BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th August

BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th August


BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th August
BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 20th August


Today’s society provides people with various ways to lose weight, such as special diets or exercise regimes. Many people believe though that poor food and today’s lifestyle should be addresses first.

What is your viewpoint of this situation?


In modern day western society one can easily become obese, as the availability of cheap and healthy food is high. Nonetheless, many people desire to be healthy and slim and therefore have chosen to follow special diets or exercise regimes so as to not become obese. Others believe, however, that people should be better informed about today’s healthy lifestyles and the poor food they are consuming before such diets and regimes are taken into consideration.

Personally, I agree that the unhealthy lifestyle of many people must be addressed before thinking about ways of losing weight through special diets. It has become habitual for people to cook using ingredients that have been pre-cooked or to which chemicals have been added.   

Additionally, several people consume a lot of microwave and fast food, which are both easy to purchase and prepare, but are often fairly unhealthy. Due to the fact that it has become less popular to cook meals using fresh ingredients, people consume chemicals, taste intensifiers, salt and sugar without realizing. By consuming food that has been made by mass production, one no longer has to think largely about how a meal is prepared and can simply consume it without thinking about the ingredients.

I believe that in order to lose weight effectively and over a long period of time, one has to learn to eat in a healthy way to carry out sport on a regular basis. Learning how to cook with fresh ingredients is an important aspect of eating in a healthy way, and, by doing so; people can avoid eating food that has been pre-made. If people do not understand this concept, they will fall back into unhealthy habits after their diet is over.

In conclusion, today’s unhealthy lifestyles as well as the poor quality food consumed by people on a regular basis must be addressed before thinking about diets or exercise regimes. If people can combine exercise with wholesome eating habits, they will be happier and healthier.


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