BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th July


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your name?

My name is Tay May.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Tay.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

Do you like art?

Yes, I like art. Art gives meaning to life. Art is what differentiates us from animals. I like all sorts of art. I like drawing and painting. I also liked performing arts like music and dance.

Do you think art classes are necessary? {Why?}

Yes, I think art classes are very necessary. Art brings out peoples creativity. Art preserves our culture and tradition.

IELTS Speaking

How do you think art classes affect children’s development?

Art classes affect children’s development in many ways. Art brings out the hidden creativity of children. Art is a form of communication. People can convay their feelings through their paintings and through their songs.

What kind of paintings do Indian people like?

Indian people like different kinds of paintings. It is a matter of personal choice. Some people like portraits, some like paintings of landscapes, some like the traditional forms of painting and some like the modern art forms.

Do you like advertisements?

Yes, I like advertisements. I think they are very informative and keep us updated about the latest products and offers.

What kind of advertisement does you like the most?

I like adverts that have a touch of humor. I also like advertisements that touch social issues.

IELTS Speaking


Childhood hobby

– What it was

– How you developed this hobby

– Why you liked doing this


In different stages of childhood and teenage time, different things attracted me and some of the hobbies I had then are no longer present in me. One such hobby of my childhood was collecting stamps. I was a student of grade 4 when I first found that interesting hobby. I noticed one of my classmates had a good collection of stamps and they were cataloged based on country in his stamp book.

The idea of collecting stamp impressed me and I thought to start collecting the stamps as well. When I start collecting stamps I had no particular reason for doing so but the idea of collecting stamps and having a good collection seemed an appealing idea to me. But later I found that philately is a good hobby that helped us in knowing many different cultures, persons, occasions and custom of our country and foreign countries as well.

For instance, after I found a stamp of USA that had the Statue of Liberty printed on it, I asked my teacher about it and he explained the details information of it. In another occasion I came to know about Alfred Nobel, Marie Curie, Abraham Lincoln, Vasco da Gama etc. from the stamps I had. Some stamps also have many historical events or cultural events printed on them and I learned about them as well.

IELTS Speaking

Some off the stamps were from countries that I never knew about and thus the stamp collection habit helped me extending my knowledge. Apart from that, I found that children who collect stamps have common interests and thus become close to other. One such friend of mine was David whom I would have never met unless I had this hobby in my childhood. In my childhood I liked this hobby mostly from pure passion & excitement and the opportunity to know about different events, famous persons and events of history.

I am not exactly sure how I abandoned this hobby later when I grew up but in my best guess that would be because of my involvement in other stuffs, interest in other things and business in school and study. I remember I had the stamp collecting hobby till I was in grade 8 and later on I got busy in my study, grown interest in computer technology, start playing outdoor games and developed the habit of reading story books and novels. The stamp book I had in my school has been kept in a safe place by my mother and who knows someday I will give it to my son/daughter and s/he would start collecting more stamps.

IELTS Speaking


How do people in India spend their leisure time, for example, after school, afterwork or on weekends?

People spend their leisure time in many ways. Some watch TV, some go out with family and friends, some listen to music, some people surf the Internet and some people spend time on their hobbies.

Compare how adults spend their leisure time with how children spend their leisure time.

Adults spend their leisure time by watching TV, by listening to music, and by doing some hobbies, whereas children watch TV, play video games, and some children also play outside with friends.

What kinds of things do families in India do together in their leisure time?

Families watch TV together, go for movies together, eat out together, go for walks together, and do many other things together.

Would you say that people have enough leisure time today?

Yes, people have enough leisure time, but they choose to work in that time also. Modern technology has made life simpler and easier. Many of our works can be done in much less time, but people chose to spend that saved time in doing even more work.

IELTS Speaking


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

IELTS Speaking

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