BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd December

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 22nd December


IELTS Speaking
IELTS Speaking



What is your full name?

My name is Aad Jugad.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Aad.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

How important is the internet to you?

Extremely important. I depend on it for work, research, study and entertainment, so without it I’d be complete lost.

IELTS Speaking Interview

How often do you use the internet?

I use it constantly throughout the day, every day. I check my emails when I get up in the morning, I use it for work all day and then I watch videos, read books or listen to music through it at night.

Do you use it more for work or in your free time?

I’d say both really. About 50% of my job involves researching and writing on the internet so I would use it for about 4 hours a day. When I get home, I’m normally too tired to go to the gym or play sports so it is really easy to download a movie or stream some music and I normally do that until I fall asleep.

What are your favourite websites?

For work my two favourite sites are WordPress and Google. WordPress is a blogging tool that allows you to publish blogs easily and maintain a professional looking website. Google of course allows me to find the information I need quickly and accurately. In my spare time, I of course use Facebook like everyone else in the world, but my favourite site is The Guardian because it allows me to keep up to date with everything that’s happening.

IELTS Speaking Interview

Has the internet affected your viewing habits?

Absolutely, I watch most TV shows on the internet now, rather than a normal TV. There are so many streaming services like Netflix offering on-demand TV and it suits me to be able to watch what I want, when I want. I also like to binge watch a series of TV shows, just watch a whole series in a day or two rather than waiting for the next episode.


Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theatre, sports centre) you would like to have in your hometown

– What is it

– Where is it

– When you go there

– And how you feel about it

IELTS Speaking Interview


Every city needs some leisure places and facilities, like cinemas, theatre, parks, sports centres, etc. Here I would like to talk about a leisure facility that I would like to have in my hometown. It is a theatre for plays and other cultural events. I belong to Calgary, which is a small city known for its spare parts industries. There are many modern facilities in my hometown, but I feel that arts and cultural events have taken a backseat due to the modernisation.

I have been to the Tagore theatre in Chandigarh, where many plays, dance events and other cultural events are organised. I once saw a dance competition there. It was for promoting the traditional dances of India and many students from local schools participated in it. They performed dances from all over India, like Bharatnatyam, Odisi, Kathak, Bhangra and many more such forms of dances. I was very impressed with the performances and felt proud of our diversity and culture. I think such a facility would greatly benefit the young generation.

Technology had taken over our lives and we are forgetting our roots. Just a facility will not only be a pace of leisure but also keep us connected with our roots and will make the hidden talent come out. Many talented children and youngsters will get an opportunity to showcase their talent. I hope to see such a leisure facility in my hometown in the near future.

IELTS Speaking Interview


Do people change the way of entertainment as they grow older?

Yes, I think so. As we grow older, our interests may change or new interests may develop. For instance, as children we may enjoy animation movies, but as we grow older we may like other genres of movies. Similarly, the kind of music we listen to, the books we read, sports and dames we play, also change as we grow older.

What do young people do for fun?

Young people like to do many thinks for fun. Some youngsters like to listen to music, some like to dance, play sports, party, sing, hang out with friends, play games on consoles or their cellphones, travel and many other such things.

Do you think entertainment methods will be home based in the future?

Yes, there will be many more home based entertainment methods in the future. This has already started happening, and with the rapid advancement in technology and I think this will continue in the future. People don’t feel the need to socialise and go out because all they need for entertainment is available at home, like televisions, gaming consoles, home theatres, etc.

IELTS Speaking Interview


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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