BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 527

BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 527

IELTS Academic Reading Test

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

The Red List is an official inventory, compiled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), of species which are in some way endangered. It was first compiled in 1964 and is now the most comprehensive database of information on all species; animals, plants and fungi. The list currently comprises around 100,000 entries and the aim is to reach 160,000 by 2020. Of current entries, nearly 25% are already endangered in some way. The information in the list is used by organisations and governments to plan policies to reduce those numbers.

The list provides an extensive range of information on any given species. The first category is the population, broken down into sub-populations. These numbers are collated regularly by scientists on the ground and numbers which are declining are flagged. By way of an illustration, the tiger is currently stated as having a population of between 2,154 and 3,159. This number is in decline based on data collated from the thirteen countries where tigers still exist.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

Only animals which are capable of reproducing are included in these figures. Other categories reported on include the habitat and ecology – in other words, where and how the species is living and which other species it is interacting with. An animal such as the black rhinoceros relies on trees, bushes and fruit for its survival and any changes to that habitat will have a direct result on their survival.

The survey details any threats to the species, both natural and man-made. Human activities which can have a negative impact include commercial developments, residential housing and mining and drilling. Any building project or extraction of resources from the ground or the sea should be done in a measured, planned way which reduces the risk to all forms of life. Drilling into the sea bed as a way of exploring for oil can cause significant damage to marine life, as can the transportation of the equipment to the drilling site in the first place.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

It is not only industrial operations which can affect animals and plants. Recreational activities such as hiking, camping or snorkelling can all lead to a deterioration of plants and corals. Animals which are not used to humans will not always be keen to share their habitat and will move away. Other animals can be perceived as pests by humans as towns and cities spread into the countryside. The urban fox is an example of an animal which has been forced to live in towns and has become a target for humans keen to eradicate them.

Other factors which can result in species becoming vulnerable include dam construction, river diversion and beachside developments. Any of these can have a detrimental effect on species. The parodia, for example, a kind of flowering cactus endemic to Brazil, has a rapidly declining population, currently set at 2,300 due to a range of activities happening to its natural habitat over the last few years. The plant grows at heights of over 200m and has been affected by quarrying, water management and landslides, which have destroyed large numbers.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

As well as the information already stated, the list collates all current conservation activities as well as recommendations for future plans. As an example of this, the yellow-eyed penguin, a native of New Zealand and Antarctica, currently is perceived as endangered because of the small number of pairs still alive. Females only lay two eggs per year and so the probability of a recovery in numbers is dependent on the strategies put in place.

Regional scientists have set up a monitoring scheme across all known geographical areas, introduced a tagging system to allow closer tracking and developed education programmes for local schools. Areas where the penguins breed and feed have been designated as conservation areas and any dangerous invasive species have been identified. Overall, this constitutes a well-conceived and developed protection plan for the species.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

In terms of endangerment, the list has nine degrees ranging from Extinct (EX), when the species no longer exists (like a dodo), to Data Deficient (DD) meaning that more information is required on this species before a rating can be given. Extinct in the Wild (EW) means that a species still exists in gardens or zoos, but is no longer found in the wild. The strategy in these circumstances might be to reintroduce the species if suitable conditions can be created to aid its future growth.

The three sub categories which make up the endangered category are Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) and Vulnerable (VU) in descending order of urgency. Any species in either of these categories would need a strategic plan conceived to protect it. The other two categories to make up the nine are Near Threatened (NT) and Least Concern (LC).

The continued compilation of the list is a major part of IUCN’s contribution to maintaining the natural balance of the planet. To lose 25% of the planet’s species would be an extremely poor return on human investment over the last hundred years.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

14. Approximately how many current species are endangered?

A. 10,000

B. 25,000

C. 100,000

D. 160,000

15. Data is collated by scientists

A. in 13 countries.

B. who are capable of reproducing.

C. to break down populations and sub-populations.

D. to identify species which are declining.

IELTS Academic Reading Test

16. Natural threats to species include

A. sea-bed drilling to find oil.

B. construction of new housing.

C. other commercial developments.

D. low fruit harvests.

17. According to the text, which of these can not be a threat to coral?

A. hikers

B. campers

C. snorkelers

D. urban foxes

IELTS Academic Reading Test

18. Which of these has not had an impact on the parodia plant?

A. soil erosion

B. invasive species

C. excavation

D. water control


19. What is the target number of species to be recorded by the end of the decade? (Input number without comma)

20. Only animals capable of what are included in the population figures?

21. What system have scientists introduced to help preserve the yellow-eyed penguin?

22. In terms of endangerment, the list has nine degrees ranging from?

23. The other two categories to make up the nine are Near Threatened (NT) and …………….. ?

IELTS Academic Reading Test

Match the species with the threat or action associated with it in the list, A–F. Choose only one letter for each species. You do not have to use all the letters.

Threat / Action

A.    water management

B.    fungal infections

C.    destruction of trees and bushes

D.    regional scientists

E.     water sports

F.     human targeting

24. the black rhinoceros

25. the urban fox

26. the parodia

27. corals

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BEST IELTS Academic Reading Test 527

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14. B

15. D

16. D

17. D

18. B

19. 160,000





24. C

25. F

26. A

27. E

IELTS Academic Reading Test

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