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24th March, Useful IELTS Writing & Speaking Tasks
Academic Writing Task 1:-
The bar graph shows information on salary levels seen among men and women in Utopia. Summarize the information be selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample Answer:-
The bar chart categorizes the male and female population of Utopia into eighteen, based on their remuneration.
At a glance it is seen that women in the income group of $ 35,000-39,000 number the most at 500,000. They are immediately followed by women in the $40,000-44,000 scale at a marginally lower number. The largest numbers among men also belong to these two categories at around 480,000 and 47,000, respectively. What is interesting to note is that, all along towards the top of the pyramid, the number of the fair sex in all income groups is greater than that of men. Almost same in the case towards at the bottom of the graph, except in the cases ranging from $ 1,000-4,000 to $ 15,000-19,000, where men are found to have a slight advantage.
To sum up, as the income increases, the numbers of both the male and female are found decreasing, more or less slowly and steadily. Another outstanding fact is that the lower income groups far outnumber the upper starta.
General Writing Task 1:-
You would like to buy some electrical goods at a shop in a nearby town. Write a letter to the shop and ask if they have the things you want or whether they will be able to order them. Ask them the prices are how long they will be able to hold the goods for you.
Sample Answer –
I am in need of some electrical items which I have been able to procure in my town. I understand you are a reputed form dealing in all sorts of electrical and electronic goods and that you would most probably be able to supply them. I am enclosing a list of items that I require. Please go through the same and let me know if you can supply all of them. The only item that I think you may not have is the PS2 cable for computer networking. Let me know per return of post what all itemsyou can supply and their prices. Since my requirement is substantial, I am sure, you would charge me only at wholesale rates. If there are any items that you do not have stock of, could you please procure them from your suppliers?
Lastly, how long would you be able to reserve the goods for me since I would be able to visit your town only after a week or ten days?
Yours faithfully,
Writing Task 2 (AC+GT) –
People can no longer expect a job for life. What should individuals and governments do to prepare the current and future environments for different working conditions?
Sample Answer:-
A lifetime job, which is becoming outdated has created new challenges for individuals, employers and governments. There are quite a number of reasons for this worldwide phenomenon such as the advent of computers and the internet, which has revolutionized the work culture. Brain drain, outsourcing, and telecommunicating are its outcomes. All these require that an individual needs to be constantly upgraded. This essay offers some possible ways by which people and governments can create an environment conductive for work, when long term jobs are becoming things of the past.
The first solution to this problem is for employees to get trained to be multiskilled. For example, acquiring new skills in order to be successful in the new job market is* now possible to people more than ever before thanks to distance learning and e-learning. If an employee is good at different jobs, he doesn’t have to be unemployed.
The second solution lies in taking care of one’s own financial matters. For instance, in the absence of a lifetime job, a guarantee pension and other benefits associated with it vanish for hood. The habit of saving some bread for the morrow comes* handy in facing the new atmosphere with confidence. Governments must also contributes their share to the amount of saving of people.
Finally, there is always light at the end of the tunnel; to paraphrase, every problem is an opportunity. Since trying to resist change invites* inevitable failure, we should be wise and proactive to face thetrialsand tribulations of life. Freedom to do different jobs might prove to be better than doing the same job for life.
IELTS Speaking Full Interview:-
Part – 1
What is your full name?
My name is Mukti Das.
Can I see your ID?
Yes, Sir. With pleasure, this is my passport.
Where are you from?
I’m from India, presently living in Mumbai.
Do you work or study?
I ma doing masters in Professional Accounting at Deakin University.
Let’s talk about music, what sort of music do you usually enjoy listening?
Music is a medication to soul. My day starts with music and ends with it. It soothes, calms, comforts and uplifts the soul. It’s a universal healer. I listen to soft rock, Sufi music, old songs and old country classics.
Has the kind of music you like changed over the years?
Yes, the kind of music I used to has changed but all sorts of music genres (=category, class) are available nowadays on the internet. These days music is too loud, very techno types. I personally feel music should calm you, give you joy and bring peace to your soul.
Do you prefer listening to live music or recorded music?
I prefer the recorded music as there’sno disturbance and you can enjoy it at your convenience. In this studio, every bit of music detailing is taken care which results into a worthwhile listening experience. In live music, more than music, you enjoy beholding (=seeing) the singer because of some reason, either you like him or follow him for all good reasons in life.
Do you think listening to music helps you study?
We’ve grown listening to lullabies (= cradle song) and nursery rhymes. When a child cries, a piece of good music is a natural pacifier and he may immediately stop crying so music is a healer. Music can enliven and enrich the lives of children and the people who care for them. Music does help to concentrate studies. Whenever I get bored from the extensive reading, I listen to music just to unwind myself before I get back to my studies.
PART – 2 Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you had a kind of food for first time?
- When you had it
- Where ate it
- What it was
And how you felt about it
Sample Answer:-
I am about to recall(= remember, recollect) an incident of trying a kind of food first time. It’s hard to remember such experience but I will try to justify this question. I remember it was year 10 of my school when I tried a thin crust pizza the very first time.
My friends and I had some pocket money, and we went to Pizza Hut, which opened near our school, just couple of blocks away. Yet I remember we heard about a lunch offer caller ‘Happy Hours’ introduction by Pizza Hut then. The full lunch offer was at 120 INR and on top of it, one of my friends procured (=secure, get) ‘Pizza Hut coupons’ that got us an additional 10% discount on our bill amount.
It was the thin crust Pizza that I tried first time ever. Before this experience, I had Pizza with a soft base but never tried a thin crust multigrain Pizza. It was a buffer that included various kinds of Pizza slices, Paste, Salad, Breadsticks, Drink and Desserts.
The meal was scrumptious (= delicious). The moment I see or think of having pizza, it drools (= desire). The regular pizza with a soft base was something that I always craved for (=feel a powerful desire for something) and believed that it would not be replaced ever in terms of taste. I was wrong during all those years. This thin crust pizza was a kind of paradigm shift (= a fundamental change in approach) and today, based on my mood for food, I frequently switch to each other.
PART – 3 Discussion
Do you like to try new food?
It goes without saying because I am a foodie. Whenever I go, especially out of my town, state or country, I am mad keen (= extremely enthusiastic) on trying new and local delicacies. It’s always fun and enlightening to try new cuisines. There’s no better job than to be a beneficiary of tasting foods of different cultures.
What kinds of multi-cuisine foods are popular in your country?
India is a vast melting pot (= a place where different people, styles, theories, etc. Are mixed together) of unique and different cultures, and its restaurants cater to every palette (= a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colours) ! In India, the taste for multi cuisine foods has developed. We’ve several restaurants across the country that offers Chinese Thai, Japanese, Asia, European and Indian foods. Over the years, I believe the Chinese food has made its mark (= attain recognition or distinction) on the food industry.
Do you like to cook at home?
As a matter of fact, I don’t like to cook because I guess I’m not good at it. The second thought prevails (= persuade to do something) on my mind is you really don’t enjoy the food when you yourself cook it. It’s always a joy to relish the food cooked by others or especially by mother.
Is it expensive to eat out in your country?
It was not expensive some years back but of late the price of everything that includes your restaurants bills has skyrocketed (= go up dramatically, increase). It has become expensive for sure. But again it depends where you want to eat. The street food is a value for money at the same time, you may run the risk of encountering food poisoning, too. For instance, the food at the popular restaurants or hotels can make a big hole in your savings (= use a large amount of).
What is the difference between Indian and Western food?
The basic difference between Indian and Western food is their taste. The Indian food is more of inclusion of spices, herbs, and fried dishes whereas the western food is an otherwise. People in the western countries prefer to eat barbeque, roasted, entree, salads, pastas, and like that. Indians more or less eat fry-ups (= fried food) and go for a nosh-up (= a large meal).
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