Affective Tips for IELTS Reading module

Tips for IELTS Reading
Tips for IELTS Reading

Affective Tips for IELTS Reading module

Today we will discuss some affective tips for IELTS Reading module because after writing this is the module which students find difficult to solve. In IELTS Reading students lose their score so the below said tips will help you in maintaining your score in it.

Questions comes in order

There are two main approaches to IELTS reading. The first is to read the passage and then answer the questions and the second is to answer the questions as you read the passage for the first time. People who are fluent in the English and can read fast. But for those who aren’t fluent yet the second strategy can be much more beneficial. In the IELTS reading you can find answers of many questions in the same order as you see the questions. This means that you can read the first question and then read the text until you find the answer. Then read the next question continue reading the passage until you find the next answer and so on. In this case you don’t have to read all the passage attentively which take lot of time. Instead you read the question carefully and then you read quickly ignoring things that you don’t understand perhaps and just looking for that place where the answer is because you don’t spend too much time to understand things which don’t matter.

You have more time to concentrate on sentences that do matter.

There are few types of questions that come in the order like “missing words” It’s also called “fill in the blanks”. In this type of questions you need to choose words which can be one, two or three. You see a gap which you need to fill in with the missing words from the passage. The task may look slightly different as it can be labeled as “complete the table below” or “complete a summary” whatever it is. As soon as you see these gaps you know that you need to find some missing words and the answers in the passage come in the same order as the questions. Moving further, in this question type be careful with the number of words. Sometimes you need to choose one word only and sometimes you need to choose two or three words. So don’t exceed the limit.

The second question type that comes in order is the “true, false, not given” which is used in every test. Here you need to say if the following statement agrees with the information in this passage or not. These questions always come in order and “yes, no, not given” is also the similar type of questions. And in the most of the cases you answer in the sequence wise. However, if you get this task in the end of reading then your answers can be in the whole paragraph. In this case, sometimes your answers don’t start from the beginning of the passages.

Sentences ending also come in order.

In this type of questions you need to complete each sentence with the correct ending. There are some other questions where you need to match information but this is the only one that comes in order. Also, the “multiple choice of questions”:- if you see several questions with three or four options A, B, C, D and you need to select one correct answer these questions comes in order. So you need to focus on these types of questions.

Don’t comes in order

There are some types of questions which don’t come in order. In many cases what you can do instead is to read one paragraph and see answers for any questions then read the next paragraph and so on. So what questions types don’t come in order first one is the “matching information” questions. There are several types of questions where you need to match something and probably the best known is matching headings. Usually this type of questions comes before the passage. Moreover, matching the surname of people, name of scientists, and name of places these types of answers are difficult to find just because you don’t find the answer in orderly. To solve this, you need to find the keywords of question in paragraph then read them one by one from the correct location. It is more easy way to solve these types of questions.

Thank you :-


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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