Remarkable strategies to enhance your scores in Reading module
Today we will look at some Remarkable strategies to enhance your scores in Reading module because I have seen many students who get less scores in this module as a result not only their overall scores suffers but also their future.
The things I am going to discuss here are very common and I continuously say to follow them but still it’s not been followed. If you follow the below said tips you will definitely see hike in your IELTS Reading scores. For this you have to enhance your reading speed and use some techniques to do so.
Skim over and look for the answers. Skimming refers to look for the main points. You don’t need to read every word attentively. Keep this thing in mind that you just require to answer the questions, nothing else. So, skim over the text and then start seeking for the answers.
*Keep your eye on time.
Don’t forget that you have only an hour to do 3 passages and answer 40 questions. You would not get extra time for transferring your answers to the answer sheet, so make sure manage your time properly.
*Is your spelling correct?
Check your spellings before writing your answers on the answer blank. You will get no mark for the answer if it’s spelled incorrectly.
*Go with the sequence
Remember that the questions follow the order of the text in majority of the cases. So the answer to question 7will comes after the answer to question 6 and so on.
When you scan over the text. Underline the most important phrases and striking words. This will surely assist you to save some time when you will search for answers.
*Unfamiliar Vocabulary? That’s OK!
Don’t worry if the text seems unfamiliar to you or don’t know the meaning of some words. Every answer can be found in the text, you don’t need any additional knowledge to succeed.
*Pay attention to the details
Look thoroughly through the passage. Any special features such as capital letters, underlining, italics, figures, graphs and tables are more likely to matter.
*Cross out the wrong answers
If you saw answer that you’re sure is wrong, cross it out. This way you won’t get confused and save your time.
*Choose your own technique
It may sound very strange at first, but……
There is no ultimate advice which strategy fits you the best. You should choose yourself how to search for accurate answers and what to do first: read questions or text. Numerous successful candidates prefer to read the text first, and only then answer the questions. However, some say it’s better to do the other way. Practice doing IELTS Reading samples to determine which technique fits you more.
Things to keep in mind
_ Pay attention to the grammar structure. You may see numerous types of grammar structures, but try to understand all. This will be fruitful for your writing as well. Majority of the applicants do not have a wide range of vocabulary, but if you are not good at grammar, you don’t know what the text refers to. Hence, due to this, you may lose the main idea.
_ You must be aware about the two tools in IELTS reading: Skimming and Scanning. They both depend on an understanding of the key points. Therefore, if you do not have the grip of the main ideas in a limited time, you will lose time. This can be learned b reading various articles.
_ Another method to do the preparation of IELTS reading is speed reading. Nevertheless, doing reading as quickly as possible is NOT the key. If you read so fast then you have to read again, there are no benefits gained from this practice. The main point is just to pick the main ideas and the next details. Besides this, understand all the main points, you should try to remember all the essential details as you can.
_ Reading thoroughly is also important in the IELTS reading section. With few questions or certain sentences, you need to read and try to understand the every single word. Especially, with (true/false/not given) OR (yes/no /not given) questions, a single word can change the whole meaning.
_ After completing the reading practice test, you must check all the wrong answers , try to explain why you were wrong and think of another better way to answer those questions faster. You will gain the necessary experience by doing this before the real examination.
_ In the IELTS exam, though you can mark plus write in the question paper, you should transfer your all the answer to the reading answer sheet. Be aware that no extra time is given for transferring your answers from the test booklet to the reading answer sheet.
enhance your scores in Reading module

enhance your scores in Reading module