BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 12th October



What is your full name?

My name is Ashima goyal.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Ashima.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?
It’s undeniable that social networking sites have become a huge part in our lives, especially young people’s lives. I think am addicted to Facebook and Twitter.

Are you a social person?
I suppose I am an out-going sort of person. I have many friends on Facebook and get along well with other people.

What kinds of people do you like to make friends with on those websites?
I love to make friends with people who have same interests as me such as music, travelling and learning English

Is it good to find real friends on social network?
I think no, most of the friends I have on Facebook are just normal friends, it is common that people just make friends for fun and sometimes will not even meet face to face. But we do tend to share things a lot on social websites.

Do you mind noises?
It’s really hard for me to say no. I mean, I really can’t bear noisy people, noisy places or even noisy things. For me noise is the number-one distractor when it comes to studying or working. You know, they actually just go ahead and interrupt my flow of thoughts.

What types of noise you come across in your daily life?
Well, I have to say that I face up to a rich variety of noises on a daily basis. The first type of noise is from traffic, especially during the rush hours. The second is noise from factories, construction sites which never fail to distract me from working, thereby reducing my productivity.

Are there any sounds that you like?
I think there is one sound that can always lull me to sleep, the rain sound. There are nights I was so stressed out that I can hardly sleep no matter how much I tried, and then I went online searching for some sound for deep sleep or relaxation, and rain sound is always one of the top choices. And since then rain sound has become my go-to on sleepless nights.

Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?
Indeed. I do think the level of noise is increasing overtime mainly due to human activities. The situation gets even worse if you live in a big modern city at a young age. Your auditory must be trained so hard to tolerate such noise everyday. It is really alarming now to raise people’s awareness towards this “invisible” killer.

Are cities becoming noisier?
Most cities in our country are suffering serious noise pollution due to rapidly increasing population and a massive amount of daily transportation. The consistently intense presence of noise does serious harm to the public health.


Describe a book that had a major influence on you.

You should say:

what the name of the book is & who the author is

how you first heard of the book

what the main story of the book is

And explain why it played such an important role in your life.


I have to deal with overwhelming workload recently. However, if I have any spare time, I would like to sit down with a book and a cup of tea. Books always keep me calm and relaxed. Until now, I have read numerous books, but the one which has the greatest influence on me until now is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

Alchemist was first published in 1988, but it is not until 2015 that I read this book. At that time, I had read “Little Prince”, and fallen head over heels in love with it. Then all of a sudden, I stumbled upon a review about Alchemist written that “It is like Little Prince for Asian”, which made me so curious about it and hunger for reading it. I decided to buy this book straight away. After spending a whole day reading the book, The Alchemist became my favorite book, surpassing “Little Prince”.

Although the book is not as thick as other famous novels like “Gone with the wind” and the like, it still succeeds in inspiring a devoted following around the world. This story is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to Egyptian desert in search of a buried treasure in the Pyramids. On the way he reaches the destination, there are a number of obstacles that he has to overcome, and some people that give him a lot of lessons about life.

Though this kind of journey can be told in many other books, Alchemist, dazzling in its powerful simplicity and inspiring wisdom can give me a unique outlook on life. This story has successfully taught me about the importance of passion in every life. To pursue your passion, you should try as hard as possible.


Do you generally read a lot of books or do you prefer watching TV? Why?

I prefer reading books over enjoying random programmes on television. However, that does not mean that I hate watching TV. I just feel that reading is a far better habit than watching TV.  Every book gives us the opportunity to learn something new and the time spent on reading a book is more constructive. I can’t say the same for the TV. We often watch TV to kill our time and end up surfing through channels rather than watching something meaningful.

What kinds of books are considered good reads in your opinion?

I believe books that are suitable for a reader’s age and do not contain any hate speech or offensive materials are a good choice. Generally speaking, if a book can grab readers’ interest, makes them think, or helps them learn something new then it is a good read. For me, a captivating story and character development in it are always key indicators for a good read. However, I often enjoy books simply because they are educative and based on real events.

Do you think that people read nowadays as they did in the past?

I believe we always had readers in our society and we still have who enjoys reading books more than any other activity. However, the way people read in the past has changed. We now have digital devices to read books and the Internet to download and read any book we like. These days the young generation seems more interested in technology than books but as I have said, we still have a good number of readers who use the technology to read books of their favourite writers. Online platforms also enable us to express ourselves about a writer and his/her books more openly.


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