BEST IELTS General Reading Test 540

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 540

IELTS General Reading Test

Choosing suitable activities at the Community Centre

Activity sessions available:

Monday13:00-14:30Cake making contest. Individual prizes to be won.A
Tuesday15:00-17:00Healthy cooking class. Open-air ‘Black & White’ film showing, followed by a chat over cheese and biscuits. Learn how to cook fast yet healthy meals.B
Wednesday19:00-22:00Open-air ‘Black & White’ film showing, followed by a chat over cheese and biscuits.C
Thursday20:00-22:00Quiz Night. Teams of 3-4. Great team prizes to winD
Friday19:30-21:00Live band playing. Genres from jazz to rock.E
Saturday7:00am-8:00amYoga Followed by fruit.F
Saturday15:00-18:00Wildlife lecture. Followed by guided nature walkG
Sunday9:30am-11:00amBadminton pairs.H
Sunday13:00-14:30Local history talk. Cookies and coffee provided.I

Benny is fan of all kinds of music. He is not so keen on listening to recorded music however, and prefers to enjoy a performance delivered by musicians in person.

IELTS General Reading Test

Justin loves nothing more than catching a classic from the early days of the big screen with other like-minded enthusiasts. People who are keen to discuss what was seen afterwards over snacks.

Brenda has a keen interest in baked goods of all kinds including desserts. She is competitive and loves to show off her skills.

Sally is really an early bird, who is keen to remain in great shape doing gentle activities that are good for her health, ones that keep her mind and body both sharp and toned.

Benjamin really is a guy who loves to compete and test his wits against others as part of a group of friends. He likes to keep his brain sharp. His specialist knowledge is history and geography.

IELTS General Reading Test

Martin is fascinated and addicted to all games involving nets. He’ll be looking to play with his lovely wife against other like-minded couples.

Tim is an avid follower of eating well, eating regularly and eating well-balanced nutritious meals. He is however often pressed for time and would love to find ways to counter that.

Daniel loves nothing more than knowledge. He cannot get enough of learning new things about the area where he is. In particular, he has a strong interest in birds and going hiking.

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and state what activity session each of the individuals should choose based on the information given in the table.

14. Justin.

15. Brenda.

16. Sally.

17. Benjamin.

18. Martin.

19. Tim.

20. Daniel.

IELTS General Reading Test

Health and Safety Rules

Follow these simple rules to safely enjoy your experience at the Wildlife Park.

– You are advised to read carefully the safety instructions on the back of your ticket; these include all fire exits and first aid stations.

– Children under the age of nine must be accompanied by fee-paying adult.

– Never touch any animals unless accompanied by a park ranger on a guided tour.

IELTS General Reading Test

– Guests are reminded that it is strictly forbidden for any animals to be given food or drink under any circumstance, unless on a guided ranger tour.

– If on a guided ranger tour, after feeding animals, it is essential to thoroughly wash hands with the professional cleaning materials provided.

– Food and drink brought in to the park by visitors can only be enjoyed in the clearly marked picnic areas

– It is a requirement that all uneaten food items are disposed of in the yellow bins clearly provided. Alternatively, you are required take them away with you.

IELTS General Reading Test

– If medical attention is required, please notify the nearest available park ranger, or use one of the numerous emergency phones that are highly visible (in purple).

– Double gate entrance points are to be used one gate at a time. (When one gate is open, the other gate has to be closed, so as to prevent animals escaping from their enclosure)

– Place all recyclable litter in the clearly marked purple circular bins and other litter can be discarded in the brown square bins located beside them.

IELTS General Reading Test

– Upon hearing the park fire alarm, follow the signs and immediately walk to the nearest fire exit.

– It is essential to then remain in the fire assembly point outside of that exit gate. – Running is not allowed in the park at any time, as it can be both hazardous and distracting.

– Mobile phones must be set to a low ringing tone at all times so as to not panic any of the animals.

– Flash photography is not welcomed in the park when photographing animals.

IELTS General Reading Test

Write TWO OR THREE WORDS ONLY to complete the sentence.

21. Young children are welcomed in to the park provided that they are supervised by a ……………….. .

22. Apart from when under official guidance, the giving of edible items to any animals is …………….. .

23. The touching of animals can only happen on a ……………….. .

24. If guests do not use the coloured bin for disposing of their food waste, they have the option to ……………….. .

25. If medical assistance is required, one can approach a staff member, or one can find one of the plentiful ……………….. .

26. Next to the square brown trash cans, in the round ones available, people are supposed to dispose of their ……………….. .

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 540

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IELTS General Reading Test

14. C

 15. A

16. F

17. D

18. H

19. B

20. G







IELTS General Reading Test

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