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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 46

Read the text below and answer Question 1-7.
Manchester International Airport:
Check-In Information
Welcome to Manchester International Airport check-in service. Located on the first floor of the airport, the check-in counters process two categories of traveller. Our Domestic Passport Counters are for UK Passport holders and our Overseas Passport Counters process all non-UK resident travellers. The colours of the counter boards are green and blue respectively. To facilitate a smooth arrival, please make sure you report to the appropriate counter.
Check-in desks:
All check-in desks open 2 hours before scheduled departures. No flight guarantees can be given to passengers that check-in within 15 minutes before scheduled flight departure. All passengers must have a valid airline ticket, passport and visa (if required) before reporting to a check-in counter. Please note that the check-in counters will not accept any written confirmation from airlines regarding flight changes unless the change has been endorsed on the ticket. Once processed, travellers are issued with a boarding pass showing aircraft number, scheduled departure time, boarding gate and seat number. Note: for special seating needs, please notify a crew member before your boarding pass is issued.
Luggage information:
All items not being carried on to the plane must be deposited at the check-in counter. All luggage is subject to security checks that include X-ray scanning. Items sensitive to the X-ray process (camera film and some electronic devices) should be declared via the Luggage Declaration Form. These forms are available at the check-in counters or can be collected from airline ticket sales booths. The airport authority will take responsibility for the damage of any item of luggage due to the X-ray scanning process if a Luggage Declaration Form is completed. Once luggage has been deposited at the check-in counter, travellers rece
Live animal transportation:
An Animal Carriage form must be completed. Forms are available at the Office of the Customs Inspector (Suite 1044, North Block of the main airport building). The animal must be in a transport case that has proper ventilation and allows free movement of the animal. Adequate food considerations must also be made for the animal being transported.
Questions 1-7
Complete the sentences below with words taken from the passage.
Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
1. Passengers who want to find check-in counters at the airport must go to the …………… .
2. Passengers without UK Passports should report to counters with …………... boards.
3. Passengers who check in …………… departure may not be able to fly.
4. Before receiving their ……………, special needs travellers must talk with a crew member.
5. A …………... is a kind of insurance against items affected by the security check process.
6. …………… passengers with 30kgs of baggage will pay more.
7. An animal being transported must have enough ……………, air and room to move.
Read the text below and answer questions 8 -14.
Manchester City Council:
Household Waste Management
This leaflet contains guidelines for every household within the Manchester City Council area regarding the disposal of household waste. We hope that all households will strive to implement our 7-phase Waste Management Strategy 2010-2014.
A. All houses are provided with three bins: Red, Yellow and Green. Each bin has dimensions of 1 metre by ¼ metre by ¼ metre. Regular household waste such as food scraps, must be placed in the red bin. Residents must put all their recyclable waste – paper, bottles and cans – into the yellow bin. The green bin is for green waste such as grass, plants or household garden waste.
B. City council waste trucks collect bins on Fridays between 6 am and 4 pm. Each truck will empty each of the three types of bins separately. Bins should be placed outside homes, close to the front door or the driveway of the house before 6 am.
C. Initially, all regular household waste is unloaded from the collection trucks and transported to the Eastern City Land Filling Project. Some of the rubbish collected is used as landfill. It is therefore very important that non-bio-degradable items such as plastic bags and bottles are not placed inside green bins.
D. Containers with recyclable waste are stored inside a warehouse to sell to privately owned companies that specialise in the re-packaging and reuse of used products. Funds generated from the sale of these products are injected into the annual council budget.
E. Containers holding green waste are picked up by the logistics division of the State Fertiliser Department who transport the raw material to their fertiliser factory. There the green waste is converted into fertiliser. The council does not earn anything from this activity as the state-owned factory runs on government subsidies, providing fertiliser to the rural farmers at cost.
F. A quarterly survey is conducted with the assistance of an independent research firm to measure the proportion of all different waste types. The findings are forwarded to the Ministry of Environment. The ministry focuses on the status of non-bio-degradable wastes, which may threaten the environment. The report aims to assist in controlling the flow of non-bio-degradable items into the consumer marketplace.
G. At the end of each financial year the Council alters its plan and operational procedures to meet the changing needs created in waste management. A household survey is conducted annually with a sample size of 25,000 houses to compile household feedback on waste management services.
– Manchester City Council, PO BOX 40 99, MNC, UK –

Questions 8 – 14
Look at the seven phases (A-G) in the waste management strategy.
For which phase are the following statements true?
Write your answers A-G in boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet.
8. An activity that ensures waste management practices are current.
9. A way for the council to create income.
10. Different waste for different bins.
11. The place where all collected rubbish is first taken.
12. Where full bins should be deposited for emptying.
13. A study that is passed on to another government office.
14. Waste is transformed and used to help growth.
1. first floor
2. blue
3. 15 minutes before
4. boarding pass
5. Luggage Declaration Form
6. Economy Class
7. food
8. G
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. F
14. E