BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 10th October



What is your full name?

My name is Amanpreet Kumar.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Aman.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like to help others?
I am very happy to help others especially my neighbours. Getting alone well with your neighbours is very important if you want to lead a happy life.

When was your last time you helped others?
Well, let me tell you about a time when I helped someone who I was not familiar with. One morning, I met an old lady who lived in the same building as me in a local shop. She had just bought a bag of rice and was ready to take the heavy bag home. I saw that she was having problems trying to life it up. I walked straight over to her, and said that I would take the bag home for her. She was very thankful for my kindness. I could see that she really needed someone would stand out and do her a kind favour.

Did your parents teach you the importance of helping others?
When I was young, my parents and teachers taught me a lot about helping others. It is a core virtue in my culture, the solidarity of community is the thing that keeps members of society connected so we are always willing to help each other.

Have you ever refused to help others?
Yeah, sometimes when I am in hurry or on business I don’t have time so I have to say sorry that I can’t help.

In general, why do people help others?
I think it’s the kindness that exists in most human hearts, at least a little. Many of us have needed some help ourselves from time to time, and we know what it feels like to need something. We know it feels good to have help from others when we need it, so we want to help others in the same way. Also, as I mentioned before, often it simply makes us happy to help others in some way.

Do you think it’s important to help people who need help?
Of course it’s important. We have a responsibility to do our part whether it’s in our family, our workplace, or amongst friends. None of us are like little islands with nothing or no one around us. We influence each other, and contribute to the atmosphere and environment around us, at least we should. And just as we want others to help us, we should naturally be willing to help others.

How do you feel after you have helped someone?
Usually I feel very good when I’ve helped someone. Even if the help I gave was difficult for me or an inconvenient time. Even if it was a sacrifice for me, afterwards it seems that I am happier than when I began, and sometimes I even seem to have more energy or time left for myself. It may sound funny, but sometimes it seems a little like magic how I end up with more time or more energy or more money or whatever, after I have given some away to another person.

Many people only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?
I think it’s sad. I know it is common, but it’s a sad statement of modern life, at least in big cities. I know not everybody is that way, but nowadays a lot of people have become very selfish. It seems that so many people are in such a rush to get rich or get better jobs or into the best schools that they hardly even notice people who need help. Maybe if people were not so absorbed in their own worlds, they would see the needs more and would do something about it. At least I hope so.

What is the most important way for a country to help visitors?
Probably the most common form of help needed by foreigners is help with the language. I’ve also seen foreigners on the streets who seem to be a little lost. Sometimes they’re looking at their maps trying to find a famous tourist spot, so giving directions is another common way to help foreigners. I’ve done this a few times, and it was an interesting chance to talk to someone from another country.

Do you think that countries should help other countries in need?
Yes, by all means. Our country has helped other countries many times, such as after the tsunami caused so much damage in Thailand, Indonesia and India. We also sent aid to the United States after the severe hurricanes a few years ago. I think we should look at the world as a very large neighborhood, and if we can try and do as much as possible for our neighbors, everyone is a lot happier and friendlier towards each other.


Describe a time when you are very busy

You should say

When it was

– What you had to do during that time

– How you managed it

– And explain how you felt about being busy


One such busy time I really remember was the time when I had the deadline to submit my thesis paper which is the ultimate assignment to gain a Master Degree in International Relations.

This thesis paper is of great importance to me because it will decide whether I can get through the master course with flying colour or not. I had just 1 month to complete my thesis paper but I had a full-time job which accounted for 8 hours per day so I had hardly few hours left for this graduation paper. I was also a procrastinator who always waits until the last minute to do anything which made me fall behind my schedule for my thesis paper submission.

Moreover, the thesis was really complex and challenging; therefore, I had tons of tasks waiting for me to be carried out such as collecting data for the report in the thesis, doing group discussions to brainstorm good ideas for the thesis and surfing high and low to collect information online as references for the thesis. I even didn’t have time left for my personal stuff. To be more specific, I did not spend time on visiting my parents for the whole month even though they were in the same town. I couldn’t also visit some close friends, maintain my social networking profiles and update my blog. I did not feel good about it so it was particularly stressful to me.

However, I knew that I had to stay motivated and productive to get through this hard time. I worked flat out and put a lot of time and effort into it to meet worked flat out and put a lot of time and effort into it to meet tight deadlines and get the best results for the thesis paper. For the sake of that, I got a straight ‘A’ in my thesis, continued my job and did well in my term final. I had to sacrifice a lot and maintain a strict routine and stop lots of my other activities that I usually do. At the end of the day, it was well worth the effort and time!


Do you manage your time effectively?

It really depends on what I’m doing, if I’m feeling lazy. I tend to do whatever first comes to mind, but when I am more active, I usually organize what I’m supposed to do by importance. Sadly more often than not I forget to organize my thoughts and end up wasting a lot of precious time. But I’m working on changing all that.

Do you like making detailed plans?

I don’t usually make detailed plans for the work I’m doing, but I really like the outline method, where you just list the main points and sub-points of your project. Then you can clearly see what you need to accomplish and how realistic your time frame needs to be. But for the most part I don’t particularly like drawing detailed plans.

What are the advantages of making plans?

One advantage, like I said before, is that you can clearly see what it is you need to accomplish and better plan about how much time you need to accomplish it. Another advantage is that important details are less likely to be left out. Quite a few times I’ve had to go back and redo something that I was working on just because I overlooked a small but important detail, which in the end cost me a lot of extra time, and sometimes money. Thankfully I’ve been getting better at time management and have fewer problems than before.


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