How to increase concentration in reading ?
Being actively engaged in reading is easier said than done. Most of the students have struggled at same point through dry, overly dense, technical, tedious, or boring reading material. One way to stay engaged is with a basic technique called active reading.
Concentrating while studying can be hard, especially when the study material isn’t one of candidate’s favorite topics. While studying has never been the most exciting aspects of school, it doesn’t have to be the drag that it is made out to be. With the sense of determination, and by implementing some effective study techniques, even the dullest subjects can be conquered with increased concentration during the study session.
So first let’s understand what the signs are of low concentration among individuals:
* Lack of interest
* Inability to sit still and maintain a train of thought
* Easily distracted
* Appears to be daydreaming
* Difficulty in following instructions
* Inability to keep things organized
To solve such problems one has to take care of such points.
First and foremost, find an appropriate study environment. Generally, it is a good idea to eliminate distractions as much as possible while studying, so you can concentrate on what’s in front of you. You want to find a place that is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for you.
Find a quiet area, such as a private room or a library. If you like fresh air, go outside to an area that is reasonably free of distractions and somewhere you can still connect to Internet, if necessary.
Keep in mind that everyone has their own studying environment preferences. While some prefer to study in quiet, others thrive in a bustling environment that mimics white noise.
Always believe in yourself.
If you don’t know your studying preferences, experiment in different areas, studying in a group or studying solo, studying with or without music, etc. Your ability to concentrate and be productive in different environments will reveal itself rather quickly.
Unplug from unnecessary electronics. Turn off any electronics that you don’t need especially cell phones, music listening devices, and perhaps computers (provided you don’t need a computer to study your material).
Your laptop or computer could serve as a huge source of distraction when you’re trying to concentrate.
Stick to a routine
Arrange a schedule for study time, and keep with it. This allows you to build studying time into a habit, making you more likely to follow through on study plans. Be aware of your energy levels throughout the day. Are you more energetic (and therefore more able to concentrate) during the day or nighttime? It may help to study your harder subjects when you have the most energy.
Once you know the time of day that you’re more energetic, you can make sure you study during those times, increasing your ability to focus and concentrate on your work.
Practice proper posture.
Did you know that it takes more energy to slouch then it does to sit with proper form? When you sit, push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair. Make an adjustment to your chair so that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees are equal or a little lower than your hips. Adjust the back of your chair to about a 100° reclined angle. Make sure that you are also getting proper support for your entire back. Taking these steps will not only improve your ability to focus while you are reading, they will also prevent long term issues related to poor posture.
How to read any passage
The initial step is to utilize your hand while reading. Because your eyes are naturally attracted to motion, using your hand as a guide is an easy way to stay more engaged with your reading.
By moving your finger from left to right at a steady pace, you can easily improve your concentration while reading.
You can also improve your concentration by taking systematic breaks while reading. For example, if you have a lot to read, take small breaks (less than one minute) after reading for 15 to 20 minutes.
This simple act provides yet another layer of repetition and reinforcement to help you remember more of what you read. These breaks can also help you avoid the dreaded zoning-out effect.
How to clear your mind for 1 minute?
You’ve probably heard about all the benefits you can get from practicing meditation regularly. Ideally we would want to read after a good meditation session because that is when our mind is most likely to be free from mental clutter. Since we don’t always get the luxury of good mediation before reading, we should take about 1 to 2 minutes to relax and release thoughts from our mind before we begin to read. By doing this, you will not only free up unnecessary resources in your brain, you will also be able to comprehend the information you read much better. You will be able to enjoy a higher level of focus when you read.
Try to complete test in 50 minutes
While performing IELTS reading complete your first section in 15 minutes and then second with 16 minutes in the same way go with third one in 17 minutes by this way your task can be completed within time while doing the task have a break of maximum 1 minute to relax which will help to concentrate more, by this way a candidate will have at least 10 minutes to check for mistakes such as spelling or to recheck the task. Apart from this, if candidate have not transferred answers to answer sheet that can be transferred as well.
Read with a Specific Goal in Mind
Don’t mindlessly read things. You should have a specific goal in mind. This will not only improve your focus, but will also help you get through the material more quickly. The more specific your goal is, the easier it will be to concentrate.
As simple as these tips might sound, they can make the world of difference for positive. Before you start studying, think of something that can serve as a reward for you successfully studying. An incentive can motivate you to concentrate on studying for a specific amount of time, and then you reward yourself for your solid block of time concentrating on your work. For bigger projects, develop a bigger incentive to reward yourself for your extra hard work.