. 

Work on your vocabulary and Idioms

Learning is a continuous process, one should learn at-least 5 words per day. This will help you improve your vocabulary as vocabulary is the foundation of your English Skills. Any new word you encounter while reading, add it to your dictionary. It will also help you acquire a command of the English language. Not only increase your vocabulary but learn new Idioms as well. As idiom reflects how comfortable you are with the language.

Accurate use of Grammar

Grammar is the basis of any language so, make sure to hold a good grip on it.Avoid making grammatical errors while writing or speaking as we are not innate speakers. Take help of experts and books to clear all your confusions.

Record yourself and your lesson

Nowadays everyone has one smartphone in their homes. Utilize your recorder on your smartphone and practice speaking. You can cross check your own speaking by listening to your pre-recorded voice. You can analyze your pitch, pauses and usage of same word etc. It is a great way to boost your morale for the speaking test. 


We all have different ways to prepare for exam. But considering these few preparation tips for the IELTS exam while studying will work the best for you and in the meantime, these IELTS tips will boost your morale to study for the day. 


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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