BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 586

Babbling: Talking rapidly and continuously without making sense.
Sentence: The baby was babbling incoherently while playing with his toys.

Baffling: Confusing or puzzling
Sentence: The instructions for the game were baffling and hard to understand.

Barfing: Vomiting
Sentence: She ran to the bathroom, barfing on the way.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Bawling: Crying or sobbing loudly
Sentence: The baby was bawling loudly, disturbing the other passengers.

Befuddled: Confused or bewildered
Sentence: The complicated math problem left him befuddled.

Bickering: Arguing or quarreling over petty matters
Sentence: The couple was constantly bickering over small things.

Boundless: Unlimited or infinite
Sentence: The view from the top of the mountain was boundless and beautiful.

Bratty: Behaving in an annoying or selfish manner
Sentence: The bratty child threw a tantrum when he didn’t get his way.