BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th October

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th October


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th October
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th October



What is your full name?

My name is Mansirat Singh.

Can I see your ID?

Of course, here it is.

What do you do?

I recently passed my senior secondary examination with Commerce stream.

Where are you from?

I am from  Mumbai.

How often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]
I am studying to pursue a post-graduation degree at one of the leading Engineering universities in China, and I also work at a shopping mall after my school hours until 9:00 pm. By the time, I arrive home after finishing everything, either it is a bit too late to do anything, or I am just exhausted. Therefore, I don’t really get to watch TV often unless there is a valid reason to do so.

Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]
As I have mentioned earlier, I don’t really have much time to watch TV, but when I do get some time and opportunity, I like to watch “Discovery” and “AXN Asia”. I watch Discovery mainly because it allows me to learn about some of the most amazing and coolest things in the world, and I like watching AXN because it helps me to improve my English by offering subtitles for the contents the channel shows.

Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]
I don’t exactly enjoy watching advertisements on television simply because I think of them as a waste of time. Besides, I also think that most advertisements have poor contents and try to deceive prospective customers into buying something that they don’t need.

Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]
Well, it depends on what kinds of programmes I am watching.  However, having said that, I would say that many programs on television are not good because they offer a few educational perspectives. Even the news shows these days are not “objective” enough to offer the values of “news” and therefore, are not trustworthy. 


Describe something you did with a group of people

You should say:

What the activity was

When and where you did it

Who you were with

And explain how you felt about being part of this group


I would like to describe a person who I had to be friendly to, although I did not really like her. I think this situation is quite common in our lives, especially when we have to act as part of a team.

A couple of months ago, I was assigned to a team at my workplace in order to tackle a big project. As part of the team, I had to cooperate closely with this person. However, we had never really liked each other for several reasons. Firstly, she is much older than I am, so she always thinks she is right and disregards the opinions of others.

I would describe her as both bossy and officious, although she did not have a more senior position than I did in the company. Secondly, I considered her irresponsible because she did not appear to me to pay serious attention to the project. So, although it was supposedly a group project, I ended up working all on my own as much as possible in order to see the task through.

As the work was vital for our company, we had to be successful. I therefore had no choice except to collaborate with her in order to finish the job. I would rather have done all the work alone, but if I had refused to work with her as part of the team, then the evaluation of my job performance would have been affected at the end of the year. So, knowing her personality as I did, I swallowed my pride and tried to be patient.

Despite our many arguments, we completed the task on time. I learned that sometimes people can work together, even though they don’t get on with each other. It just needs a little bit of time and patience to work things out, and each person has to compromise to achieve a common goal.


Do you like group work or group learning?
Yes, group learning/work is certainly enjoyable because it involves sharing of ideas and discussions. Working/Studying alone sometimes can be very boring. However, sometimes it is also irritating especially if some of the team members like talking a lot because then I get distracted.

What are the advantages of studying alone?
The biggest advantage of studying alone undoubtedly is that we can concentrate better. So, it is more efficient to study alone. Another advantage of studying alone is the flexibility it offers. What I mean is that we can study whenever or wherever we want, and we can study at our pace.

What can children learn through teamwork?
The main benefit I feel is children learn how to cooperate and work along with others. This is really beneficial in adult life when people have to work together on projects.

What are the disadvantages of working in a team?
I think, firstly, working in a team can be really inefficient because we have to work at common group speed. Secondly, it sometimes leads to feeling of helplessness if the other members are not very sincere about their work and we are dependent upon them to finish their work.


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