2 Tips that can rocket your IELTS Reading Band to 8

2 Tips that can rocket your IELTS Reading Band to 8
2 Tips that can rocket your IELTS Reading Band to 8

2 Tips that can rocket your IELTS Reading Band to 8

Band 8 in IELTS reading is a dream sore of every IELTS aspirant and it seems to be Hercules task. There is no doubt that scoring 8 or more in IELTS reading is very difficult but it can be achieved by concentration and following some strategies and sound knowledge of how to approach   different question types. So if you are targeting to score 8 bands in reading let me tell you that you need 35 correct answers in Academic exam to hit your target that means you can only afford 5 mistakes in your exam. On the other hand if you are an aspirant of IELTS General Training you need 37 correct answers which means only 3 wrong answers can be managed to achieve 8 bands. IELTS candidates who successfully scores Band 9 are loaded with some extremely useful tips that can be easily implemented on the exam day and helps to get high band score in IELTS reading. So let’s discuss main 2 Tips that can rocket your IELTS Reading Band to 8.

Reading and Answering Questions side by side

Being an IELTS aspirant the first thing you should know is that the answers from the passage are in the order of questions and they are not shuffled. For example if the answer of question 1 is in the paragraph 2 the answer of question 2 will be in paragraph 3 and will not be in paragraph 1 before the answer of question 1. This thing can save your time as you can adopt an excellent strategy that really works to score high in IELTS reading and this strategy is easy enough to understand and implement in the exam. The strategy is Reading and Answering Questions side by side

In this strategy it is recommended to read the first question and then start skimming and scanning the paragraph suppose you find the answer in paragraph 2 note it on your answer sheet. Now go to question 2 read it carefully and start searching its answer from where you had stopped. By adopting this strategy you will not have to read the paragraph again and again and find the answers quickly. This is a time saving strategy and you will never leave any question unanswered or go with guess work to complete the task just because you ran out of time.

Marking Answers in the Reading Passage

There is another strategy which many candidates find effective that is to mark answers in your reading passage first than copying them to the answer sheet at the end of the exam but this strategy consume almost double time as one have to write the answers twice. In IELTS reading exam not only minutes but even seconds are precious and one cannot afford to lose a single second in the test.

Well we cannot say that this strategy is worthless and cannot be used anywhere. This strategy can be a blessing for people who feel distracted while writing answers on the answer sheet but this strategy is good for some question types like short answers, summary completion, flow chart, diagram labelling, fill-ups etc.. The thing is you can implement this strategy in those question types where the answers are in words so to implement it you can write the answers on the question sheet and as soon as you complete the section copy it n the answer sheet and don’t wait to complete the whole test. The reason behind is you never get any extra time to copy your answers in reading test and if you linger to copy all the answers at the end of the exam and by chance you ran out of time than your answer sheet will be sent blank.

Thank You 🙂


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2 Tips that can rocket your IELTS Reading Band to 8
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