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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 9th May

What is your name?
My name is Phonio Gajuka.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Phonio.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here is it.
IELTS Speaking
Do you like to watch films?
Yes, I love to watch films. I think it is a very good form of entertainment and gives us the much-needed break in our busy life. It is also a good way to spend quality time with friends and family.
Do you prefer foreign films or Indian films?
I like watching both, Indian and foreign films. I think that the Indian films keep us connected to our culture and roots and through the foreign films; we get knowledge about other cultures. Both are an equally good source of entertainment.
IELTS Speaking
How often do you go to cinema to watch a movie?
I go to cinema to watch a movie quite often, at least once or twice a month.
Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?
No, it is not at all easy to find real friends on social networking websites. People make fake ids, with fake information and dupe people.
What kind of chatting app or software do Indian people like to use?
Indian people like to use chatting apps like, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Hike, V-chat, Viber, etc.
IELTS Speaking
Describe a difficult choice that you made.
You should say:
• what the choice was
• when this happened
• what choice you made
And explain why the choice was a difficult one.
So I’m going to talk about a situation when I found it really difficult to make up my mind. It was when I was a child, about ten years ago, and my parents weren’t getting on well with each other, which made the atmosphere at home really terrible. In the end, they got divorced, but I didn’t know whom I should go to live with, my mom or my dad.
IELTS Speaking
That was a really difficult time in life for me because so many things changed, mostly in a negative way. I had a difficult time to choose who to live with because I loved both of my parents and we had had many unforgettable memories together. So to solve this matter, our family spent a long time discussing it and deciding on the best option for me.
Finally, I chose to stay with my mom because she could take better care of me and she needed my support after the divorce. Though my dad felt upset, he agreed with my choice, for my sake. You know, I believe that was not only a tough choice for me but also for my parents as well.
I always want to live under the same roof as both my parents, so choosing just one person to live with was a hard thing for me. Not being able to see my dad every day made me feel sad, so that was one of the toughest choices I have ever had to make.
IELTS Speaking
Why do some people like to discuss choices with other people?
I believe every important choice we make has a great influence on the later courses of our life. This is why we often seek advice or opinion of others we trust to be assured that we are on the right track. Some people are not good decision makers and often rely on their close friends and relatives for the guideline. Others, however, just want to get a second opinion before deciding something.
Should important choices be made by parents rather than by young adults?
I think that depends on the type of choices we are considering. If it is about which school to pick for a teenager, parents are better suited to do so. However, if it is about the sports the young boy or girl should take part in, then the children’s choice should get a priority. I believe, parents should make most of the important choices for their young children but should leave very personal choices like music, sports, leisure activity and type of friends for their offsprings to decide. Parents can, however, provide guidance and support to their children to make sure they do their best.
IELTS Speaking