Best IELTS Daily Writing & Speaking, 20th April

IELTS Daily Writing & Speaking, 20th April

Academic Writing Task 1:-

Chart A below shows the rate of oil consumption (in millions of barrels) in a small country from 1950 to 2010. Chart B shows the number of people employed in the oil industry in that country, and also the rate of unemployment throughout the country over the same time.
Write a report summarising the information Select and describe the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Daily Writing & Speaking, 20th April
IELTS Daily Writing & Speaking, 20th April

Sample Answer:-

The charts show the progress of oil consumption, oil sector employment and national unemployment in a nation between 1950 and 2010.

Regarding oil consumption, this fluctuated around 20 million barrels per year until 1970, when it rose steadily to reach 40 million in 2000 and around 50 million by 2010. Looking at the data on oil industry jobs, we see that the growth in consumption was matched by a roughly similar threefold trend in employment in that sector. Numbers fluctuated around 1,000 people until 1970, before climbing consistently, passing 1,800 in 1980 and reaching 3,100 in 2010.

However, turning to national unemployment, this figure declined progressively over the entire period, dropping from 4% in 1950 to 3.1% in 1980, and finally arriving at 1.6% by the last year in question.

Overall, we can say that the rise in oil use in this country was reflected in an approximately corresponding rate of growth in people employed in the oil business. At the same time, total unemployment dropped by more than half.

General Writing Task 1:-

You have received a letter from your local video shop claiming that a DVD you rented is now overdue. However, you have already returned the DVD. Write to the video shop. In your letter

  • Tell them which film the letter is about
  • Explain when you returned it
  • Tell them what you would like them to do about the situation

Sample Answer:

Dear Manager,

About one week ago, I rented a film entitled ‘Master of the Seas’, a recent release form your store. As it was only a one night rental, I returned the disc the following day. As your store was closed at the time of the morning that I took the film back, I posted it through the ‘video return’ slot you have on the front door.

This morning, however, I have received a letter from your office claiming that the title has not been returned, and that I now have fines to pay.

Nonetheless, I have been a member of your store for over 6 years, and I am sure your records will verify that I have always returned items on time. Could I ask that you check your inventory once again, and perhaps also check the postal slot where I returned the film, in case it has landed in an obscure position?

With thanks,

Len Binsley

Writing Task 2 (AC+GT):-

Having police officers patrolling the streets is often considered an essential way to reduce crime. How effective do you think police street patrols are? What other ways of reducing crime can you propose?
Give reasons for your answer, and provide ideas and examples from your own experience.

Sample Answer:-

We are all keen to reduce crime wherever possible, and the role of visible policing is a hotly debated part of this. Personally, I feel that street patrols are highly effective, although there are several supplementary methods too.

Regarding the effectiveness of patrols, evidence suggests that an increase in police on the streets leads directly to a drop in crime, especially crimes of violence and robbery. This was the experience of New York when it adopted the ‘zero tolerance’ policy in the 1990s, a high-profile policing tactic which has been extended successfully to many other cities worldwide. When compared to other tactics that have been tried, ranging from citizen patrols to CCTV, there is little doubt that assertive police patrolling is the most effective resource we have.

Turning to other methods, we should supplement police patrols with coordinated action elsewhere in the state. For instance, the courts should be prepared to issue deterrent sentences and prisons should be run strictly. This would help to deter people from committing crimes in the first place. Secondly, we should increase the resources available to the police away from the streets as well, for instance in detective and forensic departments, hopefully ensuring that detection rates are high when crimes do occur. Moreover, individuals and businesses should step up their own security arrangements to complement the police presence. For example, improved locks and lighting are simple measures which can reduce theft and burglary.

All in all, I feel that visible police patrols have been proved to be the most effective way to reduce common crimes. Their effectiveness can be maximized by supporting action from elsewhere in the police and justice system, and by private citizens doing their part as well.

IELTS Speaking Full Interview:-

PART – 1 Intro Part

What is your name?
My name is Simarpreet Kaur.

Can I see your ID?
This is my passport.

Where are you from?
I live in Goa.

Do you work or study?
I have recently completed a master degree in information technology from Pune University.

In your country do people wear hats and caps?
Yes, I’ve seen many people wearing hats or caps, especially in my community when I go to church on Sunday morning. I see elderly people wearing hats and the youth wearing stylish caps.

Do you wear hats and caps?
Sometimes I wear the cap for two reasons. One is when I see the temperature outside is very heated so I try to beat the heat by wearing a cap. Second is sometimes I love wearing different kinds of caps just to look stylish.

Did you wear hats as a child?
Yes, I did. My grandfather was very much fond of wearing stylish and traditional hats. He would take me to church every Sunday morning, and I started following the same culture. He bought me a few hats when I was in school. I’ve treasured them yet and oftentimes I try them as per occasion.

Why do people wear hats and caps?
It’s personal preference, and a lot depends upon the family culture. For instance, my family has traditionally been using the hats and caps so we follow suit. Others might be doing it for beating the heat during the summer time. There is another group of people who want to look stylish and trendy and they might be thinking that wearing hats and caps fulfil their needs.

Do you think it’s mostly for practical reasons or because of fashion?
I guess it has both purposes in some cases. But for me it’s more of a fashion than a practical reason.

PART – 2 Cue Card

Describe an item that you received and made you happy
You should say

  • When you received it
  • What the item was
  • Who gave it to you
  • And explain why you felt happy

Band 8.5 Sample Answer:

I would like to describe a coat my parents gave me as a present on my 18th birthday. I must say that it is really smart and exactly to my liking. The coat is made of cotton only and by a famous clothes brand. It is a knee-length black coat, which was in fashion at that time. What I like the most is that there are two deep side pockets, so in winter, I always put my hands into those pockets to avoid the cold. Besides, I can button the coat from top to bottom and it’s also got a decorative waist belt.

I am so fond of this coat that I usually wear it every winter. It fits me perfectly and makes me feel comfortable and warm, no matter how cold the weather is. I keep myself warm by wearing the coat with jeans and boots, which match it well.

In fact, I have never thought whether it will be out of fashion. As this coat is a gift from my parents, I treasure it a lot and – for sure – I will keep wearing this coat in the future.

PART – 3 Discussion

Why do people give gifts in our society?
“I think people give gifts for many reasons. One of the main ones is to celebrate a significant event [Like what?], such as a anniversary or maybe a graduation. People also like to give gifts to show their appreciation to someone (For what?). I mean if someone has done a good job or helped someone in some way then they might be given a gift as a “thank you”.”

Why do some people like to give hand-made gifts instead of purchasing them in a store?
“I think it’s because something made by hand is more personal than something bought in a store [How?] It shows that the person giving the gift cares about the person and is happy to put in some effort to make something nice for another person. It’s the thought that counts!”

What kind of educational gifts can be given to children?
“Hmmm, I’m not sure about that. Um, I think books are a good gift for children because they are a great way to learn about the world [How?] Books can be about anything. Also, because many children now have a smartphone or internet-connected device, maybe some kind of educational apps would make a good gift.”

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Best IELTS Daily Writing & Speaking, 20th April
Best IELTS Daily Writing & Speaking, 20th April
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4 years ago

It very good how you explain the way it very impressive.

4 years ago

writing and speaking is two good and I’m also teach

4 years ago

Highly appreciated and educating

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