27th February, Best IELTS Writing Speaking Task

27th February, IELTS Writing Speaking Task

Academic Writing Task 1:-

The two bar charts show the proportion of 14-16 year-old students studying a modern foreign language in an English speaking country, and the top three popular foreign languages. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

27th February, IELTS Writing Speaking Task

Sample Answer:-

The given column graphs illustrates the percentage of boys and girls of 14-16 year age group studying foreign languages, and the top three foreign languages opted by those children of an English speaking country. It is clear that more girls than boys studied foreign languages, and French as the most popular out of the three given languages.

Just-under 50% girls and 30% boys studied foreign languages in 1984. This number fell among both genders and in 2007 40% girls and approximately 25% boys were studying foreign languages.

In 1984, French was the most popular language and was studied by 50% students. The percentage of students studying French nearly halved and became about 25% by 2007. German also lost popularity as the proportion of students studying German fell from 20% to 15% over the given period. Spanish was the least popular language in the given two years, but surprisingly it is the only language whose popularity grew over time. In 1984, 5% students Spanish but 10% opted for Spanish in 2007.

Overall, there were maximum French learners and the minimum Spanish learners in the given years.

27th February, Best IELTS Writing Speaking Task

General Writing Task 1:-

You gave your car for regular service and minor repair. You were surprised to see the bill amount. Write a letter to complain the Auto Repair Company.

In your letter

  • Describe about overbilling
  • How it is important for you
  • How you feel and what you want from them

Dear Mr.…………..,

By this letter, I express my sheer disappointment on service and repair bill amount. I received my car yesterday evening, and the bill amount was whopping $300.00.  My invoice number is B467743.

I left my car at your garage yesterday morning. I had a one-to-one discussion with the mechanic named Jason Statham about the work and service that I hoped for. He gave me an estimate of $150 for which we had a deal. I wanted my car to be serviced including oil-and-lube and wheel alignment and balancing job. No way, this pack of jobs costs anyone $300. This is a day-light robbery. Thus, I refuse to pay the said amount. Such auto-repair rip-offs surely have dented my confidence to come back to you for future repairs. I may take up this case to Customer Court if you insist me on paying $300.

I hope to hear you on this matter and hopefully, sanity may prevail.

Sincerely yours,



Whopping (adjective): very big, rip-off (noun): something that is not worth what you pay for it, to dent (verb): to damage somebody’s confidence, reputation, etc., sanity (noun): the state being sensible and reasonable, to prevail (verb): (Of ideas, opinions, etc.) to be accepted, especially after a struggle or an argument

27th February, Best IELTS Writing Speaking Task

Writing Task 2 (AC+GT):-

It is often said that with the coming of new mass communication media like television and internet newspaper is losing its important. Do you agree to this or not?

Sample Answer:-

Main points……………………………

  • Newspaper is not losing its importance.
  • Advantages of electronic media
  • News brought almost instantly
  • News accompanied by visuals
  • Drawbacks-power failure
  • Advantages of newspaper
  • It is low-priced
  • Can be carried and read even during journey
  • Carries not only news, but articles by eminent journalists
  • Gives local news as well
  • Other attractions
  • Conclusion
  • Newspaper will remain with us for years to come!

There was a time when newspaper was the only harbinger of news. But now with the advancement of technology, news are brought to us by television and internet also. This often makes some people think that newspaper is losing its importance. I do not agree with such people.

Of course, electronic media has its own advantages. If offers to us news almost instantly. An event may take place in any part of the world. Television and internet bring us the news almost instantaneously. Moreover, the news is accompanied by visuals. We do not only hear about the happening, we see it too. The drawback is power failure. If there is no electricity, there is no functioning of television or internet.

Newspapers have their own merits. First of all, a newspaper is very moderately priced. With attractive offers by the print media, it becomes all the more light on pocket. Then, we always like to start the day with newspaper reading. Another advantage is that we can carry the newspaper anywhere. We can read it during our journey. Then, newspaper carries not only news, but also editorials and articles by the eminent journalists. The print media dish out to us not only international and national news, but local news also. Then there are colourful advertisements, job vacancies, matrimonials. Newspaper also offers to us entertainment in the form of jokes, cartoons, crossword puzzles, etcetera.

To conclude, my opinion is that newspaper is not losing its importance. It is going to remain a friend of mankind for years to come!

Word Meanings

  • Harbinger            : bringer
  • Instantaneously : at the same time
  • Visuals                  : sights, scenes
  • Merits                  : advantages
  • Eminent               : famous
  • Dish out               : serve, offer

27th February, Best IELTS Writing Speaking Task

IELTS Speaking full Interview:-

PART 1 – Intro part

What is your full name?

I am Mohinder Singh.

Can I see your ID please?

Of course, yes, here it is.

Where are you from?

I am from Ahmadabad.

Do you work or study?

I work with an IT company.

What is considered a typical food in your state?

Gujarat is primarily a place where you see most people are vegetarian due to the influence of Jain vegetarianism. Many communities, however, do include seafood, chicken, and goat in their diet. The cuisine changes with the seasonal availability of vegetables.

Do parents usually have dinner with their children in your country?

Traditionally, Indians have supper together but I don’t know it seems that this culture is under threat for various reasons. If I talk about my family, these days it gets difficult due to different working hours but we do have one meal together. Sometimes dinners are difficult but breakfast is always together. Well, it was about my case but in general, I assume that the same pattern might go. It’s because in the morning there is a high possibility of having food or breakfast together but once you go out of home for your job or study, time files, and it’s difficult to adjust the timing with all.

In your opinion, is it important that parents eat together?

Absolutely, I personally feel it’s very important that parents and children eat together as this is an opportunity to learn and share the personal update. It’s more of a quality time spent with your family.

PART – 2 Cue card:

Describe an unusual or interesting activity you did recently.

You should say,

  • When you  did it
  • Where you did it
  • Who you did it with
  • Why it was interesting

Having read in the magazines and watching programs relating to activities at an old age home last year, few of my likeminded friends and I decided to spend some time at the old age home.

We connected an old age home near to my place and signed up to volunteer for a weekend. At the old age home, they get their daily needs fulfilled but, something was totally missing. It was love and affection. Where would they get this from? This question remained unanswered. When I heard the stories of those neglected old people, it was heart wrenching and dismal. This made me decide to share our time with them.

During our visit, we realized that being an old person was not easy. They were all suffering from relationship pain and loneliness which was wisely seen in their wet eyes. We were under impression that the old age home was for poor families but we saw many deprived people who belonged to well- established families. When we interacted with them, we learnt that all they needed was a little time and an ear to hear. One into this place for a while ago, as none of her family members or friends visited her since she had moved in. during our interaction with her, we sensed that she was looking for her grandchildren in us. She was very loving, caring and animatedly spoke with us throughout our visit making us promise that we would keep visiting her. Although the scenario was sad and depressing, it emotionally fulfilled all of us to have spared time. On our way back home I realized money cannot buy happiness, just a few kind words and time can uplift a neglected soul. I made up my mind that day that in future when I am capable I would open an old age home in the memory of my mother.

PART 3 – Discussion

In your country, is travelling a typical activity that people do during the weekend or in their free time?

Well, it’s not possible to travel every weekend, but- yes – if people have long vacations or weekend, they prefer moving out, relaxing the long weekend holiday with the family. One tries to visit the getaway locations close by, and people have their relatives and friends settled in all parts of the country so whenever there’s an opportunity to pay a visit, they oblige.

Do people have less free time now than in past? (Why?)

Yes, in today’s fast paced world people barely get free time. It’s like a rat race; people are just running from one place to another. The second culprit for this situation is a distance. Cities are ever expanding with roads saturated with countless vehicles leaving the driving or commutation cumbersome and time consuming. This entire situation takes away the precious time of the people, leaving no time for socializing or unwinding for themselves in some cases.

What do children do in their free time in your country?

With the availability of technology and internet, most of the kids are glued to the computer playing games or surfing on the internet. Very few children play outdoors these days. It’s a sad part, unfortunately. They don’t get enough physical exercising these days owing to their wrong choices.

Do you think children should be doing these kinds of things in their free time (why? / why not?)

Whether men or women or kids, free time plays a vital role for everyone as it helps to rejuvenate all. One feels good, fresh and calm and is able to perform better in other activities or at work. Everyone needs the quality life and if defines a lot. Timeout is essential for everyone otherwise people will go mad, especially those women who are housewives. I wonder how they manage their free time.

Should there be the same amount of free time for women and men? [Why? / Why not?]

Whether men or women or kids, free time plays a vital role for everyone as it helps to rejuvenate all. One feels good, fresh and calm and is able to perform better in other activities or at work. Everyone needs the quality life and it defines a lot. Timeout is essential for everyone otherwise people will go mad, especially those women who are housewives. I wonder how they manage their free time.

In your opinion, are computers important?

I think we cannot do without computers these days. Like it or lump it, the entire system will collapse. Computers are used everywhere- in schools, government offices, hospitals, laboratories and all other businesses. People like us use the compute r for communicating by means of social media. All sectors of today’s economy run on computers virtually. They’re undeniably important in this modern era.

Do you use a computer often?

Yes I do. Though I’m a very critic of the computer on many occasions, I cannot do without a computer because of its usefulness. It’s simply the wave of the future. This device has changed the way I work, live and to some extent the way I think also.

What kinds of things do you use your computer for?

There’s one thing which is very convenient for me is that I can talk or chat with family and friends who are not in India by using Google talk and yahoo messenger, and it’s not expensive at all. I also use the computer for work and pleasure both.

27th February, Best IELTS Writing Speaking Task

20th February, IELTS Daily Task

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27th February, Best IELTS Writing Speaking Task

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5 years ago

Indeed, you have done a good job. More power to your elbow. As you desire to make us succeed in our ambitions, God will prosper you. Amen

5 years ago

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It is very nice website

5 years ago

This lis a very good study material for all those aspiring IELTS students who are qualifying for this exam.

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