IELTS Listening Band Score
IELTS Listening test consists of 40 questions based on four audio recordings. Find out how your results IELTS Listening band score is calculated.
Your listening test will consist of four audio recordings from various circumstances as the basis for the questions. A chat between two people, a speech from a speech, a conversation between up to four people, and finally a monologue from an academic setting (a university lecture) will all be covered in one recording. Each recording will focus on a different scenario that you might encounter in your daily life.
Your listening test will consist of 40 questions, with one mark awarded for each right response. Your ultimate Listening band score will be determined by adding up all of the right answers. It is imperative that you attempt to respond to every question because a blank response will result in a zero. For example, in order to receive an 8 on the band scale for the Listening test, you must receive a raw score of 35 out of 40. Your IELTS band score will be determined using this score in total.
IELTS Listening score table converter
Number of correct answers (Raw Score) | IELTS Listening Band Score |
39-40 | 9 |
37-38 | 8.5 |
35-36 | 8 |
32-34 | 7.5 |
30-31 | 7 |
26-29 | 6.5 |
23-25 | 6 |
18-22 | 5.5 |
16-17 | 5 |
13-15 | 4.5 |
11-12 | 4 |
Tips to ace the IELTS listening test
Now that you are aware of what to anticipate from your IELTS listening test, it’s time to discover some strategies that will improve your score. One important point that a lot of students forget is to be extra careful with spelling and grammar when copying responses into your answer sheet. Making mistakes can lose you valuable points. Next, some additional advice:
– To help you understand what to focus on when you listen to the recordings, read the provided text and answer the accompanying questions first. Considering that the tape is only played once, you ought to have a good idea of what to concentrate on.
– After giving the recording a thorough listen, begin responding to the related set of questions.
– Certain questions necessitate that you comprehend the full dialogue or speech in its entirety.
– During the response period, it will be easier if you can cross out any answer possibilities with a pencil while you listen to the tape.
– To help you understand what to focus on when you listen to the recordings, read the provided text and answer the accompanying questions first. Considering that the tape is only played once, you ought to have a good idea of what to concentrate on.
– After giving the recording a thorough listen, begin responding to the related set of questions.
– Certain questions necessitate that you comprehend the full dialogue or speech in its entirety.
– During the response period, it will be easier if you can cross out any answer possibilities with a pencil while you listen to the tape.
– IELTS practice sessions are the best way to get acquainted with what you will face on the test day. Regular practice with these enables you to achieve a high IELTS listening score.
– To prepare, Indian students benefit from listening regularly to English language programs of high quality to familiarize themselves with accent, vocabulary, intonation and common usage forms in other countries. Listening to English news or videos or discussions and debates is a great help.
One well-known exam for English language ability is the IELTS. This test is essential for you to take if you wish to study or work overseas because it is accepted in 140 nations. Gaining test-taking expertise is a terrific method to present yourself in the best possible light while applying to universities or jobs outside of India. Make the most of the advice provided here to improve your IELTS listening score in order to guarantee a high band score overall and gain admission to the foreign school of your choice.