BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th March

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th March


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th March
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 16th March



What is your name?

My name is Niharika Pathak.

Can I see your ID?

Sure, this is my passport.

Do you work or study?

I work as an accountant with Kataria motors.

Why did you choose this kind of work?

I always loved numbers and playing with them. When I was a kid, I was very good at arithmetic, and then accountancy. Numbers come to me very naturally; in fact, I loved to do some hard sums in schools, and also helped many of my classmates.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

At the moment, I look after entire accounting section at Kataria motors, Ahmadabad. Our company has expanded by leaps and bounds in the state of Gujarat. I foresee myself working as a chief accountant for the entire state in coming years. If the company expands pan India, I will surely then aim at becoming the head of accounting department at a national level.

Would you like to become a celebrity if you had a chance?

There is no harm dreaming. I guess who doesn’t like to become a celebrity. Yes, I will wait for such a moment in my life.

Why is that?

People know every celebrity, and their all habits. They’re all over in the news all the time. One feels confident and respected being remembered at the national or international level for some good reasons. It’s prefect platform of becoming popular overnight. This is the chief reason that I would like to become a celebrity. However, it’s a wild goose chase for me at the moment.


Describe a book that enjoyed reading because you had to think a lot.

You should say:

– What this book was

– Why you decided to read it

– What reading this book made you think about?

– and explain why you enjoyed reading this book.


Today I am going to talk about “Wonder”, the book that left me with lots of thoughts and emotions after I finished it.

I don’t remember exactly when but there was one time my favorite YouTuber said that “Wonder” was the most engaging book she had ever read. Not long after that, I decided to purchase the book online. And she was right, when I finished “Wonder”, I could not stop thinking about how it inspired and refreshed me.

“Wonder” tells an incredibly moving and inspiring story of a little boy named August, who was born with an extreme facial deformity. When August turned 10, he decided to attend school for the first time. During his school days, though August was harassed and mocked for his “alien” look, he was still lucky enough to have some nice friends as companions. Things got worse when August and his schoolmates went camping for three days. On the second night, August encountered a group of older kids who tried to bully him. Luckily, he was rescued by three boys who were usually mean to him at school. After this incident, August and his friends won a special award for their courage and kindness.

“Wonder” is truly a fast-moving and gripping book that I could hardly put it down. All I could feel after reading this story was the sense of love and goodness. I was also infused with inspiration and appreciation for good things and kind people. I think I would always remember this saying: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind”.


Why do you think Reading is Important?

Reading is important because it helps in developing creativity and imagination. It will enable the reader to develop a better vocabulary and get hold of the language. It will eventually lead to better speaking and listening skills as well since it will instill confidence in the reader. Reading is a great way to learn and explore, and it surely improves the intellect of a person.

Can Storybooks be Ideal Gifts for Children?

Storybooks can definitely be very good gifts for children. They enable children to visualize characters in their minds, which is really helpful in developing creativity. Also, storybooks can impart the knowledge of moral values, culture, tradition, and religion in the mind of children. Also, children who read storybooks are curious and their mental growth is enhanced when they ask questions and get answers.


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