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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 2nd October

What is your full name?
My name is Hakampreet Kaur.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Hakampreet.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here you go.
What kind of events may be life-changing events?
Like I said, breaking tip or ending a relationship would be one. Having an accident or hurting yourself when playing sports sure is life changing. Winning the lottery is another life changing event. Getting married will change your life, too.
Do Chinese people change jobs very often? Do you think that’s good?
Yes, I think that Chinese do change their jobs pretty often, and I think that it is a good thing. Until you really find a job that you feel comfortable with, then I think it is okay to change jobs. Some Chinese and people around the world have to change jobs because they get laid off or their company gets gobbled up by some big corporation, and they are forced to leave.
How do you think employers could encourage employees not to change jobs?
Of course, they could give a lot of money, but I know that this is not always practical. I think that one thing that would really help people stay in a job is that they are shown some appreciation for what they do. I read that a lack of appreciation is one reason that people go from job to job and just can’t seem to find a home. I think if employers would just listen to their employees about their need, that would be a big help, too.
Why do so many people in China move to a different city or even go overseas to study or work?
Well. I think that people are just looking for their groove and where they belong. Now that the opportunity is there to travel, people want to take advantage of it, and see where their fortunes lie. There is a big world out there and some people want to find out if it is their “cup of tea” as they say.
I hate to use so many idioms and I hope that I am using them right, but some people just have the proverbial “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” syndrome. They think that once they get there, all their problems will be over.
What do you think are the major challenges of working or studying in another country?
Well. I guess that one of the biggest ones is that you are going to a different culture, and you are not sure how you are going to lit in. In most countries one of the hardest things to deal with is prejudice. People always seem to have a little suspicion of foreigners in their country. I think that loneliness would he another thing that would be hard for someone working or studying overseas. A person would be away from family and friends, and that would be difficult.
Talk about a person who likes to wear fashionable clothes.
– You should say
– Who the person is
– Who was with you
– How old you were
– What did the sky look like, that day?
The first time I remember admiring the sky was when I was just a child of four years. It was a beautiful winter evening, and my parents had taken me to our farm house. Which was far removed from the hustle bustle and pollution of the main city. We visited the farmhouse to spend a long weekend there, with a few of a Parents’ friends and their children.
There were six others of my age, and we had spent all afternoon playing and catch and hide and seek. Tired and hungry from the running around, I recall we had headed back to where our parents were picnicking on the large rugs spread out on the lush green lawns. My mother handed me a sandwich, and I sat eating it, staring blankly into nothingness.
Slowly my tired gaze shifted to the sky, and to my surprise, it was a beautiful deep orange, interspersed with purple grey streaks of clouds. I had never seen the sky in such splendor, and was quite surprised that it could be any other color but blue. I kept staring at God’s masterpiece, and admired his artwork innocently.
As time passed, the sun turned into a blood red orb that I could look at without wrinkling up my eyes! The beauty of the sun absorbed me completely, and it felt like something out of a picture book. The skies faint sounds of people around me, the sight of the beautiful winter sky had drowned out what they were saying. When my friends finished their sandwiches and called me back to play, I simply ignored them, and kept admiring the wonderful cloud formations. I remember, after that evening I stopped painting the sky blue in my sketchbook, and started using many different colours, instead.
Why do people like to study the sky?
People like to study the sky because it is very beautiful, weather the day in sunny, cloudy, or a mix of both. Studying the sky gives people an idea of what kind of weather they can expect on a particular day. Further, studying the sky opens up the avenue of star gazing – a most delightful leisure activity.
Do you know any story related to the planets?
I know a few stories about planets based on Indian astrology and mythology my grandmother used to tell me these stories when I was a child, and most of them had interesting characters, as well as good morals.
Do you think children should be told stories about stars and planets to improve their imagination?
Children should be told stories about stars and planets to improve their imagination A good imagination makes way for creativity, and could shape a child into an artist or story teller, if such stories pique his interest at a young age.