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BEST Reading IELTS General Test 167

Read the text below and answer questions 15-21.
A. You must clearly indicate which part of your work is drawn from somewhere else. Paraphrasing is when you use what someone else has said or written, but you write it in your own words. If you paraphrase you must include an in-text citation so that readers can locate the source.
B. Carefully selected quotations add to the points you are making, but they don’t, in themselves, add to the quality of your work. Put another way, if you submitted an essay made up entirely of quotations from other sources you would probably gain a low or zero mark. It is fine to quote other people occasionally, and it is expected that you do-but make sure you provide your own contribution or viewpoint. It is your work that earns you marks.
Reading IELTS General Test
Direct quotes . . . should always be put inside quotation marks. Longer quotes can be indented so they stand apart from the main body of the text. Each quote must be followed by an in-text citation.
C. Creation is when you produce something new. If you edit an existing item it would still need to be referenced.
D. Make sure you understand what type of referencing protocol you are required to follow for your unit.
• For text-based assessments you will usually need to include in-text citations and a reference list that gives the full details of the source material.
• For visual-based artefacts or portfolios you will usually need to include a reference list that gives the full details of the sources that you referred to when creating your work, anything that you have used and modified must be listed.
E. Always keep your work and the original reference together. Losing the original source of the information is poor academic practice, and it means you might end up submitting work without a reference, or you might end up submitting it with the wrong reference. You could, at any time, be required to produce the original source for comparison.
Reading IELTS General Test
F. This is very important. If you copy and paste from a source and fail to reference it properly, then you have plagiarised. It doesn’t matter whether you did this intentionally or not. Depending on the circumstances of the case, plagiarism may be treated as academic misconduct where serious penalties can apply.
G. Often students are encouraged to work together, to cooperate by sharing ideas and understandings. However, individual assessments (where your name is the only name on the cover sheet) are meant to be your own work.
Copying from someone else’s work is plagiarism, and serious penalties can apply.
Do not allow anyone else to submit your work as their own: this is collusion, which is considered academic misconduct.
Source: Extracted from checklist contained in Academic
Integrity at Curtin: Student Guidelines for Avoiding
Plagiarism (2013), a booklet published by Curtin
University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, global/ studentbook.cfm’
Reading IELTS General Test
Questions 15-21
The text has seven sections: A-G.
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-ix in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.
List of headings
i. Everything must be referenced, unless you made it yourself.
ii. Express others· work your own way and acknowledge that it is not yours.
iii. It is a bad habit to forget your sources.
iv. To get better marks, use your own work as much as possible.
v. Don’t say another student’s work is yours.
vi. You can copy work as long as you reference it.
vii. Note all sources used and reference them in the body of the text also.
viii. Know where your material comes from and keep the information handy.
ix. Copying and pasting is plagiarism.
Reading IELTS General Test
15. Section A
16. Section B
17. Section C
18. Section D
19. Section E
20. Section F
21. Section G
Read the text below and answer questions 22-27.
The Acton Community Health Centre seeks to assist the local community and businesses with their health-care needs. The centre offers high standards of care in general practice as well as specialists in travel medicine and occupational health. This expertise offers solutions for local communities, local businesses and employers, medical specialists and insurers.
• preventative services such as immunisations, well woman examinations and physicals
• blood tests
• treatment of chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension and heart disease
• pregnancy testing and antenatal care
Reading IELTS General Test
• specialised medicals: diving, commercial drivers, aviation and insurance medicals.
New patients may schedule an appointment by calling (317) 555-2611, extension 3310. Office hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, although some doctors may see patients as early as 7:30 am. Established patients should contact their doctor’s secretary for a convenient appointment time or to obtain test results.
Patients needing urgent medical attention when the centre is closed may contact their physician by calling the main clinic telephone number: (317) 555-2611. The clinic’s answering service will then contact the physician on call. While it is not usual for doctors to make home visits, in an emergency, such a visit is possible.
Reading IELTS General Test
Acton Health Centre has a strong commitment to preventive medicine. The College of General Practitioners recommends checkups according to the following schedule:
– | Frequency* | Who** |
Smoking discussion | Annual | Smokers |
Physical activity advice | Annual | All |
Cardio-vascular risk check | 2 yearly | > 45 years |
Blood pressure check | Annual | > 18 years |
Cholesterol check | 2 yearly | > 45 years |
Diabetes check | Annual | > 40 years |
Kidney check | 5 yearly | > 50 years |
*Minimum frequency; more often for some at-risk groups
**For general population; earlier checks necessary for some at-risk groups.
All consultations at Acton Community Health Centre are completely confidential. We never disclose anything discussed at a consultation to anyone without your permission.
Because the underwater environment places unique physiological stresses on the body, before doing a diving course you will need a valid SCUBA Diving Medical Certificate. Acton Community Health Centre has been performing diving medicals for over 40 years, carrying out a large number each week. For the medical, the doctor will review your medical history, and perform a lung function tests, audiometry (hearing test), a urine test, a physical exam and, in some cases, an ECG (heart tracing).
Reading IELTS General Test
Questions 22-27
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
The main focus of the health centre is to ensure simple (22)……….. for patients. Patients may be able to see some doctors before (23)……….. . In an emergency, you should call the (24)……….. telephone number. If you are over 45 years of age, you should have a heart check-up and a (25)……….. every two years. Patients must give (26)……….. for their medical history to be disclosed to a third party. You will need a valid certificate before you undertake a (27)……….. .
Reading IELTS General Test

Reading IELTS General Test
15. ii
16. iv
17. i
18. vii
19. viii
20. vi
21. v
Reading IELTS General Test
23. 8:30 AM
Reading IELTS General Test