How to Perform in IELTS Speaking Interview? – Best Article

How to Perform in IELTS Speaking Interview?

An Ultimate Secret of having proficiency in English Speaking skills

> It is certainly true that English is not a mother-tongue in many countries across the globe. Therefore, it has become a daunting task for people worldwide to have good command not only for understanding its terms but also for speaking in a fluent manner.

> Being proficient in English speaking skills is in demand in these days of competition. Although many professionals who are well-qualified and they relish their lucrative jobs in reputed organizations, they are unable to speak English fluently, which is undoubtedly a negative sign of their professionalism. Therefore, IELTS speaking has been regarded as the best and only way to have proficiency in English speaking.

> International English Language testing system (IELTS) contains four modules – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. IELTS Speaking consists 3 Parts in it, which lasts 11 to 15 minutes including all sections of Interview.

  • Part 1: General (Introduction questions)
  • Part 2: Short presentation (Cue-Card)
  • Part 3: Abstract discussion (Follow-ups)

Overview of all Sections of IELTS Interview:-

How to Perform in IELTS Speaking Interview?
How to Perform in IELTS Speaking Interview?

Part – 1 General (Introductory Questions):-

How to Perform in IELTS Speaking Interview?

This is the starting of speaking interview in IELTS. In this section, some basic questions are asked by an interviewer to candidate on the basis of liking and disliking. These questions should be answered by candidate by speaking 2 or 3 sentences. Although these answers require 2 or 3 sentences, justification of every answer is also needed by providing valid reason.

Possible topics for first section of IELTS speaking interview could be:

  1. Your city

Physical appearance, notable features, population/size, historical background, language spoken, habits of people, pollution/social problem, and so on.

2. Your job

Main responsibilities of job, things you like/dislike about it, how long you have been doing it, and so on.

Note: Be ready to discuss all aspects of your city and your job in this part of the interview.

You could also be asked to talk about a few general topics related to you and/or your personal background.

  1. Your daily routine
  2. Your likes/dislikes
  3. Your family
  4. Your country and culture
  5. Your food and drink habits
  6. Your accommodation
  7. Your leisure/free time activities


Part – 1 Intro Part

What is your full name?

My name is Adarsh.

Can I see your ID?

Yes, here it is.

Where are you from?

I belong to Anand which is in the state of Gujarat.

Where is Anand?

It lies between Ahmadabad and Baroda in Gujarat.

Are you working or studying at the moment?

I am doing both. I am studying master of computer application at indira Gandhi national Open University (IGNOU), and work as a computer engineer with bombardier which is a Canadian company.

Are you fond of receiving gifs?

Yo bet! Who doesn’t like to get gifted? I love getting gifts, and may not like to reciprocate (+do the same, return the favor) the same- just kidding! (When you speak this way you will have to wear a smile on your face)

What kinds of gifts do you like to receive the most?

The very first thing is you accept the gift whether you like it or not because all the people in your acquaintance may not have the precise knowledge about what sort of a thing you like to be gifted. Those who know me are well aware of my taste. I love trendy watches, clothes, shades among others things. It’s nice to receive a surprise gift sometimes though.

Part – 2 Short Presentation

How to Perform in IELTS Speaking Interview?

After completing first part questions, interview moves on second section which is called Cue-Card. This section of speaking analyzes the eligibility of speaking English continuously, in which candidates have to generate one story by understanding all questions of Cue-Card.

Here, you are given cue card on a topic and 1 minute to prepare a short talk. You are asked to speak on this topic for between 1 and 2 minutes. The examiner will then ask you two or three questions on the topic to round off the discussion.

The cues given, act both as facilitators and limitations. They are facilitators in the sense that you already have the ideas that you can develop on. For example, you could speak two to three sentences on each idea to make it a comfortable 2-minute discussion. Yet, they also limit your free flight because you have to keep your talk to the ideas given. The focus of this section is to organize your ideas into a cohesive presentation within the time limit.

How to go about the topic: you have 1 minute to prepare what you are going to say. It is important to use all this time and to use it effectively. The first thing to do is to make sure you have understood what you need to talk about. If you are not entirely clear about the topic or any of the ideas presented, check your understanding with the examiner.

Make notes about what you are going to say. To ensure your talk is organized and follows a clear structure, these notes should relate to the points or ‘prompts’ listed on the topic card. When your preparation time is finished, the examiner will tell you to start speaking. You will be allowed to keep the topic card during your 1 – 2- minute talk.


Part 2

Describe a foreign country you have not visited, but would like to visit?

You should say

  • Where this place is
  • What it is like
  • What you can do in this country

Why do you want to visit this country?

While I have been too many foreign countries, there are still many that I have best to visit. Each continent and country has something different, something unique to offer a hungry traveler like myself. Some have pristine lakes, some have lush green meadows. However, there is one place that has these two! Today I’m going to speak about Switzerland. This is one country I have yet to visit, but it is on top of my list. Being from a very warm place with a 6 month long summer, I constantly crave for cooler climes. We never get any snow where I live, so a place like Switzerland, where snow is a given, feels like a piece of heaven. Nestled in the northern Europe, Switzerland is rated one of the happiest places in the world on many indices. Thanks to the snow and its attitude, cold windows blow through its hamlets day and night, keeping the weather quite chilly. Once the body is acclimatized, such weather is ideal for going on long walks, treks and on picnics when the sun comes out. Being the birthplace of skiing and other similar snow sports, Switzerland is very conductive to such activities. Hotels provide basic skiing workshops to tourists, so as to give them a true blue Swiss experience. I look forward to trying out this amazing sport, followed by a mug full of hot chocolate at one of the classic Swiss ski inns in Zurich, one can hire a pedal, row boat, or speed boat and spend an enchanting  afternoon in the still lake. In Geneva and Lausanne, travelers can explore the history of Switzerland by visiting its various museums, galleries, music festivals, and old building. There are numerous things to do in this alpine paradise, but the main reason I want to visit this country is, that it is a melting pot of French, germen, Italian and Australian cultures, because it shares its border with these glories nations. For travelers this means that they can experience Switzerland’s scenic beauty with a sublime blend of art, culture, language and cuisines of surrounding nations.

Part – 3 Abstract Discussion

How to Perform in IELTS Speaking Interview?

This is known as the third part of IELTS speaking interview. Some questions are asked by an interviewer to candidate which are totally based on Cue-Card. All these questions require elaborated answers by adding logical content of ideas and examples.

This is a two-way discussion. The focus of this section is to develop/expand an idea into a free-flowing discussion. You may be called upon to describe, explain, give or justify your opinion, summarize or suggest. By this time, you are expected to be quite relaxed and to have developed some type of comfort level with the interviewer. You can now afford to give free flow to your ideas, tough stay close to the topic on hand.

This is like writing paragraphs in essay. Your answer should include:

  1. Your point of view
  2. Supporting detail (ask yourself why)
  3. An example
  4. A concluding statement

Seeking Clarifications

You may be asked a question that you do not understand or fully understand on the first go. This could be due to your ignorance about something connected with the topic or your inability to understand an idea or even a word. It is better to get it clarified with the examiner. There are several ways to do this. One way is to ask the examiner to reframe the question in a different and/or simpler way. However, a more effective way would be to guess what the examiner has asked and then use language to check whether your guess was right. You may need to paraphrase understanding of the question asked.


PART – 3 Discussion

Why do Indian people like to travel abroad?

Indians like to travel abroad for many reasons. The first is to expand their horizons and see and learn about other cultures. The second is to enjoy scenic places with natural beauty that is different from what Indian tourist destinations can offer. Another reason why Indians like to travel abroad is that most foreign countries are more developed than India, thus offering a more luxurious experience to tourists. Finally, Indians often have a tendency to show off their socio-economic status among friends and relatives. What better way to prove that one has arrived in life, than to travel to expensive destinations better way to prove that one has arrived in life, than to travel to expensive destinations abroad?

How can people benefit from international travel?

International travel acquaints us with newer, more different cultures. This teaches us to accept diversity in terms of thoughts, languages, dialects, food habits, cultures, and even dressing. Accepting such diversities makes us more tolerant, and also expands our world view. In this way, travelling can prove to be very educative. Having travelled abroad and learned such things, when we return to our own country, we can imbibe the good things we have learnt from other cultures, appreciate the plus points of our culture and behavior patterns, and also be more tolerant towards others. In the long run this makes a nation more peaceful and hence more progressive.

What’s difference between traveling abroad and studying abroad?

While traveling abroad, one’s intent is to enjoy in leisure, and absorb as much of the culture and sights of the places one visits. One aims to try as many different things as possible, and visit as many monuments, art galleries, natural sites, and other tourist places, as possible. On the other hand, while studying abroad, one does not usually find much time to explore the country where they are studying. The university curriculum is usually quite intensive, and asks a lot from the students. When students are not busy attending classes, they are usually spending their time completing the reading requirements for consequent lectures, or they are busy completing assignments on time. In the midst of these responsibilities, students rarely find the time or frame of minds to actually go sightseeing like tourists.

Written By: – EXPERT IELTS Trainer Ms. Ramandeep Kaur Gill

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