The following are some reasons why vocabulary matters: – It adds appeal and potency to your writing and speech. A strong vocabulary with unique words will impress your reader, as using the same words over and over again will bore the reader and lower your score. Strong vocabulary, or more descriptive words, so help the reader visualize what you’ve stated and maintain their interest in what you have to say.
Why it matters for the IELTS, then:-Since vocabulary accounts for 25% of the writing and speaking exam scores on the IELTS, plays a crucial part in reading and listening in addition to writing and speaking exams. Students who succeed in speaking and writing portions, in particular, should have a strong vocabulary. There exist numerous approaches to acquire a versatile vocabulary in English language proficiency. But you have to practice in a manner that seems natural to you.
How can one acquire it?
We use a lot of words in our daily lives to communicate our ideas and messages to others and to help them understand us. As a result, sometimes it is easy for us to communicate our ideas, and other times it might be challenging because we lack the vocabulary to choose the appropriate term in a certain circumstance. So, the IELTS exam experiences a similar situation.
It is important to increase your vocabulary in order to perform better in the writing and speaking sections of the IELTS exam. If your vocabulary is weak, you may use synonyms and repeat words, which can result in a low band score because the examiner is not impressed by your limited knowledge of synonyms.
The process of selecting the best synonyms requires some skill. It is crucial to take the word’s connotation into account because certain synonyms can impart a distinct meaning.
Use synonyms instead of the term “many,” for example, as it is often used in both writing assignments and speaking interviews.
Numerous: a pair of multiplicities of plenty of profusion couples, a multiplicity of diverse, multiple, majority of, myriad, astronomical, plentiful, and certain.
Note: – The quantity for which these are used vary.
1. Certain: – denotes quantity – a few, lots, lots
2. Countless: denotes incalculable, boundless, countless, prodigious, and innumerable
3. Different: denotes diversity, variety, multiplicity, multiple, and diversity.
4. Frequent: – describes a duration of time – Common, recurring, continuous, unceasing.
Therefore, start by learning the correct meaning and application of the words in your vocabulary. Poor band scores will result from word selection errors. Here, we employ additional helpful rare synonyms for everyday terms that can be included in practically any issue.
Peruse the list of synonyms below:-
Good: – gracious, splendid, outstanding, superb, magnificent, virtue
For quality: – superior, satisfactory, adequate
Morally: – virtuous, ethical
Beautiful: – stunning, attractive, pretty
Important: – imperative, significant, vital, indispensable
Old: – antiquated, ancient, obsolete
Rich: – affluent, wealthy, well-off
Valid: – authorized, legitimate
Bad: – adverse, vicious, unsatisfactory, wicked, detrimental effects on our health
Increase: – grow, rise, escalate, soar, surge, climb, swell, expand, augment, hike, amplify, mushroom.
Noun: – growth, enlargement, increment, augmentation
Example: – The budget was augmented by various donations.
Increase (verb): – grow, rise, escalate, surge, climb, swell, expand, augment, hike, amplify, numerous.
Noun: – growth, enlargement, increment, augmentation
Ex: – level of pollution is rising day to day.
Children can expand their knowledge by reading useful books.
(Noun) Growth in population, no doubt is contributing to like the unemployment rate.
Decrease: – decline, fall off, plummet, diminish, dwindle, lessen, curtail, minimize
Ex: – pollution level has been decreasing gradually.
Govt. should take stringent steps to mitigate the menace of global warming.
As a noun: – a decrease in pollution level will help to improve atmosphere.
More other useful synonyms: –
Reduce: – alleviate, mitigate, minimize, lesser
Problem: – issue, obstacle, menace, difficulty, hurdle, hindrance
Stop: – deter, curb
Benefit: – advantage, merit, blessing, pros, boon, profit
Disadvantage: – drawback, snag, blemish, short comings,
Advantageous: – superior, beneficial, fruitful