IELTS General Writing Task 1

IELTS General Writing Task 1

1. GT Task 1 – You have recently found a job vacancy in the local newspaper.

2. GT Task 1 – Your friend has just won a sizeable amount of money in the lottery.

3. GT Task 1 – recently travelled on a train which arrived late causing to miss an appointment.

4. GT Task 1 – local authority is planning to build a shopping mall in the centre of your town.

5. GT Task 1 – Your friend is taking an exam and had asked you to help him.

6. GT Task 1 – You have lost an item of value on a train.

7. GT Task 1 – You have a problem with a neighbor.

8. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to the accommodation officer regarding the problems you are facing.

9. GT Task 1 – Apologize to a friend for changing date of visit to him

10. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend on sale of a television.

11. GT Task 1 – saw an advertisement for skiing course in Canada but you have problems.

12. GT Task 1 – giving views and suggestions on policy of poison the pigeon.

13. GT Task 1 – Letter to landlord to ask for the return of your deposit

14. GT Task 1 – Letter from a friend for making business trip to your town

15. GT Task 1 – Letter describing the problems caused by loud music

16. GT Task 1 – You have decided to leave your current job and look for a new one.

17. GT Task 1 – borrowed a book from library, but could not return it by the due date.

18. GT Task 1 – letter to invite a famous person to give a speech at a meeting

19. GT Task 1 – A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet

20. GT Task 1 – Letter to Bank Manager regarding the cheque return from bank.

21. GT Task 1 – Advertisement for volunteers work.

22. GT Task 1 – Vacancy at Museum.

23. GT Task 1 – borrowed something that was damaged

24. GT Task 1 – Letter to a manager about the problems relating to computer.

25. GT Task 1 – Regarding the package that will be delivered at your door.

26. GT Task 1 – Letter to a manager about the opening of a new office in another town.

27. GT Task 1 – Choosing the right subject for the university education.

28. GT Task 1 – Letter of complaint about service against the staff member.

29. GT Task 1 – Changing the course you are doing at the college.

30. GT Task 1 – Letter to a bank for losting a credit card and request for new one.

31. GT Task 1 – Need some time off to complete a qualification.

32. GT Task 1 – you bought a pair of shoes but its soles come apart.

33. GT Task 1 – Asking your pen pals to wait at the airport and how to identify.

34. GT Task 1 – Describe a training course you want to do that will be helpful in the job.

35. GT Task 1 – Complaints about the reception area where visitors arrive.

36. GT Task 1 – Report to a company about your small accident by company’s car.

37. GT Task 1 – You just enrolled but due to family problem you need to go back.

38. GT Task 1 – Letter to local councilor explaining problem occurred outside house.

39. GT Task 1 – Unable to accept the invitation to cinema by your friend.

40. GT Task 1 – Letter to local council for rubbish collection services where you live.

41. GT Task 1 – Letter to your friend for nice birthday gift.

42. GT Task 1 – Organizing a group of visit to a historical exhibition in a small town.

43. GT Task 1 – Bought a piece of equipment for kitchen but did not work. Write a letter to the shop manager.

44. GT Task 1 – Received a letter from a bank stating your account is overdrawn that you will charged directly from your account.

45. GT Task 1 – Letter to the information Officer for the information about the Tertiary Preparation Certificate.

46. GT Task 1 – Letter to the bank manager complaining for not receiving new cheque book.

47. GT Task 1 – Letter to Registrar, complaining about the bad services received from hospital Emergency Department.

48. GT Task 1 – You were looked after by another person in an accident. Write a thanks letter.

49. GT Task 1 – Letter to a shop ask if they have the things you want.

50. GT Task 1 – Friend of your has had some problems as a result of some unusual weather.

51. GT Task 1 – Letter to a shop manager, ask for refund or exchange on the item.

52. GT Task 1 – Letter to railway authorities for revised timetable.

54. GT Task 1 – Letter to a supermarket manager for the complain of your minor accident.

55. GT Task 1 – Letter to Training Organizer for more information about the training programme to the UK.

56. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend describing when and where do you want to meet again.

57. GT Task 1 – You bought a new mobile and after few days, it has stopped working. Write a complain letter to company.

58. GT Task 1 – Apology letter to a friend for not going to theater.

59. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend, describing a file you have left and ask him/her to return.

60. GT Task 1 – Letter to get information about the diploma course in learning French.

61. GT Task 1 – Complain letter to the authorities for the negligence of the shopping complex.

62. GT Task 1 – Promotion letter to the employer.

63. GT Task 1 – Letter to an electronic company requesting information about their latest model of digital camera.

64. GT Task 1 – Trip to the Black Mountains in West Wales for a group of students.

65. GT Task 1 – A person will be awarded in the local community.

66. GT Task 1 – The historical building in your place is in bad condition. Write to the local government.

67. GT Task 1 – You recently traveled on train which arrived very late and you faced problems.

68. GT Task 1 – Office where you work does not have a proper car parking.

69. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to restaurant to thank them for good food services and atmosphere.

70. GT Task 1 – Recommendation of product to a friend, who is planning to start an import export business.

71. GT Task 1 – member of sports team had met with an accident and wasn’t able to play.

72. GT Task 1 – Letter to a librarian, you can’t return the books to library due to some reason.

73. GT Task 1 – You are organising an event for the company you work for.

74. GT Task 1 – Invitation to a person for celebratory event.

75. GT Task 1 – You notice garbage in your house.

76. GT Task 1 – Recommendation letter from you for the job that he/she is applying for.

77. GT Task 1 – Returned from holiday and were not satisfied with the trip.

78. GT Task 1 – Thanks to a friend to send you the photos of holidays.

79. GT Task 1 – Sold a product by act of falsifying and realized it later.

80. GT Task 1 – You want to discontinue membership.

81. GT Task 1 – Congratulating TV Company for the quality of programme.

82. GT Task 1 – You are visiting another town next month.

83. GT Task 1 – Left your mobile phone in the restaurant.

84. GT Task 1 – Your friend wants to be a partner in his new start-up business.

85. GT Task 1 – Apology letter to neighbour.

86. GT Task 1 – You need to withdraw two courses from college due to heavy study load.

87. GT Task 1 – Facing the problem of hot water in private accommodation.

88.GT Task 1 – You cannot go to a company where you got an offer.

89. GT Task 1 – A friend asked to you for babysit on Saturday and wants to know charges.

90. GT Task 1 – You have met your friend after a long time, express how you feel about this visit.

91. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to newspaper for the recommendation of Restaurant.

92. GT Task 1 – A friend of yours told you for the second-hand furniture shop.

93. GT Task 1 – Thank your friend for the card given, for the fast recovery of your leg broken.

94. GT Task 1 – You have a spare room which you would like to rent out to a student.

95. GT Task 1 – A friend of yours agreed to look after your house and pet.

96. GT Task 1 – Third instalment of sanctioned load has not been released by the bank.

97. GT Task 1 – A friend of yours asked you to recommend a destination for holidays.

98. GT Task 1 – You want to invite professional singer, a T.V. artist to give performance on the occasion of sister’s marriage.

99. GT Task 1 – You will have to return home because of family problem from 12 week English class.

100. GT Task 1 – You have been invited to speak at your old high school.

101. GT Task 1 – Congratulate your friend for delivering baby girl.

102. GT Task 1 – You experienced many problems while travelling by train.

103. GT Task 1 – Your friend asked you to write him/her about important festival celebrated in your country.

104. GT Task 1 – Rechecking IELTS exam.

105. GT Task 1 – A shop is selling harmful products.

106. GT Task 1 – Boys do anti-social activities nearby park.

107. GT Task 1 – You can’t continue your course because of full time job.

108. GT Task 1 – you visit bank premises for recording transactions. But now, you are not able to move , due to injury.

109. GT Task 1 – Your neighbour’s children keep spoiling your garden.

110. GT Task 1 – You forget your bag in the locker of the club.

111. GT Task 1 – Your luggage got lost at Delhi airport but the employee of airport heled you in tracing your luggage.

112. GT Task 1 – Feeling upset for the deplorable condition of cinema.

113. GT Task 1 – You would require a place to live in a foreign country.

114. GT Task 1 – Your have problem with neighbour’s dog that is noisy at night.

115. GT Task 1 – Left your handbag in the plane.

116. GT Task 1 – insurance company is going to increase the amount you have to pay in insurance for your car.

117. GT Task 1 – You have to change the dates of visit because of important event.

118. GT Task 1 – Unhappy with the road quality nearby your home.

119. GT Task 1 – Invite friends to visit new flat.

120. GT Task 1 – You left the library book in a bus.

121. GT Task 1 – Write down mistakes in verb tense of your friend’s letter to tutor.

122. GT Task 1 – Letter to acquaintance, why you feel unsure about living in the city.

123. GT Task 1 – Local council is considering closing a sport and leisure centre.

124. GT Task 1 – Visited a place that had a strong impact on you.

131. GT Task 1 – Letter to employer if your family members can get job for staying in the same country.

132. GT Task 1 – Your luggage was lost at airport and no action was taken.

133. GT Task 1 – Letter to owner of bag, you found.

134. GT Task 1 – Apply for a position to look after a house in Scotland.

135. GT Task 1 – Feedback to local council for improving the condition of tourist facility.

136. GT Task 1 – You are not able to travel on the day scheduled.

137. GT Task 1 – Complain about the repair work.

138. GT Task 1 – Recommend a product from your country to friend for his/her import-export business in foreign country.

139. GT Task 1 – You want to stay in your present job.

140. GT Task 1 – Letter to professor about internship and future plans after graduation.

141. GT Task 1 – Complain to moving company about the furniture damaged.

142. GT Task 1 – You have been invited by colleague to his farewell party.

143. GT Task 1 – Appreciation of a course you have attended.

144. GT Task 1 – You have got some different items that you ordered.

145. GT Task 1 – Concern about construction of multi-storey building in the current park.

146. GT Task 1 – Dates are unsuitable for you to visit a friend.

147. GT Task 1 – Your local council about to closure of playground.

148. GT Task 1 – Local newspaper holding “best neighbour in the area” competition.

149. GT Task 1 – Express your friend, why you moved to a new place.

150. GT Task 1 – International company offer a temporary job for experience.

151. GT Task 1 – You feel unsatisfactory with service during traveling from airline company.

152. GT Task 1 – Letter on booking hotel room.

153. GT Task 1 – Thank a English-speaking friend for the vacation spent there.

154. GT Task 1 – You want to do help in unpaid social work.

155. GT Task 1 – You can’t go to agreed meeting in the bank.

156. GT Task 1 – Suddenly you needed to go home country leaving your course incomplete.

157. GT Task 1 – How you can join the NGO charity Organization.

158. GT Task 1 – You would like to take part in financial organisation that gives money to students.

159. GT Task 1 – You are unhappy with the plan of making airport bigger.

160. GT Task 1 – Recommendation for a friend who submitted his resume to a tourist office.

161. GT Task 1 – Boring programs on TV during day time.

162. GT Task 1 – Thank letter to hotel manager for organising best 90th birthday party.

163. GT Task 1 – If your friend is interested in buying your car.

164. GT Task 1 – Restaurant offering a part time job.

165. GT Task 1 – Unhappy about the way of conducting one day computer course in a college.

166. GT Task 1 – You want volunteer to help the old people of your community.

167. GT Task 1 – You are unable to attend friend’s wedding in Britain.

168. GT Task 1 – Your friend will be staying at your home but you can’t be there.

169. GT Task 1 – Invite your classmate to class reunion.

170. GT Task 1 – You can’t go to your previous class teacher’s invitation.

171. GT Task 1 – Give suggestions to your friend’s son for job.

172. GT Task 1 – You would like to participate in a work-related seminar.

173. GT Task 1 – Ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late.

174. GT Task 1 – You play a team sport with some friends.

175. GT Task 1 – Apply for the position of a sales representative.

176. GT Task 1 – Letter to friends to thank them for photos and holiday.

177. GT Task 1 – Need some time off from work.

178. GT Task 1 – On holiday you lost a valuable item.

179. GT Task 1 – Your friend forgotten to return you book.

180. GT Task 1 – Lunch at cafeteria needs some improvements.

181. GT Task 1 – A friend is thinking about applying for the same course that you did.

182. GT Task 1 – You had been charged for items you did not purchase.

183. GT Task 1 – A friend has written to ask you for help in finding a job.

184. GT Task 1 – Apply for a job as a Spanish instructor.

185. GT Task 1 – You recently went to a concert.

186. GT Task 1 – Letter to your manager to request salary raise.

187. GT Task 1 – You have bought a new TV but it did not work.

188. GT Task 1 – You still have the textbook which you borrowed from classmate.

189. GT Task 1 – Facing problem from working at home.

190. GT Task 1 – There are some problems from part-time job working for local company.

191. GT Task 1 – Lost your university ID card.

192. GT Task 1 – Graduation party next Sunday.

193. GT Task 1 – Use of relaxation room.

194. GT Task 1 – Letter to Principal of local school asking if they will accept your son.

195. GT Task 1 – Asking for a recipe to your friend.

196. GT Task 1 – Invite one of your colleague to your son’s 6th birthday party.

197. GT Task 1 – Unable to submit the assignment given by university lecturer.

198. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your higher authority and suggest the possible reasons.

199. GT Task 1 – Letter to the training organiser to express interest.

200. GT Task 1 – Problem with the rented house.

201. GT Task 1 – Air-conditioner of your rented car has stopped.

202. GT Task 1 – Need some reference from someone for job.

203. GT Task 1 – You live in rented accommodation which was recently damaged due to the bad weather.

204. GT Task 1 – Problems with public transport you use to commute daily.

205. GT Task 1 – Not happy with the Sydney tour.

206. GT Task 1 – Your parents celebrated 50th anniversary next month.

207. GT Task 1 – Asking for permission to attend the conference.

208. GT Task 1 – You want to move into another room in the hostel.

209. GT Task 1 – request for the documents to the director of school.

210. GT Task 1 – Bank manager requesting for the information about the bank loan.

211. GT Task 1 – To a friend about the information of a city, you moved in.

212. GT Task 1 – want a detailed information of a qualification course.

213. GT Task 1 – You are interested in Computer Course.

214. GT Task 1 – letter to company manger for delayed delivery of books ordered.

215. GT Task 1 – benefits of sponsoring the sports team.

216. GT Task 1 – letter to siblings describing updates of your life.

217. GT Task 1 – You are organising a trip to Snowy-Mountains.

218. GT Task 1 – You have had a bank account for a few years. Recently you received a letter.

219. GT Task 1 – Going on a short course to a training college abroad.

220. GT Task 1 – the building manger should purchase 10 extra laundry baskets.

221. GT Task 1 – You are not happy with sightseeing trip with a tour company.

222. GT Task 1 – Your suitcase was lost while you travelled by plane.

223. GT Task 1 – You have decided to leave your current job.

224. GT Task 1 – Evening programs on your television are boring.

225. GT Task 1 – Left your credit card in restaurant.

226. GT Task 1 – Your family member coming in the evening, but you won’t be home until evening.

227. GT Task 1 – You want to take your course next term because of busy schedule.

228. GT Task 1 – Having trouble with a work colleague.

229. GT Task 1 – return overdue books that you had actually never borrowed.

230. GT Task 1 – invited to attend a interview for a place.

231. GT Task 1- Goin away on a school trip for three to another country.

232. GT Task 1 – Facing problem with a piece of equipment that you use for your job.

233. GT Task 1 – You want to know about some driving.

234. GT Task 1 – Asking for volunteers to help run a charity event.

235. GT Task 1 – Construction work is being done where you live.

236. GT Task 1 – Internet connection is slow and intermittent.

237. GT Task 1 – Not satisfied with the changing rooms in sports centre.

238. GT Task 1 – Got some information at the Tourist Information Centre.

239. GT Task 1 – You have gained admission in a prestigious college.

240. GT Task 1 – Your office doesn’t have any cafeteria.

241. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a hotel manager in another city for an upcoming 2-day business trip.

242. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a friend asking for his/her help to make a website.

243. GT Task 1 – You are unhappy with the hotel food, you visit for business meeting.

244. GT Task 1 – Letter to colleague who gave you a book that helped you for a presentation.

245. GT Task 1 – Letter from university of Albion demanding a reason for your absence from an exam.

246. GT Task 1 – left your wallet at your friends house.

237. GT Task 1 – You share a parking area with several neighbours and have recently started having problems.

248. GT Task 1 – Letter to editor to give your opinion about a magazine that your purchased.

249. GT Task 1 – Your friend asked you to find a music teacher.

250. GT Task 1 – you want transfer in your work place to another country.

251. GT task 1 – you can’t join your friend to see a movie together.

252. GT Task 1 – You need a week off from course that you are pursuing in a college.

253. GT Task 1 – Sending gift to your friend, who just moved to a new house.

254. GT Task 1 – problem with the hotel room.

255. GT Task 1 – Animals of neighbours has brought you serious problems.

256. GT Task 1 – You are planning to work abroad.

257. GT task 1 – You want to leave current area due to increase in crime.

258. GT Task 1 – you want to be closer with your family.

259. GT Task 1 – You need the money from the local bank account.

260. GT Task 1 – You want to learn a language.

261. GT Task 1 – Rubbish collection in your area.

262. GT Task 1 – Radio purchased from local branch is not working well.

263. GT Task 1 – You would like to do unpaid work at the hospital.

264. GT Task 1 – Your friend is curious to know about major news item in your country.

265. GT Task 1 – Left some important papers at hotel.

266. GT Task 1 – Letter to English-speaking friend to invite him/her to your wedding.

267. GT Task 1 – You believe that someone in your company should receive a yearly award.

268. GT Task 1 – You are not satisfied with the apartment in which you live in your holiday.

269. GT Task 1 – You have decided to go on a holiday to a foreign country.

270. GT Task 1 – You would like to borrow a camera from a friend.

271. GT Task 1 – Apologies to friend that you can’t come to visit him/her.

272. GT Task 1 – You have planned to study in Australia.

273. GT Task 1 – Requesting newspaper editor to publish information about social meetings.

274. GT Task 1 – Explain the situation of the regular bus to the bus company.

275. GT Task 1 – You are not satisfied with the sports club services.

276. GT Task 1 – Letter for explaining your reasons for choosing particular job.

277. GT Task 1 – Train service in your area is reduced.

278. GT task 1 – Advertisement in the local newspaper about helping to improve environment.

279. GT Task 1 – Letter to shop asking if they have a few different items.

280. GT Task 1 – An advertisement asking people to help with environmental projects.

281. GT Task 1 – Company has sent you to an English speaking country to do a course.

282. GT Task 1 – Construct an airport in your locality.

283. GT Task 1 – You want some time off from study.

284. GT Task 1 – Your friend gas changed school and is having difficulty fitting in and needs your advice.

285. GT Task 1 – You missed a flight due to problem at the airport.

286. GT Task 1 – An old car was left on the street near your apartment and your apartment block several week ago.

287. GT Task 1 – You want to enrol in computer course.

288. GT Task 1 – You recently heard about business conference that you would like to attend.

289. GT Task 1 – You were absent from very important event held by company.

290. GT Task 1 – You had applied for city college recently, now the college in back saying the course applied is full.

291. GT Task 1 – In your absence from work, a friend did a huge favor.

292. GT Task 1 – Your friend is about to celebrate landmark birthday.

293. GT Task 1 – Ask a friend to send trip photographs.

294. GT Task 1 – You need a translation of a document into different language.

295. GT Task 1 – You want to invite a English-speaking friend to a traditional celebration in your country.

296. GT Task 1 – You can no longer attend your gym class next month.

297. GT Task 1 – You want to spend your vacations in a city in a foreign country.

298. GT Task 1 – You are going away to travel for the summer.

299. GT Task 1 – You haven’t had time to visit your family because you have been busy with your studies.

300. GT Task 1 – You are planning a surprise birthday party for your friend.

301. GT Task 1 – Your landlord asking to increase the rent.

302. GT Task 1 – Public event coming up in your area.

303. GT Task 1 – Unhappy with the long bus trip you had.

304. GT Task 1 – Letter to Principal, ask for information on scholarships.

305. GT Task 1 – Advise a friend not to move into the neighbourhood.

306. GT Task 1 – You can’t go to company where you got an offer.

307. GT Task 1 – Letter to family/friend, describe a accident that happened to you.

308. GT Task 1 – Marina has started a new course at college and her tutor asked her to write him a letter.

309. GT Task 1 – You are interested to do a part-time course and have decided to take a loan.

310. GT Task 1 – Bought a Telephone with answer machine from an online shop.

311. GT Task 1 – Left some important item of the camera in the box.

312. GT Task 1 – You find difficulty to work in the shared room in the college.

313. GT Task 1 – You want to do job in the School library over the summer break.

314. GT Task 1 – You want to give some ideas to improve local library.

315. GT Task 1 – Takes a cruise on a holiday and have been disappointed with the experience.

316. GT Task 1 – One of your guests bring rude to a neighbour in the next house.

317. GT Task 1 – You have problem with high levels of noise from a new campus restaurant in University residence.

318. GT Task 1 – Seen an advertisement for a community college that needs teachers for night classes.

319. GT Task 1 – You left some important documents in taxi.

320. GT Task 1 – You recently rented a car for business trip.

321. GT Task 1 – Letter to your manager about your work from last year.

322. GT Task 1 – Due to your studies you will not be able to go with your friends on weekend holiday.

323. GT Task 1 – You have received a bill from a mobile phone.

324. GT Task 1 – A friend has told you that he or she feels lonely.

325. GT Task 1 – You want to apply for the position as property management at an apartment.

326. GT Task 1 – Letter to landlord complaining about noise.

327. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend telling them about an interesting website.

328. GT Task 1 – You are organizing an event for a sports club.

329. GT Task 1 – You have missed some important papers in taxi.

330. GT Task 1 – You and a co-worker want to use company room.

331. GT Task 1 – Letter to friend about a celebration of your job promotion.

332. GT Task 1 – Letter was on booking a hotel, number of people, general plan while staying there.

333. GT Task 1 – You have been offered a new job that will require you to move to another city.

334. GT Task 1 – You are interested in music course.

335. GT Task 1 – Letter to a company asking for refund for something you bought online from them.

336. GT Task 1 – You are traveling and need someone to do you a favour while you are gone.

337. GT Task 1 – A pet belonging to a friend of yours recently passed away.

338. GT Task 1- Letter to a company asking for refund for something you bought online from them.

339. GT Task 1 – Letter to your local library suggesting something they could do to improve.

341. GT Task 1 – You were recently impressed by a staff member at a store.

342. GT Task 1 – You have been invited to deliver a speech about your country at the international meeting.

343. GT Task 1 – Letter of application to the orchestra.

344. GT Task 1 – You have seen an advertisement for part-time work in a hotel for three months.

345. GT Task 1 – You are writing your first letter to a pen pal.

346. GT Task 1 – You feel the need to switch your department after working for over 3 years.

347. GT Task 1 – You had a problem with the flight staff on a recent flight.

348. GT Task 1 – You have just returned home after living with a family.

349. GT Task 1 – One of your friends wants to apply for a job involving working with foreign teenagers.

350. GT Task 1 – Letter to the headmaster of the school.

351. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend asking for a help with a short holiday in the area.

352. GT Task 1 – You will be graduated from university and would like to invite your family to the ceremony.

353. GT Task 1 – You want to find a suitable accommodation at a university.

354. GT Task 1 – Your friend has a baby recently and you bought a present for baby.

355. GT Task 1 – Letter to manager for your help to protect the environment.

356. GT Task 1 – You will not be able to do your job during a minor surgical procedure.

357. GT Task 1 – Your teacher invited you to have meal at his house but you cannot go.

358. GT Task 1 – Letter to your friend who is working in a multinational company.

359. GT Task 1 – Your friend has left his mobile at your place.

360. GT Task 1 – You have left some personal belongings at a hotel.

361. GT Task 1 – Letter to manager for his/her comments about the article you written for a magazine.

362. GT Task 1 – You are choosing a company to study and visit.

363. GT Task 1 – A friend of yours has left mobile at your place.

364. GT Task 1 – You recently changed your job and need some training.

365. GT Task 1 – You would like to take care of the old in a nursing house.

366. GT Task 1 – You got the small object from the soil and your think that is has some historical value.

367. GT Task 1 – Borrowed something from your friend for a party, but it was damaged during the party.

368. GT Task 1 – As a part of your study you have worked for a short period of time in a company.

369. GT Task 1 – You are shifting out of your accommodation.

370. GT Task 1 – You are working in a very busy office. A particular piece of office equipment is not working properly.

371. GT Task 1 – Letter telling your friend about your good news.

372. GT Task 1 – Letter to your friend thanking him/her for guidance you for an interview.

373. GT Task 1 – Swimming pool proposed to be built in your town.

374. GT Task 1 – Letter to hotel manger to inform that you are coming with a group of people to have business meeting.

375. GT Task 1 – Letter to the restaurant manger whose restaurant is next to your house.

376. GT Task 1 – You cannot go to trip abroad with a travel agency.

377. GT Task 1 – Your friend is on holiday and allowed you to stay in his house.

378. GT Task 1 – You would like to sell bicycle that you are no longer using.

379. GT Task 1 – Letter to manager of museum for the problems faced by your friend.

380. GT Task 1 – Developed are planning to build a shopping centre near your home.

381. GT Task 1 – Your friend got a new job.

382. GT Task 1 – You have won the first prize of a photography competition.

383. GT Task 1 – Valuable possession was broken while you were away on a trip.

384. GT Task 1 – Information in the advertisement was incorrect.

385. GT Task 1 – You are planning to take a vacation.

386. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a colleague, asking for help with your presentation.

387. GT Task 1 – Letter to a teacher requesting for a material you needed.

388. GT Task 1 – A reporter complain about a new TV programme that you like.

389. GT Task 1 – Offer a friend your sport event tickets.

390. GT Task 1 – You are interested in language training course abroad organised by your company.

391. GT Task 1 – Suggest some improvements for the sports club.

392. GT Task 1 – Letter to your college’s administration department complaining about the college’s facilities.

393. GT Task 1 – You were not be able to meet your friend at fixed appointment.

394. GT Task 1 – Letter to account manager of telephone company for sending the wrong bill.

395. GT Task 1 – Letter to plane manager about missing item.

396. GT Task 1 – Letter to an employment agency that you would like to work overseas.

397. GT Task 1 – Your neighbour has animals and they cause noise.

398. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend to ask to take care of your children while you are away for a business trip.

399. GT Task 1 – Thanking Letter to the Theatre employee who helped your friend.

400. GT Task 1 – You have trouble paying rent for the house.

401. GT Task 1 – Letter to colleagues for thanking them for your experience on a working trip.

402. GT Task 1 – Letter to your teacher and ask to give you a reference for a new job.

403. GT Task 1 – Your friend has offered to sell you something.

404. GT Task 1 – Letter to your friend that was supposed to visit you soon, but it is not possible now.

405. GT Task 1 – Letter to friend asking for advice that which place his elderly parents visit?

406. GT Task 1 – Letter to friend to give advice her on whether to study music or business management.

407. GT Task 1 – Letter to cinema manager about lost bag in cinema hall.

408. GT Task 1 – City Council wants to pull historic building in your town.

409. GT Task 1 – Letter to your teammate to let him/her know that you have to leave the team for a while.

410. GT Task 1 – Letter to your local council about a situation that created a lot of dirt on your street.

411. GT Task 1 – Letter to company manager that you don’t accept the job offer.

412. GT Task 1 – A magazine published an article about your country.

413. GT Task 1 – You recently used the service of a moving company.

414. GT Task 1 – Letter to the manager of a taxi company to complaint about taxi service.

415. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend asking for help to improve your knowledge of language.

416. GT Task 1 – You decided to leave your current employment.

417. GT Task 1 – You have a problem with your photos taken during the holiday.

418. GT Task 1 – You have a suggestion for a park near your apartment building.

419. GT Task 1 – Applying for a job in a restaurant for the waiter.

420. GT Task 1 – Inform a restaurant manager about the repair work and possible problems they have to face.

421. GT Task 1 – You discovered that the jacket you purchased is totally damaged.

422. GT Task 1 – Your apartment needs repair.

423. GT Task 1 – You want to return defective garments purchased from a different country.

424. GT Task 1 – You are frequently bothered by noise from your upstairs neighbour’s apartment.

425. GT Task 1 – Your previous college invited you to attend a party for new students.

426. GT Task 1 – Last week, you lost your luggage while traveling on holiday.

427. GT Task 1 – You can’t stay the whole course that you are interested in.

428. GT Task 1 – Letter to local newspaper about the importance of the park.

429. GT Task 1 – Left an electronic device behind in the classroom.

430. GT Task 1 – Your opposite neighbours make your life difficult.

431. GT Task 1 – You saw a brochure for a one-week walking tour in the mountains.

432. GT Task 1 – Readers are being encouraged to make suggestions.

433. GT Task 1 – You have not yet received the prize you won in a newspaper competition.

434. GT Task 1 – Your friend would like to come and work in your country for 6 months.

435. GT Task 1 – Letter to a shop and ask if they have the things you want.

436. GT Task 1 – Complaint about late delivery.

437. GT Task 1 – You want to join your child’s school trip.

438. GT Task 1 – A year ago you lent a friend a suitcase, which he/she has not returned yet.

439. GT Task 1 – You have a major problem with the accommodation.

440. GT Task 1 – Letter to travel agency manager to cancel the ticket.

441. GT Task 1 – DVD Player you bought will only play CDs and DVDs.

442. GT Task 1 – Your friend Written to you to ask you how your IELTS studies are going.

443. GT Task 1 – Letter to accommodation officer at a college in Greenmount, Nothern Ireland, asking the requirement.

444. GT Task 1 – Letter to the person in charge of a venue that you are considering for the event.

445. GT Task 1 – This Year your company is not organise a sports event.

446. GT Task 1 – Encourage the young couple in their role as a new parent.

447. GT Task 1 – Your luggage got lost at Delhi airport.

448. GT Task 1 – Letter to the municipal authority complaining about the damaged road.

449. GT Task 1 – You have to leave for your country all of a sudden.

450. GT Task 1 – Letter to a company manager with whom you arranged delivery of goods.

451. GT Task 1 – Your company would like to organize an event in the colony to promote some social cause.

452. GT Task 1 – Letter to the hotel manager that you need a private room for family party.

453. GT Task 1 – Letter to your neighbour about your plans for the party and invite them.

454. GT Task 1 – Letter to the Airport Manager for disappointing services.

455. GT Task 1 – Your online ordered flower vase was damaged when you received it.

456. GT Task 1 – You want your colleague from a different department to give a presentation in a conference.

457. GT Task 1 – You are looking for a part-time job at a football club.

458. GT Task 1 – An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region.

459. GT Task 1 – Letter to the owner of the fitness center to complain about the way manager dealt with the situation.

460 – GT Task 1 – You are unable to attend the birthday party invited by your friend.

461. GT Task 1 – You would like to give presentation about information you gained by attending the conference.

462. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend who visited you and has left his mobile at your place.

463. GT Task 1 – You are a professional and planning to work abroad.

464. GT Task 1 – You need to leave the flat two months early from the date of contract.

465. GT Task 1 – You are shifting out of your accommodation.

466. GT Task 1 – Saw a program being shown early in morning that contained a lot of violence.

467. GT Task 1 – You recently had a car accident.

468. GT Task 1 – You feel that marking was not satisfactory in your IELTS Exam.

469. GT Task 1 – You have a test in your English class next week, but you cannot attend.

470. GT Task 1 – Your neighbor’s children keep spoiling your garden.

471. GT Task 1 – You have been invited to speak at your old high school.

472. GT Task 1 – Email to bookshop for suggesting a speaker for an upcoming event.

473. GT Task 1 – Letter to restaurant’s manager about the services.

474. GT Task 1 – Letter to airline company about lost luggage.

475. GT Task 1 – Letter to newspaper editor to write about dollar shop selling many harmful products.

476. GT Task 1 – You could not receive your friend from airport.

477. GT Task 1 – Your internet connectivity works very slowly. Letter to internet service provider.

478. GT Task 1 – A friend of yours always admired your car. You have now decided to sell it.

479. GT Task 1 – You are a relationship manager of a world class car maker. Seek the suggestions and feedback of the customer who bought the car.

480. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your boss for a leave extension.

481. GT Task 1 – You are having a party at your home to celebrate your birthday and you want to use a catering company to organise the food.

482. GT Task 1 – You moved to a new house and you want to invite an old friend to stay with you.

483. GT Task 1 – You recently purchased an item from internet but you are not satisfied with it.

484. GT Task 1 – Letter to the Information Officer at TAPE information office asking for information.

485. GT Task 1 – You gave your car for regular service and minor repair. You were surprised to see the bill amount.

486. GT Task 1 – Letter to the manager of the bank, describe your difficulties for not receiving the third installment.

487. GT Task 1 – Letter to your landlord that you often cannot find an empty parking space when you get home.

488. GT Task 1 – You recently went to lecture that you very much enjoyed.

489. GT Task 1 – You are planning to travel and would like someone to take care of your apartment while you are away.

490. GT Task 1 – You are looking for an apartment to rent in a certain neighborhood.

491. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend who lives in city abroad and say that you would like to do a course in this city.

492. GT Task 1 – You recently purchased an item from a local store, but you are not satisfied with your purchase.

493. GT Task 1 – You would like to take some time off of work to attend a training course.

494. GT Task 1 – You recently bought a smartphone from a specialized store, but it is not working properly.

495. GT Task 1 – You are going on a short training course to a foreign country and would require a place to live.

496. GT Task 1 – Your friend is taking exam and had asked you to help him/her with studying.

497. GT Task 1 – Cleaning job application.

498. GT Task 1 – You ordered a new cheque book from your bank two weeks ago but you have received nothing.

499. GT Task 1 – You wish to apply for a new college course, but you are unsure about the facilities.

500. GT Task 1 – You have recently started work in a new company. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend.

501. GT Task 1 – A friend from your home country is soon coming to visit you for several days.

502. GT Task 1 – You are studying in a college which has very limited sports and leisure facilities for students.

503. GT Task 1 – You had an interview scheduled in a few days but you are unable to go there on the specific date.

504. GT Task 1 – The local council has decided to build a block of flats on the park opposite the place where you are living.

505. GT Task 1 – Letter of complaint to the police authority, reporting the theft of your car.

506. GT Task 1 – An Australian friend is coming to visit you, and it will be his/her birthday during the visit.

507. GT Task 1 – You are living in a English-speaking country and the restaurant near you is making a lot of noise.

508. GT Task 1 – You are a relationship manager of a world class car maker. Seek the suggestions and feedback of the customer who bought the car.

509. GT Task 1 – You decided to volunteer as an umpire for cricket match between two schools.

510. GT Task 1 – You are going on a vacation to a seaside and you want to book a hotel room in advance.

511. GT Task 1 – While your friend was away on vacation, you stayed in his apartment and you dropped an expensive bowl and broke it.

512. GT Task 1 – You are going to hold a meeting at hotel.

513. GT Task 1 – Letter to the manager of local bus service. They have recently made some changes to the bus services which created in conveniences for you.

514. GT Task 1 – You live in an area where the local council has made some changes to regulations.

515. GT Task 1 – Your friend’s son is going to your country for his holiday, she wants him to stay in your home.

516. GT Task 1 – Write a invitation letter to a friend for your special celebration.

517. GT Task 1 – Someone has returned your bag with all its belongings that you recently lost.

518. GT Task 1 – You want to make your flat bigger.

519. GT Task 1 – You want to apply for the post of Quality Assurance Manager you have recently seen on the University’s notice board.

520. GT Task 1 – You are planning to give a presentation in your large company.

521. GT Task 1 – You are planning a short visit to a city where one of your relatives lives.

522. GT Task 1 – Letter to your neighbor about the damage that occurred to your car while he was parking his car.

523. GT Task 1 – There is a new company inviting applications for vacancies. Write an application letter.

524. GT Task 1 – A local magazine editor has asked readers opinion. Write a Letter to magazine editor.

525. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your friend who is visiting your apartment while you are gone.

526. GT Task 1 – You are going to visit New Zealand for an ‘English and Homestay’ program.

527. GT Task 1 – You are live in an area where the local council has made some changes to regulations.

528. GT Task 1 – You local college is organizing an event and is looking for people to talk about their country.

529. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to the manager of the building company and give your opinion.

530. GT Task 1 – An Australian company offers money to foreign students to study in Australia.

531. GT Task 1 – You want to take training courses for your job.

532. GT Task 1 – You have lost something at the airport and a staff member helped you to find your belongings.

533. GT Task 1 – You live in an English speaking country and you want to do some voluntary work.

534. GT Task 1 – You are living in a rented apartment in an English-speaking country. You are facing some problems in the kitchen.

535. GT Task 1 – You are studying in a different country. The college has invited you to volunteer for conducting an international day.

536. GT Task 1 – Letter to a friend who has visited you a few days ago and has left his mobile at your place.

537. GT Task 1 – An Australian company offers money to foreign students to study in Australia.

538. GT Task 1 – You have recently bought a personal computer in a shop near you and it was faulty.

539. GT Task 1 – Your friend has offered you to sell you something.

540. GT Task 1 – You and some friends want to start a weekly dance club.

541. GT Task 1 – You are travelling next month to stay with family you do not know as part of a language training course.

542. GT Task 1 – You and your family stayed in a rented apartment but the apartment was very unsatisfactory.

543. GT Task 1 – You took your family to a nearby restaurant and you were disappointed with the meal.

544. GT Task 1 – A friend of yours is thinking of going on camping holiday for the first time this summer.

545. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to neighbor about the garbage problem you have.

546. GT Task 1 – Your friend got a new job. Write a Letter to him/her.

547. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your friend asking him to consider the job advertised in new paper.

548. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a friend who is looking for a part time job.

549. GT Task 1 – One of your friends invited you for a meal with his/her family in their home.

550. GT Task 1 – You would like to work overseas. Write a letter to an employment agency.

551. GT Task 1 – You are going to London soon to stay there for one year.

552. GT Task 1 – You are planning to go on a holiday in an English-speaking country where one of your friends resides.

553. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your English-speaking friend whom you visited recently.

554. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to a music concert.

555. GT Task 1 – Write a recommendation letter for your friend who is applying for a job.

556. GT Task 1 – Write a letter telling your friend about your good

557. GT Task 1 – A friend from your home country is soon coming to visit you for several days.

558. GT Task 1 – There have been several complaints about the reception area where visitors to your company arrive.

559. GT Task 1 – You are going away from home and need to ask your neighbor to look after your house.

560. GT Task 1 – You are moving to a new country.

561. GT Task 1 – You are going to do computer course at your local college.

562. GT Task 1 – You work in an international company.

563. GT Task 1 – Your friend is coming back from abroad for a long leave.

564. GT Task 1 – You have recently done a short term course in an English speaking country and found one of your teachers to be very good.

565. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a cinema manager you have previously been to regarding a problem you had.

566. GT Task 1 – You have arranged a plan for travel and accommodation for your friends.

567. GT Task 1 – Your friend wants to rent the flat after you.

568. GT Task 1 – You have invited your English speaking friend to a family wedding.

569. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to the course organizer to give your feedback.

570. GT Task 1 – Complaint to a manager of Furniture company regarding the purchase you made and the problems.

571. GT Task 1 – Your company is organising language training abroad for a limited number of participants.

572. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a park authority about damage being made to the facilities of the park.

573. GT Task 1 – Letter to the principal of a college, say that you cannot start your course.

574. GT Task 1 – Write a resignation letter to your employer due to an emergency at home.

575. GT Task 1 – Your English speaking friend who is visiting you soon and asking what presents your family would like.

576. GT Task 1 – A sports club in your area is about to be closed and you oppose to that.

577. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to apply for a part time job in a new international company.

578. GT Task 1 – You are not satisfied with the changing rooms in sports centre that you visit.

579. GT Task 1 – Letter to local newspaper editor to inform him that article about your city/town contains some incorrect information.

580. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a book shop manager about the book you’re looking for, ask him to find the book.

581. GT Task 1 – You were not be able to finish the essay given by your evening class teacher.

582. GT Task 1 – You have just arrived in an English speaking country to study a course.

583. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your supervisor regarding a course you attended as a part of your job.

584. GT Task 1 – Letter to travel agent expressing your dissatisfaction with their facilities due to problem you had on a holiday.

585. GT Task 1 – Letter to local council regarding the plan of replacement of a library with the supermarket.

586. GT Task 1 – Letter to the airport flight manager about missing a business trip due to an accident that happened at the airport.

587. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a friend who is visiting your country for the first time.

588. GT Task 1 – Write about a member of staff who helped you solve a problem.

589. GT Task 1 – You are about to move to an English-speaking country to study.

590. GT Task 1 – You have recently left something in a train, write a letter to the manager of the lost and found department.

591. GT Task 1 – Letter to the manager of new company to recommend a friend for the job in the new company.

592. GT Task 1 – You want to rent a car for a holiday. Write to the car rental agency.

593. GT Task 1 – Letter to your friend containing your intension to move to a college accommodation.

594. GT Task 1 – Your friend is planning to visit another town in your home country.

595. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a friend of yours whom you have not met for a longtime.

596. GT Task 1 – You recently ordered an item that was advertised as having a discount from the normal price.

597. GT Task 1 – You have recently booked a trip to Africa. Write a letter to the travel agency and ask for the membership in their club.

598. GT Task 1 – You were supposed to go on interview in a few weeks, but you have since found out you cannot go on the date arranged.

599. GT Task 1 – You have rented an apartment and the neighbours are disturbing you.

600. GT Task 1 – Your local museum has asked for feedback on your recent visit.

601. GT Task 1 – You have received a letter from your local video shop claiming that a DVD you rented is now overdue.

602. GT Task 1 – You have an advertised for a part time job welcoming visitors to your town.

603. GT Task 1 – You have just arrived in a foreign country on a business trip. You faced a problem at the airport. Write a letter to the airport manager.

604. GT Task 1 – Due to some problem, you cannot continue your course in college.

605. GT Task 1 – Letter to your English-speaking friend telling him/her about a local event.

606. GT Task 1 – You are having some trouble with a work colleague. Write to your employer.

607. GT Task 1 – Letter to a manager whose company is constructing their new office next to your apartment.

608. GT Task 1 – You have arranged a meeting with a business partner. Unfortunately, you have to change the arrangements.

609. GT Task 1 – A new swimming pool is about to be built in your town.

610. GT Task 1 – you have joined a program that connects people with pen friends in another country.

611. GT Task 1 – You and your family have just rented an apartment and one or two problems occurred. Write a letter to the landlord.

612. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a friend who invited you to visit them in their country.

613. GT Task 1 – You would like to buy some electronic goods at a shop in a nearby town.

614. GT Task 1 – You are a working in a company. You have experienced an unfair treatment towards women as far as the job promotion is concerned.

615. GT Task 1 – Recently you visited a foreign country. You had planned to meet your friend but soddenly you left without meeting him/her.

616. GT Task 1 – You have noticed that few boys entered your room and tried to do something wrong in the room.

617. GT Task 1 – Recently you were supposed to pay for your insurance premium.

618. GT Task 1 – You recently hired a contractor for painting work. The work is over but there are some complaints regarding the work.

619. GT Task 1 – Letter to Jet Airways complaining about your luggage that you received in poor condition.

620. GT Task 1 – You purchased a home appliance last week. After bringing it home, it worked for two days but stopped working thereafter.

621. GT Task 1 – You ordered some clothes online. It has already been one week and you have not received it.

622. GT Task 1 – There is a problem of parking in your building.

623. GT Task 1 – A friend from another country is coming to stay with you.

624. GT Task 1 – You go on a holiday and stay at a hotel.

625. GT Task 1 – Your manager has asked you to order uniforms for some new staff members of staff.

626. GT Task 1 – The manager of the gym has asked you for your opinion on the classes the gym offers.

627. GT Task 1 – You recently bought a new television from an electrician shop.

628. GT Task 1 – You work for a company that offers house clothing services.

629. GT Task 1 – You borrowed a book from a friend but now you cannot find it.

630. GT Task 1 – A friend from another country is coming to your city to attend University.

631. GT Task 1 – You have received an invitation to a friend’s birthday party.

632. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to your student seeking suggestions and feedback for the courses that he did at your institute.

633. GT Task 1 – You visited the USA, and happened to miss a concerning flight in Germany.

634. GT Task 1 – You are an artist and have been invited to draw on canvas for an auction event.

635. GT Task 1 – You want to buy some computers. Therefore, write to a vendor seeking information and price quotation for the same.

636. GT Task 1 – You played a league match in other city where you faced a hostile crowd on the ground.

637. GT Task 1 – Your neighbor was drunk and fought you for no reason.

638. GT Task 1 – You saw an advert for the post of finance manager at the vacancy board.

639. GT Task 1 – You are organizing a trip to the Black Mountains in West Wales for a group of students from Canterbury in Kent.

640. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to an editor of a newspaper regarding your concern about construction of multi-storey building in the current park location.

641. GT Task 1 – A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday.

642. GT Task 1 – You saw a stray dog being mistreated by your neighbor.

643. GT Task 1 – You forgot to carry your book from your classroom.

644. GT Task 1 – Your car is hired from a company and while you are driving on holiday, you have a small accident.

645. GT Task 1 – Your university lecturer gave you an assignment. You won’t be able to submit your assignment on time.

646. GT Task 1 – Write a letter to a friend telling them about an interesting website you found.

647. GT Task 1 – You an your friend booked a theater tickets in advance.

648. GT Task 1 – You recently received a letter from your bank that should have contained a new credit card. Unfortunately, the card was not in the letter.

649. GT Task 1 – You were coming home late night and detained by Police Department for a routine check.

650. GT Task 1 – You live at university accommodation. You found that some valuables were stolen from your room.

651. GT Task 1 – A year ago, you lent your favorite book to a friend who you thought would enjoy it.

652. GT Task 1 – Your state has a liquor prohibition. You feel it is unacceptable.

653. GT Task 1 – You met with an accident that damaged your car.

654. GT Task 1 – You lodged a student visa application with Australian High commission, New Delhi.

655. GT Task 1 – You have read many articles about illegal animal trafficking in your city.

656. GT Task 1 – You visited the USA, and happened to miss a connecting flight in Germany.

657. GT Task 1 – A sports club in your area is about to be closed and you oppose to that.

658. GT Task 1 – You are pregnant and unfortunately unwell.

659. GT Task 1 – You are being harassed wrongly by debt collection agency for the amount that you did not spent on your credit card.

660. GT Task 1 – There was a dead body of animal lying in front of your home.

661. GT Task 1 – You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specialize in.

662. GT Task 1 – You recently visited a foreign country and got some information at the Tourist Information Centre.

663. GT Task 1 – You are a member of Newcomers Association of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada which meets regularly at ‘Maid Marians’.

664. GT Task 1 – You have recently retired from a government job.

665. GT Task 1 – There is a new ready-mixed concrete (RMC) plant installed nearby your home and it causes various types of pollutions.

666. GT Task 1 – You forgot to carry your book from your classroom.

667. GT Task 1 – Recently there was a storm in your city. Due to this storm, your telephone line got cut off.

668. GT Task 1 – You bought a new car, and later you found that it was a used car sold to you.

669. GT Task 1 – You bought a pair of trousers online, and found them as a counterfeit product later.

670. GT Task 1 – You work for a large corporation. You want to apply for one month’s leave owing to illness.

671. GT Task 1 – Your neighboring office is getting furnished and the furnishing work disturbs you.

672. GT Task 1 – You recently went shopping at the local supermarket. When you reached home, you found that you were charged for an item that you did not buy.

673. GT Task 1 – You rented a car for a week from a car rental company.

674. GT Task 1 – You visited post office for sending a packet. There was a long queue and you had to wait long for your turn.

675. GT Task 1 – You ordered a book online for exam preparation. It has been some time to this order and you have not received your book.

676. GT Task 1 – One of your customers visited your store and broke the expensive crystal figurine. Write a letter asking him to pay the damage.

677. GT Task 1 – You received a letter from your insurance company stating you had missed the quarterly payment of insurance premium.

678. GT Task 1 – There was a civil rights movement in your city. The state government blocked mobile internet connectivity to curb the rumor spreading

679. GT Task 1 – You were injured in a minor accident inside a supermarket. Complain to the manager for the same.

680. GT Task 1 – You saw a program on TV recently and found it unreasonable for viewers.

681. GT TASK 1 – You are transferred to Canada for an assignment by your company. The company has agreed to offer you accommodation with other perks. 

682. GT TASK 1 – You have a pen friend living in other country AND HE/SHE IS CURIOUS TO KNOW ABOUT THE major news in your country.

683. GT TASK 1 – You came to know that, the Heritage Centre is welcoming nominations for a ‘Best village Award’. Nominate your village. 

684. GT TASK 1 – Write a letter to your internet service provider to complain. In the letter:

685. GT TASK 1 – You were staying abroad with a Srilankan family for pursuing your masters. Once it was complete you came back to your native place and now you received

686. GT TASK 1 – You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.

687. GT TASK 1 – You and your family are moving to another country for work, and you are looking to buy a house there. 

688. GT TASK 1 – Your friend from overseas is coming to visit you next month. Write a letter to your friend. 

689. GT TASK 1 – You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.

690. GT TASK 1 – You are planning a 2-day work training outside your city next month.

691. GT TASK 1 – You recently read an article in newspaper about someone you know personally. You found some information is wrong.

692. GT TASK 1 – Last weekend, your cousin celebrated her 50th birthday, but you couldn’t attend and you forgot to cancel. 

693. GT TASK 1 – You travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost. You have still heard nothing from the airline company.

694. GT TASK 1 – You have just bought a new mobile phone from a website on the interne

695. GT TASK 1 – You recently went on a trip with a friend and you both took some photographs. Write a letter to your friend.

696. GT TASK 1 – You will go to a foreign country to stay there for one year, and you need a place to live in. 

697. GT TASK 1 –  You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.

698. GT TASK 1 – You live in an apartment building but are having trouble with the behavior of your neighbors

699. GT TASK 1 – A friend has offered you some work in his company

700. GT TASK 1 – You are studying a short course in another country. Your accommodation was arranged by the course provider.

701. GT TASK 1 – You are planning to study English at a college in an English-speaking country. You would like some information about their courses. 

702. GT TASK 1 – You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you cannot continue the course.

703. GT TASK 1 – Your company has sent you for a course abroad, and you got a certificate there, but you somehow lost it.

704. GT TASK 1 – You recently attended a conference and you would like to give a presentation in your office about the information you gained by attending the conference.

705. GT TASK 1 –

706. GT TASK 1 – You recently spent a weekend with your friend in her/his new house. Write a letter to your friend.

707. GT TASK 1 – Your friend has written a letter to you asking for advice regarding a visit that his/her parents will be making to your area in the near future

708. GT TASK 1 – Write a letter to a transport office about a problem with the transportation system in your area.

709. GT TASK 1 – You would like to rent a commercial space for a shop you want to start in a newly built shopping complex. 

710. GT TASK 1 – You have been working in a company for the last two years.

711. GT TASK 1 – You recently had your sanitary ware and taps replaced. You are unhappy with the job of contractor. 

712. GT TASK 1 – Your company has sent you on a three-month course in another country. The course is coming to an end but you would like to prolong your stay. 

713. GT TASK 1 – You recently did a short cookery course. The cookery school has asked for your feedback on this course.

714. GT TASK 1 – Mrs Barrett, an English-speaking woman who lives in your town, has advertised for someone to help her in her home for a few hours a day next summer

715. GT TASK 1 – You work for an international company, and would like to spend six months working in its head office in another country

716. GT TASK 1 – You will go to a foreign country to stay there for one year, and you need a place to live in. You have decided to write to an agency for accommodation

717. GT TASK 1 –. Every year, someone in the company where you work is chosen as the best employee

718. GT TASK 1 – You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help

719. GT TASK 1 – Your colleague is traveling from another country by plane for a meeting. You have arranged the airport pickup, hotel accommodation and planned his/her meetings

720. GT TASK 1 – You are planning to organise an event in the countryside. Write a letter to your friend asking him / her to help you with your arrangements.

721. GT TASK 1 – You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents.

722. GT TASK 1 – You have just bought a new mobile phone from a website on the internet. Write a letter to the company.

723. GT TASK 1 – Your child is going on a three day school trip to another country. The head teacher wants to find parents to go with the group and you would like to go.

724. GT TASK 1 – Your company is going to give a special training course for staff. 

725. GT TASK 1 – Your friend had made a plan for you to see a movie together but you cannot now not join him.

726. GT TASK 1 – You will move to a new city for work. You know some people who live there.

727. GT TASK 1 – You and a friend have both been accepted to a study abroad program in Paris, France.

728. GT TASK 1 – You are planning a week-long vacation and you need someone to take care of your house while you are away. 

729. GT TASK 1 – Write a letter to your company’s director recommending a group in your local community that deserves help.

730. GT TASK 1 – Write a letter to your local council that the street you are living has become dirty lately.

731. GT TASK 1 – You recently bought an electric gadget for your home. Your friend wants the same gadget and needs your advice. 

732. GT TASK 1 – During a recent plane journey, you sat next to a businessman who owns a chain of restaurants. 

733. GT TASK 1 – You have just read an article in an international travel magazine which contained some information about your town that is incorrect.

734. GT TASK 1 – You recently went to a concert and thought one of the singers was very good. You want to tell him/her how you feel.

735. GT TASK 1 – You live near a public school. The school has asked local residents to help with the maintenance of school buildings and play area.

736. GT TASK 1 – There is a problem with the changing rooms in the sports centre that you visit. You have complained several times but with no success.

737. GT TASK 1 – You recently discovered plans to build a new airport in your area and are unhappy with it.

738. GT TASK 1 – Your friend has informed you that he/she is coming over to stay with you at your flat for a month. 

739. GT TASK 1 – You bought a music concert ticket. However, you are unable to go. So you want to offer the ticket to your friend. 


general writing task 1

General Writing Task 1

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