General Reading Practice Test 1

General Reading Practice Test 1

Reading Passage 1            Questions 1-14

Question 1-8

Read the text below and answer questions 1-8

Tired of returning to an empty home, after work? Fed up with being single? Maybe speed dating is for you then. Try one of our speed dating events and follow these tips to meet your dream partners!

  1. Do your research. Go on internet sites to check out where speed dating venues are in your    town.
  2. Select a venue that is to your liking. You’re more likely to end up meeting like-minded individuals choosing somewhere you feel more at home.
  3. Take a friend if necessary. It’s always best to take a friend for moral support; especially if you are a novice speed dater. Friends can be a shoulder to cry on if things don’t turn out well!
  4. Dress appropriately. Dress in keeping with your personality, but the general rule of thumb in to not dress up too much; try to adopt a fairly low-key approach.
  5. Decide on what you want. Before you go into a session, draw up a list of deal-breakers, such as drinking and smoking, so you can filter out incompatible partners.
  6. Have a list of conversation topics ready. When a conversation dries up, especially with a stranger, it can be embarrassing, so have a few conversational gambits up your sleeve.
  7. Prepare how you want to present yourself. Remember: each speed date is only 3 minutes, so decide what aspects of your personality you would like to emphasize.
  8. Go into it with the right mindset. View speed dating as an ice-breaker and a first meeting; not a replacement for the entire dating cycle.
  9. Have fun. Approach speed dating in a light-hearted way; you will have more fun and maybe meet a compatible partner.
  10. Keep notes. Keep brief notes on daters’ clothes and certain outstanding characteristics, like height; smile etc, to avoid confusion over dates.
  11. Mingle after the event. This way you can further gauge reactions of potential partners towards you and make a more informed decision about them, too.
  12. Use feedback positively. If a chosen date failed to pick you, review what went wrong. Maybe you need to change your approach or maybe they were just unsuitable.
  13. Forewarned forearmed. If you weren’t successful first off, check your speed dating website for further dating advice and good luck next time!

Questions 1-8

Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answers on your answer sheet from 1-8 questions.

  1. Choosing a suitable venue is important: it will attract……………… people, more on your own wave-length.
  2. Should the event not…………….. to be a success, it’s good to have a friend there with you.
  3. A style which is………………., is preferable to one that is too dressy, on such occasions.
  4. Compiling a list of your own likes and dislikes in a potential partner can help you……………………… those who may be unsuitable.
  5. Keeping some extra topics for conversation……………………………, can prevent embarrassing silences.
  6. It is important that participants don’t regard speed dating as a(n)…………………………. Dating.
  7. The identity of individual participants can be remembered by recording the……………………………… which distinguish them from the rest.
  8. Should you fail to find your desired partner………………………… you can obtain extra dating tips on your speed dating website.

Questions 9-14

Read the text below and answer questions 9-14

After work, most of us just like to chill out in front of the TV. But why don’t you learn something new and try out one of these 3-month evening classes?

Creative writing        Fridays, 7-9 pm

This course aims to unlock students’ creative potential through a series of interactive workshops and discussions. Ideal for budding bards!

Introduction to Art    Fridays, 6-8 pm

Aimed at introducing those with just a basic grasp of art, to a broad spectrum of European artists and styles, this course will adopt a broadly chronological and geographic approach, taking in major art movements from the Renaissance to Modern Art.

Introduction to film    Mondays, 6-8.45 pm

Designed to enhance your appreciation of film, the course covers some of the key movements, styles, genres and periods in the history of Cinema, with reference to Hollywood mainstream films and films from the independent sector.

Opera Appreciation: Mozart’s Operas   Wednesday, 6.30-8.45 pm     

The course offers an in-depth examination of all Mozart’s operas, setting his works in the context of his contemporaries and offers an insight into the creative process of this musical genius. Suitable for initiates and seasoned opera lovers alike.

The middle East: History & Politics           Wednesdays, 7-9 pm

The aim of this course will be to provide students with an understanding of Middle Eastern/Arab culture, as well as some key Arabic phrases and vocabulary.

Questions 9-14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet, write

True if the statement agrees with the information

False if the statement contradicts the information

Not given if there is no information on this

9. CREATIVE WRITING is not really aimed at established writers………………….

10. INTRODUCTION TO ART is a fairly comprehensive way to introduce people to art……………………….

11. INTRODUCTION TO FILM is suitable for those hoping to break into the film industry…………………..

12. OPERA APPRECIATION will help to some extent, to demystify how Mozart wrote his music………………

13. OPERA APPRECIATION will focus purely on Mozart’s creative output…………………..

14. THE MIDDLE EAST suits those who would like to have a rudimentary knowledge of Arabic……………..

Reading passage 2

Questions 1528

There are seven sections, A-G. Choose the correct heading for each section fromthe list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-x in spaces15-21

15 Section A
16 Section B
17 Section C
18 Section D
19 Section E
20 Section F
21 Section G    

List of Headings

  1. Reference check
  2. Criminal History Check
  3. Date of Birth Confirmation
  4. Financial History Check
  5. International Applicants
  6. Driver’s License check
  7. Passport Identification
  8. Privileged Access
  9. Promotion
  10. University Students
SECTION                                         HEADINGS
15 Section A                                   ……………
16 Section B                                   …………….
17 Section C                                   ……………..
18 Section D                                   ……………..
19 Section E                                    ……………..
20 Section F                                    ……………..
21 Section G                                   ………………  



A……………….means the process of gathering and reviewing history records or information furnished by a law enforcement agency or third party vendor in the business of obtaining and providing records relating to an individual’s court convictions. A history with law enforcement record does not include an individual’s conviction records that have been sealed by court order. Records include in-state, out-of-state and international legal history, including misdemeanors and felony convictions.

B…………………means the process of gathering and reviewing monetary history records or information furnished by any court of civil law, reporting agency or a third party vendor in the business of obtaining and providing credit reports.

C…………………are current, former or prospective employees who are not U.S. citizens or not permanent residents and who do not have a U.S. issued social security number or who have obtained a social number in the last six months.

D…………………means the process of gathering and reviewing automotive and license records or information, including automotive records from any state where the individual has resided.

E…………………..refers to right to computer or application systems that have been granted to an individual beyond that of a typical user that can bypass, modify or disable technical or operational security controls.

F…………………..means job advancement, title enhancement and/or pay increase action or process open to current employees which involves increased and/or different and/or different job duties and responsibilities.

G………………….means the process of contracting individuals directly or through a third party vendor, including current and former employers, companies and educational institutions that may reasonably be relied upon to provide relevant information regarding fitness for employment.

Questions 22-28

Read the text below and answer questions 22-28


What is paid time off?

Paid time off includes holidays, vacation and sick leave and applies to employees working at least 20 hours per week in most cases. Types of paid time off include:

Holiday leave

Holiday leave is viewed as a benefit that enhances the employee’s work and personal life; it increases productivity and morale. Individual departments administer vacation leave for faculty members. Holiday leave is accrued based on employee classification, hours worked and length of service.

Sick leave

When unable to perform job due to an illness, whether yours or a departments, sick leave benefits may be used. Individual departments administer sick leave for faculty members. Sick leave is accrued based on employee classification, hours worked and length of service.

Paid holiday

All employees get 10 holidays per year in addition to two floating holidays.

Floating holidays

Employees who are eligible for paid holidays are also eligible for one or two floating holidays per year, depending on their date of employment. Floating holidays can be used employees at any time throughout the c2alendar year.

Jury Duty Leave

Jury duty leave is provided to all employees who are summoned to serve during the regular work week on the jury or for witness service where the employee is subpoenaed and is not the defendant or plaintiff. In these cases and employee will receive their regular rate of pay for judicial hours away from work.

Bereavement Leave

Bereavement Leave is a benefit that assist employees during times of need. Regular employees working a minimum of 20 hours per week eligible for upto 5 days of paid Bereavement Leave for the loss of an immediate family member. Bereavement Leave may be granted for attendance at the comparable service. Related travel time  and time necessary to conduct arrangements or other business.

Questions 22 and 23

Complete the sentence below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer. Write your answer in spaces 22 and 23.

22 An employee must work a minimum of ……………………….. week to be eligible for paid time off.

23 A floating holiday may be taken at……………………… the year by an employee.

Questions 24-28

Look at the following description questions 24-28 and the list of terms in the box below. Match each description with the correct term A-E. Write the appropriate letter A-E in spaces 24-28.


24. An employee takes time of to prepare funeral procedures for a loved one who passes away

25. An employee uses paid time off to recover from a severe flu.

26. An employee is off from work in recognition of a national holiday.

27. An employee goes on a trip with a family tour to span for two weeks in July.

28. An employee is called to serve as a witness at a court case.

A Bereavement Leave                                                                                   TERM  

B Sick Leave                                                                                             24 ………………

C Holiday Leave                                                                                       25……………….

D Jury Duty Leave                                                                                   26……………….

E Paid Holidays                                                                                       27……………….


Reading Passage 3

Read the text below and answer questions 35-40

Indian Girl Child an education

According to Article 21st A of the Indian constitution, education is a fundamental right of every child between the ages of 6 to 14. Despite this Act, a huge number of girls rural and backward areas in India do not get the opportunity to attend school. The very few who start attending hour forced to drop out after some years because of various reasons such as family responsibility, cultural and societal pressures and financial constraints. In India, girls are lagging for behind boys in literacy. School enrolment and vocational training.

In rural and backward areas, a girl’s family controls her life and decides everything for her- clothes, household chores, marriage, and so on. One question that parents, relatives and neighbors ask is ‘ what will a girl do  What  education-how will it help her in household duties?” What they fail to understand is that women will never achieve equality with men if they are deprived of education. It is only with education that girls will get opportunity to become economically independent and In turn contribute to the development ofsociety and the country. Educated girls will grow up to be confident women and enjoy a sense of accomplishment and respect.

There might be some parents whose daughter’s complete primary education but have to drop –out in the higher classes because of financial reason. Also, for higher education they might have to move out of their village or locality which is unimaginable for parents even modern time. As a report by the NGO jolkona states, the idea of “ family honor “ is intricately linked to adolescent girls in India, which leads to early marriages for them. It is also to that some facilities which would make a girl’s school day better –such as access to proper toilets, or being taught by a female teacher-are not present in many schools in rural India.

It is the responsibility of the government and privileged citizens of India to ensure that all girls get access to education. They can start by organizing community-level events to spread awareness among families and communities about the relevance of educating girls. While NGOs and non-profit organizations can work on the smaller scale, the government can make large-scale difference to the lives of girls. The Indian government launched a personal initiative ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ (which means ‘save the girl child, educate the girl child’) for the welfare and education of girls. An initial amount of Rs.100 crores were assigned to this initiative, and 6 Indian states were chosen to be a part of it. Social mobilization campaigns, both big and small, have become essential for educating the girl child. A country’s real development happens only when all citizens enjoy their fundamental right to go to school and acquire the knowledge they deserve, and women are an integral part of this.

Questions 35-40

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answer in boxes 35-40  of the sample reading answer sheet.

35. A common question asked by people is how education will benefit the…………

36. Article 21A states that education for all children between the ages of 6 and 14 is their………..

37. According to the article, girls tend to drop out in their higher classes because of……….

38. Apart from what they wear, girls’ families control two crucial aspects of their lives – household ………….

39. In India, girls are usually much behind boys in literacy, school enrollment and…………

40. In terms of facilities, a game changer for making girls’ school days better is to provide them with access to……………


  1. Like-minded
  2. Turn out
  3. Low-key
  4. Filter out
  5. Up your sleeve
  6. Replacement for
  7. Outstanding characteristics
  8. First off
  9. TRUE
  10. TRUE
  12. TRUE
  13. FALSE
  14. TRUE
  15. ii
  16. iv
  17. v
  18. vi
  19. viii
  20. ix
  21. i
  22. 20 hours per
  23. Any time throughout
  24. A
  25. B
  26. E
  27. C
  28. D

35 . Girl child

36. Fundamental reasons

37. Financial reasons

38. Chores and marriage

39. Vocational training

40. Proper toilets

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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