Common Mistakes in IELTS Writing and Speaking

Common Mistakes in IELTS Writing and Speaking
Common Mistakes in IELTS Writing and Speaking

Common Mistakes in IELTS Writing and Speaking

It is commonly seen that the candidates don’t get their desired bands in IELTS Speaking and Writing test and the reason behind is some common mistakes done by the candidates. Speaking and Writing are the modules in which you can score pretty well but only thing is that you should not commit mistakes in them. Today we will have a look on the Common Mistakes done by students in IELTS Writing and Speaking so that you can work on them.

IELTS Writing Mistakes

Getting off the track:

The majority of students lose their sores because of this mistake. It is seen that students often start writing about the subject that is not asked by the examiner. It is mandatory to address the topic of your essay, if you went off the track your scores will automatically deducted.

While addressing the topic you should keep an eye on the content to check whether you are addressing the topic mentioned in the statement accurately. If you think that you are not on the right track stop writing immediately.

Using informal language in the wrong setting:

IELTS writing test demands the formal style but students often get short of formal words or insert some colloquial speech. This test should be written in a formal style and if you used informal style your score will be deducted.

It is also seen that the students use contractions (e.g. isn’t, doesn’t, it’s, etc.) or abbreviations (shortened forms of longer words) which are strictly prohibited in IELTS Writing exam and you will be punished for violating the rules.

Words like gotta (got to), gonna (going to), wanna (want to), etc. are often used in casual speaking, but these are not allowed in your IELTS essay. Even the words like “good” and “bad” should not be used in the writing tasks. Use a wide range of vocabulary that can make your essay impressive so try to learn a smart range of vocabulary which can help increase your score for the Lexical Resource (the range of vocabulary you use on the test). You can use some techniques to learn vocabulary.

The best way to learn formal language is to practice it in daily life communication. Avoid using slangs and contractions in your emails, texts and social media posts. You will see that your language will automatically become formal.

IELTS Speaking Mistakes

Some of the non-native English speakers often unnecessarily  add  “am” in some sentences like they say “I am agree” instead of “I agree” or “I am study” instead of “I study.”

These types of mistakes can easily be identified by the examiner during the IELTS speaking test. The examiner will deduct your scores for this so be well prepared with the grammar structures.

Using lots of filler words:

Fillers words are important to get some time to think for the answer but the overuse of it can be dangerous. Fillers words like: – Uh…, Um…, Well…, So…, I mean, Kind of/sort of are the real threat for your scores.

Trying to write your entire answer in Speaking Part 2:

In Speaking Part 2, you will be given a card with a question and you will be allowed one minute to prepare it.

Some students try to write the whole answer what they will speak but this doesn’t work. It is not possible to write the entire content in just one minute so the better way out is just to write the outline and important words from where you can get an idea of what to speak.

Not making eye contact:

Yet it is a small thing but it can impact a lot on your score. You should maintain an eye contact with the examiner as it shows your confidence and you can monitor the reactions of the examiner and mould your answers accordingly if needed.

 Thank You 🙂


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