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BEST IELTS General Reading Practice Test 149
IELTS General Reading Practice Test 149 – Passage – 2

IELTS General Reading Practice Test 149
Read the text and answer Questions 15 – 21.
Using the Interactive Whiteboard
Getting started
Login to pc (when logged in the whiteboard will beep, this tells you it is on)
Switch on projector (using remote control)
You can now control computer using the pen!
You may need to calibrate the interactive whiteboard first. This ensures that the image on the screen matches the whiteboard screen thinks the computer screen is showing you! In short, it ensures that when you click on ‘start’ on the whiteboard it controls start on the PC.
A hexagon will appear on the bottom task bar to show that the whiteboard software is running.
To calibrate
Use one of your pens to click on ‘calibrate’ on the right hand side of the interactive whiteboard screen. A blue screen will appear which with a crosshair in the top left hand corner. Click on each cross hair as it appears on the screen. The normal computer screen will appear when this is complete.
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Whiteboard features
There are two main uses of the whiteboard:
Interactive mode and Whiteboard mode
The interactive mode will give you access to all features. Use this version.
Click on ‘interwrite interactive’ on the right hand side of the screen
Click on the new page icon to get blank screen
Write on the board (you can use the options of pen & eraser on the menu)
For additional pages, click on the new page icon
To view all pages and move to a new page, click on the page selector icon. Double click on the page you would like to go to.
To save: go to the page sorter and go to file, save as. Pages will automatically be saved to your ‘my documents area’ in a folder called interwrite and then another folder called images. You can also print from here.
To print: go to the page sorter and choose print
To close, go to the viewer and click on the exit ‘door’
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
You can write over any screen (including the desktop) using the pens
Click on the pen and a transparent whiteboard screen will appear (so that you can still see the desktop / application you are working on). You will know if this has happened as a grey number will appear on the top right hand of the screen.
The pages with the annotations included will be saved as part of the whiteboard package (as above). To view / print the page: Click on the page viewer icon and use these tools.
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Text Select Tool
Allows you to write onto the board in handwriting and turn it into typed text.
– After writing on the board, click on the toolbox and choose the text select tool.
– Draw a box over the text to change
– The text will turn into typed text
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Freehand Text Recognition
This allows you to write on any application using the pen and this will transfer your writing into printed text in the application.
Click on the toolbox icon & freehand text recognition
A box will appear
Click onto the page where you would like to insert the text (the cursor should be flashing)
Write in the box using your pen – print your handwriting.
When you have finished writing it will turn into typed text (if spelt incorrectly, click on the spelling menu to correct it).
The text will appear in the document!
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
On screen keyboard
Allows you to use the keyboard without moving over to the computer (best option for typing in web addresses)
There are many other features.
To load previous saved whiteboard screens
– Load the interwrite interactive software
– Click on the create blank page icon
– Click on the page sorter icon
– Click on file, open
– Find the saved file and click on Open
– When asked if you want to save changes to untitled say no
– Your slides will appear on the screen, double click on the one you want.
Saving your interactive whiteboard pages in a generic format
As you know, your whiteboard pages are saved as a .gwb file which can only be opened on a PC with the whiteboard software on. However, you can export these pages in a variety of ways. The 3 main ways I suggest are:
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
JPG: Each file is saved as an image file which can be opened on any PC with a photo editor (most PCs these days).
PDF: makes one file which contains all the pages and can be opened with Adobe Acrobat.
HTML: Creates a set of pages containing the images. Will work anywhere but does make a folder full of files which will all need to be uploaded / e-mailed.
To export / save interactive whiteboard pages in different formats:
– Load the pages you want to save into a different format.
– Click on the page sorter icon
– Click on file, export
– Choose the type of file and click on save / OK
The exported file will be saved on your n: drive in the interwrite folder and then in the export folder.
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Questions 15 – 21
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
15. When the whiteboard is ready to use
A. a symbol of a pen will appear on the screen
B. a symbol will appear at the foot of the screen
C. as soon as you are able to click ‘start’ on the screen
16. Calibration is complete
A. after you click on the cross hair in the top corner of the screen
B. when the pen symbol returns to the screen
C. when the usual screen reappears
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
17. To be able to use all the whiteboard features
A. set the intereactive whiteboard to whiteboard mode
B. set the interactive whiteboard to interactive mode
C. set the interactive whiteboard to either mode
18. The interwrite folder is used
A. if you want to change any of the whiteboard settings
B. to store image files
C. is where your work is saved
19. A grey number on the screen indicates that
A. a clear screen is available to write on
B. you are about to exit the current whiteboard screen
C. the pen feature has loaded
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
20. The ‘.gwb’ file is
A. the file type used for exporting whiteboard pages
B. compatible with other devices other than whiteboards
C. the standard whiteboard file type
21. One drawback with the HTML options is
A. that it takes longer to export than the other two options
B. that a lot of files are created
C. that it cannot be emailed
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Read the text and answer Questions 22 – 27.
Study Tips and Techniques
If you often find yourself struggling with your studies, here are some useful study tips and techniques that can help you out…
When it comes to studying or learning, every student prefers his/her distinct pattern that suits his speed, grasping capacity and other academic abilities. However there are certain studying techniques that can aid the learning process to a great extent. Taking notes in the class, reviewing the notes, rewriting the study material can seem too intimidating at times, here is a step by step guide that you might find helpful if you are in the process of chalking out your own study plan. First of all you need to acquire some useful study habits to follow a good study plan. Here are the study habits that can help you:
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Attending Classes
Classroom knowledge is interactive, as well as important. The amount of knowledge that one can grasp in a classroom is extremely valuable for students. Make it a point to attend the classes regularly so that you don’t miss out on the important points and topics mentioned in the class. Often teachers mention important topics and subjects that might come in handy while cracking the class tests and exams. Attending classes will help you to understand and remember each and every concept clearly and clear out any doubt that you have regarding the subject. No amount of reading or self-study can match up to the level of interactive study that is a distinct feature of classroom sessions.
Maintaining Organized and Comprehensive Notes Yes maintaining your notes is another essential element of studying. One simple process to have comprehensive notes is to include the following steps:
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
– Take notes in the class
– understanding of the topic
– Research further to include additional data to your notes.
A well organized set of comprehensive notes is the key to right studying. Also make sure the notes are clean in terms of writing and presentation; avoid scribbles in your final notes. It is always preferable that you type your notes and maintain them online or take prints. Having a soft copy of your notes always works well since you can take prints if and when required and in addition to that you never have to worry about losing your notes. However don’t worry if you do not own a computer or if you prefer writing you notes on paper, you can maintain files or notebooks as well.
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Self-Study and Research
It is a common misconception that self-study can begin only after a particular topic or chapter is taught in class. You should start preparing for the class in advance whenever you can. After attending the classes, it is of utmost importance that you have time to review the notes that you have taken during the class as well as try and read more about the subject on your own. Be it reference books, or e-books, try and hunt for more information about your subject so that you have a comprehensive view of the topics taught under your syllabus.
Often while reading and self-studying, it happens that you come across doubts or questions that did not occur to you in the classroom. Try and answer these questions yourself with the help of books or the Internet, however in case you fail to find and answer jot down these questions so that you remember to clarify the questions in your next class.
Group Discussions Debates and Conversations
Yes, one of the important habits that one must acquire to enhance the studying process is indulge in-group discussions, debates or simple conversations about the subjects that you are studying. Group discussions can be a great way to broaden your perspective over important issues since group discussions give every group member a chance to voice their understanding, which might not necessarily be alike. Group discussions are thus a healthy and a rather informal way of exchanging information and discussing issues. Many teachers encourage the group discussion technique in their classroom as well.
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Regular Planning
No matter how much people frown upon the planning process and the timetables, it is a known fact that having a clear and detailed plan makes it easier for a person to reach the goal. According to your convenience, make a daily/weekly/monthly planner for your studies. Although the monthly planning process might seem convenient it is always better to have a weekly or a daily plan, so that abrupt changes in class schedules or any other changes can be taken into consideration accordingly.
Balanced Study
Yes, there exist some species of students who burn the midnight oil, and slog it out every single day. The studying process should be such that it leaves enough room for a student to indulge in recreational activities and relaxation. Always chalk out a schedule that will not hamper your sleep, your health, your sports/recreational activities and other routine tasks. Also studying a single subject at a stretch (like an entire week or so), can get boring, hence plan a schedule that helps you switch from one subject to another in sufficient time.
Build the Right Attitude
Normally students get too caught up with the grades, the percentage and the entire marking system. Always remember that if you study with the aim of acquiring knowledge, the grades will be brighter by default. However if you just aim for the high grades, there is a chance you might get the grades, but you will miss out on acquiring comprehensive knowledge on a particular subject. Always study with the right attitude, and you will never have to worry about your grades. Knowledge is way beyond the grades and percentile marking.
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
Questions 22 – 27
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
TRUE – if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE – if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN – if there is no information on this
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
22. According to the text you need to develop your study routine before making a study plan.
23. One reason for attending classes is to pick up tips about examinations and tests.
24. It’s a good idea to add to your notes when you go through them after class.
25. You can learn a lot by just listening to group discussions.
26. It’s sometimes necessary focus all your effort on just one subject.
27. Building your knowledge rather than preparing for the test should ensure a higher grade.
IELTS General Reading Practice Test
IELTS General Reading Practice Test

IELTS General Reading Practice Test
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. A
20. C
21. B
24. TRUE
27. TRUE
IELTS General Reading Practice Test