IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks

IELTS Writing Tips
IELTS Writing Tips

IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks

In IELTS, writing is the module in which most of the students lose their scores due to lack of guidance. They don’t know what can enhance or decrease their scores nor do they follow any tips and tricks that can boost their scores. So today on this article we will discuss some IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks that will help you in getting good scores.  

1. Grammatical Accuracy

Its turn out that there are certain ways that you need to write your essay in order to boost your score. One of those ways is looking at grammar and that’s what examiner going to check in your exam. And there is one which focuses on two things, grammatical range, and grammatical accuracy. These two things are key for boosting your score. The first one is grammatical range means variety of sentence types. You need to use a variety of different sentence type to boost your score and grammatical accuracy means that your sentences are correct and accurate.

2. Find a balance between complexity and accuracy

50 percent of your writing score depend upon your vocabulary and grammar. When examiners assess those they look at complexity and accuracy. You may use big words and complex grammar that would be good for band 8. But if you make frequent mistakes while adding the complexity it may reduce your band score. So try to use complex sentence if you are able to do that. Don’t do experiments during your exam. Just try to use those things which you used during the practice.

3. Know about the exam format

You should know the IELTS test format and specifically for writing you have only 60 minutes to finish both essay and that’s just not enough time. So, you will require some good time management skills. For managing your time, first of all you should split time between task 1 and task 2. And the usual recommendation is to spend 20 minutes on task 1 and 40 minutes on task 2. Because task 2 is longer also it contains 2/3 of your final writing marks and task 1 weight only 1/3. So, that’s what most people do but I know that you really want to spend a bit more than 20 minutes on task 1. To solve this problem you should complete your task 2 first then you should move on task 1. If you finish task 2 less than 40 minutes you can dedicate a bit more than 20 minutes on task 1. So, try to follow this method.

4. Keep referring back to your question throughout your essay

If you go off track and rate something that’s not 100% relevant to the question then you lose your points. So while writing your essay keep reminding yourself about what the question is. First finish the first paragraph then move at the question. Do it again and again in whole task. It’s not a waste of time. It’s a way to get high score for your task response.

5. Do practice before the exam

You need to go through practice and preparation before attending the IELTS examination. Or you can hire a practitioner who can help you to prepare a study plan. Also, you have to focus more on finding out your weaknesses so that you can overcome that. It should not affect your performance on the test day.

This tips and tricks will help you in scoring good scores in IELTS writing but the thing is that you should not skip your practice sessions. Moreover, you cannot master things in a single day so practicing is must.

Thank you :-


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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